February 12, 2024

Worship Service Times

9:00 AM - Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream

Baby & Toddler Nursery is available

Podcast January Herald

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Weekly Devotional

For we did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.  He received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” We ourselves heard this voice that came from heaven when we were with him on the sacred mountain. We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn and the morning star rises in your hearts.  

2 Peter 1:16-19

I enjoy hearing a good fish tale. Whoever is telling the story is adamant about how big the fish was and the length of time it took to net it. I hear phrases of “you should have seen it!” and “I’m not kidding, this sucker was massive!”.  The third time around hearing it, the fish has gained 10 oz. and the fight is an hour longer than originally told.

The story is amusing, and I take it with a grain of salt. Occasionally I get to fish the same spot the storied fish was snagged. I go the same time of day or the same outgoing/incoming tide.  The time of year is the same as well as the water temp. I use the same bait that was used by the storyteller. I am eager with excitement for my supposed one-hour battle with a finned beast.  The ending result is sometimes a decent fish, or a pesky crab, a skate, or even nothing.  Nothing like what is described in the fish tail. I guess I am not holding my mouth right. 

In Peter 2 of scripture, Peter is writing that scripture and the tale of the coming of Christ is nothing like an amusing fish catching story. It is not a fable told by man through time or a well thought of idea that could happen. Peter assures us that the scripture is truth. He tells us in two ways. He writes that he was a witness on the mountain when Gods voice echoed down. Peter then brings up the fact that the prophecies in the Old Testament about Gods truths have in fact come true.  We are to trust these written words and not take it as a fictional novel. It is Gods words given through people to us in the form of scripture.

Let us read Peters words with open hearts and take them as truth. As we do so, we have the assurance we will not catch a skate, or a pesky crab. We will catch “The Morning Star” shining bright in our hearts. Let us have assurance from scripture that we will all be in the bright Glory Light of Christ once again. As we follow scripture and receive the shining light; love, help one another, and have fun making your own fish tales. 

-Hunter Moore, Elder

Fellowship & Community Happenings

Centennial Celebrations

May 17—19, 2024

We celebrate 100 years as a church in 2024! Join us over Pentecost weekend as we celebrate the Holy Spirit breathing still through the church. We will be joined by former members, former staff members, special guests, and a host of celebratory opportunities. Invitations are in the mail and will be arriving soon. Reservations for the Friday dinner are required, a reply card and return envelope are included with the invitation.

• Friday, May 17 - Elegant Dinner and Concert

• Saturday, May 18 - Centennial Carnival

• Sunday, May 19 - Chapel worship service (9:00 AM) in the style of worship from 1924

• Sunday, May 19 - Sanctuary worship service (11:00 AM) will celebrate the many milestones of our life at RCPC

Committee members ask that current members invite grown/adult children, those in college, working away from Roanoke, etc, and if you have any names of former members to include in the invite list please email Molly Koon at mgkoon48@gmail.com

The RCPC Variety Show is back on Wednesday, February 21, immediately following Fellowship Dinner this year, at 7:00 PM. We’ve had a lot of great participation the last few years, including funny skits, musical acts, and poems (and a lot of talented families, on stage together!) Register your act by Wednesday, February 14 online at tinyurl.com/RCPCVarietyShow2024 on the paper form in the Gathering Area. Those with questions can contact Jeff Bossert at jbossert71@outlook.com.

Variety Show Registration

Black History Month

Justice, Equity, and Belonging Mission Group

Elected in 2015, Bishop Michael Curry is the first African American to serve as presiding bishop and primate of the Episcopal Church. He is also the first African American to serve as bishop of a southern state, North Carolina. He has written five books about the power of love to bring forth racial equity and justice.

Bishop Curry writes, “If love is your purpose, it means praying through participation in the life of our government and society…Through fashioning a civic order that reflects goodness, justice, and compassion and the very heart and dream of God for all of God’s children and God’s creation.”  We are to pray. However, prayer includes participation in the issues of the day such as gun violence, protecting the environment, affordable housing, minimum wage, etc., issues that disproportionately impact Black citizens.     

Bishop Curry believes the church must always maintain partisan neutrality, “We don’t tell people how to vote. That’s not our job. Everybody must make that decision based on their own conscience. But partisan neutrality does not mean moral neutrality. The church must always be a moral voice for what is good, for what is kind, for what is just, for what is loving. That’s the nature of the church. That’s Jesus of Nazareth.” 

Micah 6:8. He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.

-Maureen Guelzow

The Peaks Presbytery is offering a Zoom Bible Study for 3 weeks each Monday from February 12 to 26, and people can join at either 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM or from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM. Zoom information will be available closer to the first session.

Capital Campaign & Renovation Project Update

The renovation project highlight video outlines the renovations to our building that have taken place since 2022 . Below is a link to a document about the overall building project and financial picture for the church. Please review all of the materials and consider how God is calling you to respond.

Overall Building Project: http://tinyurl.com/RCPCRenovationSummary

Our Response:


Our Response

You’re invited to step in from the cold and enjoy a morning of Pickleball in the RCPC Fellowship Hall on Saturday, February 17 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM/Noon. Come in and play, or try your hand at it, or come in for fellowship and cheer on those playing.

Social Media Fast

"What are you giving up for Lent?" A Christian tradition is to give up something for the forty days of Lent, to help us remember our reliance on God and to strengthen our connection with our savior. This year, as we look at Jesus as Fully Human, we are inviting you step back from your digital existence and live with eyes lifted, ears open, and hands reaching toward others. We are inviting you to take a fast from Social Media in Lent. This would be a break from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), TikTok, Snapchat, and other media like this. We will not be posting things on the church accounts during this season either. Perhaps we will come to know ourselves, others, and God more deeply in this time of increased attention to the present moment around us.

Fellowship Dinners

Join us this Wednesday at 5:30 PM for our weekly Fellowship Dinners. Join us for $8/person or $25/family. Bring your own containers if you need takeout. Sign-up by Tuesday at Noon either online at rcpres.org/dinner or on the paper form in the Gathering Area.

Menu for February 14: Brunswick Stew, Salad Bar, Homemade Bread, Alt Veggie Stew, Dessert Strawberry Cake

Takeout Meals: In our efforts to become an Earth Care Church, the Fellowship Committee asks you to please bring your own container if you would like a takeout meal on Wednesday nights. We thank you for your help with this.

Volunteers are always needed to help with various tasks including set-up, clean-up, serving, check-in,

and transporting leftovers to RAM House. Details and dates at the link below.

Fellowship Dinner Registration
Fellowship Dinner Volunteer

All RCPC Presbyterian Women

Join us for Women, Wine, and the Word at Ellen Austin's home on Friday, February 16, at 6:30 PM. As our church focuses on deepening our connections to one another, we invite RCPC women to join us for a relaxed evening of conversation and fellowship. Please bring a heavy hors d'oeuvres to share. RSVP to Ellen at ebaustin11@gmail.com by Sunday, February 11, or on the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area.

Looking ahead - please save these dates for our upcoming PW events:

  • March 23, 10:00 am: Brunch and Blooms (flower arranging)
  • April 28, after 11:00 am worship: Hike (trail to be announced)
  • June 21, 5:30 pm: Poolside Party

Next monthly meeting: Tuesday, February 13 at 10:15 AM in the RCPC Fellowship Hall.

Christian Education & Worship

Sign-Up for the Daily Devotionals

Lenten Devotional & Guidebook

The season of Lent is right around the corner! It is our desire that in this season of Lent you feel the presence of the Risen Lord alongside you throughout your journey. To enrich your Lenten days, your friends have written daily Lenten devotionals. You will find this Devotional book in the gathering area on the desk. Please take one per family or you can subscribe to receive each devotional daily through email at rcpres.org/blog.

You will also find on the gathering area desk a Lenten Guidebook with activities for all ages - adults, youth, children, families and single individuals. This year's Lenten Guide focuses on exploring "words" and of course the Word. It also shares with you the many other ways we will walk together as a church community this Lenten season.

Download the Guidebook

Ash Wednesday & Lent Communion Services

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, February 14

Fellowship Dinner at 5:30 PM - Fellowship Hall

Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30 PM - Chapel

Wednesday Morning Communion in Lent

Join us in the Chapel during the Lenten season each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM for a time of reflection, scripture, music, and eucharist. As we walk with Jesus to Jerusalem and his cross, we prepare ourselves by coming to him to receive life in the bread and in the cup. You are then invited to stay after the thirty-minute service for a time of fellowship and shared breakfast and coffee. Eucharist, Word, Community. Let us learn from Jesus what it means to be Fully Human. 

Fully Human

Sermon Series: February 14 - March 17

There are many ways that we try and understand our humanity. We look at the stories of human history and derive truths about our existence. We study biology and social sciences to find out how our bodies work and how civilization develops. Politics operates from basic assumptions of human nature and what responsibility human beings have toward each other. But what does it mean to understand our humanity as Christian people? How do we understand our humanity if we begin with God and not with ourselves? This Lent, we will see how Jesus, the Fully Human One, redefines history, glory, sovereignty, freedom, and service. And we might just find our Full Humanity in him.

February 14: Ash Wednesday

February 18: Psalm 25:1-10 & Mark 1:9-15

February 25: Psalm 22:23-31 & Mark 8:31-38

March 3: Mark 9:14-20

March 10: Mark 10:17-30

March 17: Mark 10:32-44

Adult Small Groups

The Small Group lessons are based on the Sunday sermons and scripture. Being part of a Small Group is an experience rich in personal connection and spiritual growth. Small Groups discuss what is shared in worship, therefore the experience of worship is more deeply ingrained in our minds and hearts. As we contemplate it all together the concepts take root and our faith grows!


Monday 10:30 AM-12:00 PM - Andrew Whaley, Room 102

Tuesday 4:00 PM-5:30 PM - David Dixon, Room 201

Tuesday 8:00 PM-9:30 PM - Emilie Biddle, The Parlor

Wednesday 7:00 PM-8:30 PM - Leigh Sackett, Room 102

Thursday 10:30 AM-12:00 PM - Elise Hansard, Room 101

Adult Sunday School Offerings:

February 18-March 24

Full class descriptions available at rcpres.org/adult-education

The Seekers: Lenten DVD Study - Savior, What the Bible Says About the Cross

The cross is the central symbol of the Christian faith. But what exactly did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Why was the cross necessary, and what does it mean for us today? In Savior: What the Bible Says About the Cross, Magrey deVega faithfully describes the need for reconciliation between humankind and a holy God through Jesus’ death on the cross. The Bible uses many images to understand the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection, and deVega guides us through these images to achieve a richer understanding of the Christian faith. By exploring the mystery of salvation through the cross, we can deepen our love for God and others and strengthen our commitment to follow Jesus.

Led by Nancy Ayling & David Dixon | Room 201


Parent as a Verb

By request and popular demand the Parent as a Verb class will continue throughout the winter and spring! This class engages in proactive strategies and ideas for learning limits, focuses on child development and what to expect as well as how to navigate the unexpected, explores ways to connect children with church and faith life, and shares in the ways to enjoy the many different seasons of parenting.


Taste and See — A Lenten Poetry Study

Journey with us in word and rhythm through the Lenten season. We will study Lenten poetry and write our own poetry for this time of repentance, reflection, renewal, and finally, out of the darkness, rejoicing!

Look on the heart by sorrow broken,

Look on the tears by sinners shed;

And be Thy feast to us the token,

That by Thy grace our souls are fed.

From Bread of the World, In Mercy Broken by Reginald Heber

Led by Leigh Sackett | Room 101

Opportunity for Generosity & Mission Updates

Opportunity for Generosity - Beginning February 18 2024

Alms for The Presbyterian Community Center

This Lenten season you are invited to participate in the ancient spiritual practice of collecting alms. Throughout Christianity, faithful followers have given to the poor. As a Church family, we will collectively practice this by giving to the food pantry at the Presbyterian Community Center. Each week, there are different items to shop for and then bring to Church on Sunday to support the PCC. We bring these items each week rather than all at once to get ourselves in the spiritual rhythm of giving regularly so that beyond Lent this can be our regular practice. As a family, you can put out a cardboard box in your house labeling it "The Giving Box" and perhaps decorating it together so each week after shopping you have a spot where the items are collected and can be remembered to come back to church. This can make the practice accessible for disciples of all ages.

Here's what we will collect each week for the PCC:

• Week 1 (2/18) - Tomato Soup and Crackers (Souper Bowl Sunday brings in much more than Chicken Noodle Soup!)

• Week 2 (2/25) - Pancake Mixes and Boxes of Cereal

• Week 3 (3/3) - Canned Chicken, Tuna, Salmon

• Week 4 (3/10) - Dessert Mixes and Pudding/Jello, Easter Candy

• Week 5 (3/17) - Assorted Canned Fruit & Spaghetti Sauces

• Week 6 (3/24) - Kroger Gift Card $10, $15 or $20 to be given out during Holy Week with Food Orders to support families receiving an extra Easter Treat they get to pick out for themselves. 

House of Bread Bake Sale

One more chance to get some House of Bread goodies before the end of our winter session! We'll be at Covenant Presbyterian (1831 Deyerle Road) from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM on Wednesday, February 14 selling Cinnamon Sweet Rolls, Sharp Cheddar Bread, Maple Coconut Granola and Chocolate Chip Cookies. It's only a couple miles down the road so swing by and see us on your way to the RCPC fellowship dinner and Ash Wednesday service.

Children's Worship Doodle Bags

If you have extra small notepads around your house or received them in the mail,from solicitors, consider donating them to be used in the children's new Worship Doodle Bags. These little pads give our children something to write on during worship. Children have a great capacity to listen and draw at the same time! You may put these notepads in Susan Kessler's Elder box by the office. Thank you!

Pledge Cards

Please turn in your pledge cards either in the basket in the Gathering Area or mailing it to RCPC if you have not done so already. You can also pledge online at rcpres.org/pledge.

Financial Commitment for 2024

Together in Prayer

Prayer Requests

Dawn Blakeman, Brendan Brown (Kathy and Les Brown's grandson), Jim & Janet Davis, Billy Grove, Susan Lindstrom, Bruce Loving, Megan Mallare (friend of Kathy Grove), Garland Parry, and all caregivers.

(Prayers request as of Friday, February 9. Names in bold indicate an addition to the prayer list this week.)

This Week @ RCPC

Birthdays: February 12-18

2/14 JoAnne Baldwin, George Feuerstein, Eric Lawson, Jerry Wertz

2/15 Kathy Grove, Christopher Shaver

2/16 Mary Alcoke, Sophie Elizabeth Franklin

2/17 Susan Lovern, Dillon Swanson

Monday, February 12

9:00 AM - Preschool

10:00 AM - Centering Prayer at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church

10:00 AM - Monday Morning Prayer Group

10:30 AM - Small Group: Whaley

6:30 PM - Cub Scouts

7:00 PM - BSA Troop 2

Tuesday, February 13

9:00 AM - Preschool

9:00 AM - Staff Meeting

10:15 AM - Presbyterian Women

10:30 AM - Primary Purpose: AA

4:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon

5:30 PM - Tai Chi

6:45 PM - Eagle Board of Review

8:00 PM - Small Group: Biddle

Wednesday, February 14

Ash Wednesday

9:00 AM - Preschool

12:15 PM - Preschool Staff Meeting/Planning

4:00 PM - God Alive

5:30 PM - Fellowship Dinner - Fellowship Hall

6:30 PM - Ash Wednesday Service - Chapel

7:30 PM - Confirmation Class

7:45 PM - Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Thursday, February 15

9:00 AM - Preschool

9:00 AM - Presbytery of the Peaks Meeting - Zoom

10:30 AM - Small Group: Hansard

10:30 AM - Primary Purpose: AA

5:30 PM - Tai Chi

6:30 PM - Hip Sober Chicks


Friday, February 16

NO Preschool

11:45 AM - Al-Anon

Saturday, February 17

10:00 AM - Pickleball Event - Fellowship Hall

Sunday, February 18 - Lent

9:00 AM - Worship – Chapel

10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Worship – Sanctuary

12:15 PM - Visitation Committee

5:15 PM - Youth Music

6:00 PM - Youth Group

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The Herald - Deadline for Articles: 10th of each month

This Week @ RCPC - Deadline for Articles: Wednesday of each week

Send submissions for The Herald and This Week @ RCPC to Julie Satterwhite 

Video Board in the Gathering Area - Send Information to Carole Banks