September 8, 2023 / 22 Elul 5783
Parsha Nitzavim-Vayelech » 7:25 pm Candle Lighting
This Week @ AYA
There's a rabbinic saying, כל התחלות קשות– "All beginnings are hard." Yet, as I reflect upon our school's initial weeks, a more fitting sentiment comes to mind.

Although beginnings may inherently be challenging, התחלות משותפות – shared beginnings, make our journey not only more bearable but also deeply meaningful, lighter in some way.

Our community's vibrancy during these initial weeks has been nothing short of inspiring. Walking through the hallways, I have been privileged to feel a palpable energy. I see smiling parents at carpool, witness the launch of our ATID personalized learning initiative, and feel inspired by the pre-Shabbat ruach and signing echoing through the halls of every division. 

Our parsha this week starts off with what seems like a repetition regarding unity and togetherness. "Atem nitzavim hayom kulchem,”; You are all standing here today; all of you. Why not just say “Atem nitzavim hayom”? You are all standing here today.

I believe the Torah is subtly emphasizing two important lessons that are particularly prevalent at AYA:

  1. Inclusivity: Directly after this verse, the Torah delineates various socio-economic strata, reminding us that every individual, regardless of their station in life, is valued and present.
  2. Totality: The Torah concludes by reiterating "kol ish Yisrael", emphasizing that every single person is present and a presence.

Through Moshe's farewell speech, the Torah teaches us about the true essence of gathering as a Jewish community, lessons that are foundational to our Atid plan.

  1. The promise of an exceptional Jewish education must be affordable to every family.
  2. Kol ish Yisrael” underscores the totality of every individual's essence. That is why AYA’s Atid plan is investing resources, talent and training to deliver a “one size fits one,” exceptional personalized learning experience.  

As we embrace the New Year and its potential of new beginnings, let us redouble our efforts to come together as a unified AYA community and elevate our shared future. Together, let's unlock the boundless potential of every student, ensuring that this year is filled with growth, unity, and excellence.

Finally, I invite each of you to join us for Musical Selichot with Rav P'daya. Let's come together to prepare for the High Holidays, allowing ourselves a glimpse of the ruach and passion our students have experienced these past weeks.

Shabbat Shalom,

Jason Feld
Head of School
AYAlways Together
Rav P'daya Halperin recently led our High School students in pre-Shabbat Kumzits (singing) with cholent — a Shabbat stew — prepared by Rabbi Rubin's Iyun class. Join Rav P'daya for Musical Selichot this Saturday night!
9:30 pm Sat, Sept 9 — High School Beit Midrash

Congregation Tiferet Israel joins with AYA to invite students, parents, and the greater Dallas Jewish community for a Musical Selichot featuring Rav P'daya Halperin. Join us at 9:30 pm for refreshments followed by Selichot at 10 pm.
The Clothes Bin
AYA is proud to announce the launch of our clothing and shoes recycling initiative. For every pound of recycled clothing and textiles AYA receives valuable funds to be used for teacher recognition, special classroom requests, and more! The Clothes Bin is located next to Parking Lot B (across from the Lower School building).
For your safety, please leave donations on sidewalk if carpool is active.
Fri, Sept 15: No School — Rosh Hashanah

2:25 pm Mon, Sept 18: Early Dismissal — Tzom Gedalia
7 pm Wed, Sept 20 — Middle School Beit Midrash

All AYA parents are invited to join our Judaic Studies educators for a discussion
of the Jewish month and upcoming holidays. Light refreshments will be served. » RSVP
Mon, Sept 25: No School — Yom Kippur

9 am Tue, Sept 26: Delayed Start (Doors open 8:40 am)

Noon Fri, Sept 29: Early Dismissal — Sukkot
PTO Volunteers Needed: Dads and moms are welcome to join in packaging special Rosh Hashanah challahs that will be sent home by the PTO with each family and staff member. Evening and daytime opportunities available!
Host our Bnot Sherut: Please welcome Tamar and Ayelet for Shabbat meals over the Chaggim and Shabbatot during the school year:
For your Shabbat table: Challah may be ordered directly from Ron the Baker (email). Orders will be delivered to your child in their classroom on Friday morning to bring home.
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