Prepare your work outside; get everything ready for yourself in the field, and after that build your
house. -Proverbs 24:27
Are you like Isabella and me? Have you been waiting and waiting and waiting? The sermon
series on the Olympics is in its 4th week and FINALLY THE OLYMPICS HAVE BEGUN! I kept
googling “when do the Olympics start?” because I was sure all the hype and inspiration I felt at
RCPC must mean the games are starting soon!
Are you a fan of the Olympics? Which do you like better, the summer games or the winter
games? I bet you can guess which Isabella likes best … yes … the winter games. But do you
know my favorite? It is the opposite … the summer games! In case you did not know (although
many of you do) … I was a swimmer.
Prepare, prepare, prepare! I spent my mornings and afternoons in the pool preparing … honing,
toning, and finessing my body, mind, and heart to be ready for the big day, the big event, the
qualifying moment, the race of a lifetime!
I was a competitive year-round swimmer from age 7 to 17. And really the years where I was
very serious about swimming were ages 10 to 16, just 6 years of great intensity. But all that
practice preparing, preparing, and preparing has carried over into the other years of my life. My
fins and flippers have turned back into hands and feet, BUT LIFE IS STILL FULL OF
We all spend a lot of time preparing for something! That certainly holds true here at the church.
We have a staff retreat and prepare for the year ahead, we harvest the God Alive Garden,
preparing to feed the hungry, we distribute the West End school supplies to prepare young
people for the school year, Hometown Mission youth prepare to reach out into our community,
we prepare to welcome 53 kids into our church for a week of praising God at Bible and Music
But what happens next is up to God. Children will grow up and remember the God Alive
Garden, what will God do with that? The youth made connections in our community, what will
God do with that? Children, youth, and adults will sing, play, and learn this week at Bible and
Music Camp, what will God do with that? We may not know what all that preparing and building
leads to … but God does!
I am no longer a swimmer. I try to show off once in a while when I am in a body of water, but it
hurts way more than it used to! And all my trophies, medals, and ribbons are long gone. But
what remains is what God built from that part of my life. What lasted was the joy of loving a
beautiful sport and a determination, fostered in the pool, which appears in other parts of my life.
So when I see those swimmers on the block in Paris or the kids in the pews at Bible and Music
Camp, I wonder what God might be building. We are hard at work, those athletes are hard at
work, Bible and Music Campers are hard at work (and play) and so is God!
God of all that is good, take what we do, achieve, learn, prepare, and hone, and build it into
something bigger than we ever expected. May the house we build become your house and may
the garden we prepare with you spread far and wide. Amen!
-Leigh Sackett, Director of Christian Education