*Sunday, April 7

  • Sermon: Rev. Dr. Vicki Jones Johnson
  • Worship Leader/Scripture Reader: David Rives
  • Flowers: Gene and Peggy Rees
  • Head usher: Laura East
  • Nursery Workers: needed
  • Pennies for Hunger collected

Tuesday, April 9: noon: Bible Study

*Sunday, April 14

  • Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
  • Worship Leader/Scripture Reader: Margaret Cockerell
  • Flowers: Bob and Kathy Moody
  • Head usher: Laura East
  • Nursery Workers: needed

12:15pm: Children's lunch and activities (see article below)

Tuesday, April 16: noon: Bible Study

*Sunday, April 21

  • Sermon: Rev. Dr. Fritz Ritsch
  • Worship Leader/Scripture Reader: needed
  • Flowers: needed
  • Head usher: Laura East
  • Nursery Workers: needed

Tuesday, April 23: noon: Bible Study

*Sunday, April 28

  • Sermon: Rev. Dr. Vicki Jones Johnson
  • Worship Leader/Scripture Reader: Derek Higgs
  • Flowers: needed
  • Head usher: Laura East
  • Nursery Workers: needed

12:15pm: Children's lunch and activities (see article below)

Tuesday, April 30: noon: Bible Study

*Doors will be locked when service begins for security reasons. Please knock on ramp door to be let in.

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Worship Volunteers Needed:

There are lots of ways to get involved during Sunday morning worship. We need scripture readers, flowers for the sanctuary, greeters, nursery helpers and Little Church helpers. There are sign-up sheets in the foyer, click the button below, or contact Anna at office@fpcma.com

Note: We especially need help in the nursery. Per Safe Sanctuary rules, we must have two workers and one must be an adult.


Prayer List

Please keep the following people in your prayers: Lori Bush, Kevin Dodd, Sheila Gifford, Larry Watson, Ann Yokeley, Jordan Tucker, Bill Rountree, Jean Arrington, Kathryn Benfer, Wendy Byrd, Mariah Tate, Katherine Heath, Emma Caroline Howell, Tim Long, Aria Stevenson, and Maggie Brewer.

If you have a prayer request, contact Anna in the church office or email office@fpcma.com.

Pennies For Hunger: April 7

The first Sunday of the month we pass around yellow buckets for our Pennies for Hunger offering. You can also give to this fund through the Realm app.(click here) Just go to the giving tab and select the fund "HUNGER"

Collected in 2023: $1849

A little Jesus goes a long way!

On Easter Sunday, miniature Jesus figures were given out to the congregation as a reminder that he is with us wherever we go. If you did not get one, we have more available in the sanctuary. We ask that you please share pictures of wherever you take him with you, and post on social media with the hashtag #findlittlejesusFPCMA. Let’s see how many shares we can get!

For more information about our Children's Ministry, contact Loida Slate at loida@fpcma.com

Godly Play and Faith Friends

Join us April 14 and April 28 AFTER worship service in the fellowship hall from approximately 12:15 until 1:45 pm.

Lunch is provided starting at 12:15, after which we will break up into smaller groups and do rotations of Bible lessons, dancing and music!

We will end at 1:45 and pickup will be either in the fellowship hall or outside on the playground (weather permitting).

Needed: Adult volunteers and lunch providers. Let Loida know how you can help.


For more information about Beacons, contact Loida Slate at loida@fpcma.com

Beacon News:

Youth in middle school and high school meet on Sundays from 5-7pm, in the Scout Hut for Bible study and fellowship. A light supper will be provided.

4/7: Putt-putt and Scoops outing

4/14: Regular meeting

4/21: Regular meeting

4/28: Regular meeting

Needed: Light meal for the Beacons. Sign up to help using the button below, or speak with Loida. Donations are also welcome, and someone will make arrangements to provide dinner.

Provide Dinner

Updates from the Session:

Financial Report: In March, our total expenses came to $13,823, and our total receipts came to $27,348. We have received a total of $61,202 in pledges for the year to date, which is 43% of our total pledges for 2024. 

Our 2024 session is launching a “Close the Budget Gap Campaign”, which is an effort to raise the $60,000 downfall needed to fulfill our 2024 approved budget. We are already halfway to that goal, having received a commitment of $34,000 so far! Please prayerfully consider helping to achieve this goal this year.

Minutes from February's Stated meeting:

Called Meeting 2/29/2024

Next Meeting: Monday, April 15 @ 7pm

The Women's Fellowship is in full swing and has several projects underway. If you are not receiving emails, please let Beth Pequeno know.

Committees working on:

  • Chrismon repairs and additions
  • Redesigning flower beds
  • Cleaning and rearranging storage areas

Ongoing Projects:

  • Fundraising for Thanksgiving Meal Kits
  • Fundraising to replace heavy tables in the fellowship hall with plastic ones. We need to purchase 20 for $115 each. Consider sponsoring a table!

Chrismon Ornaments Project

Our Chrismons need some attention before Christmas. Peggy Rees is heading up a group of people who are interested in repairing and/or creating some new ornaments. We also have a few people who do needlecrafts, including cross stitch, who have volunteered their talents. If you are interested in helping, contact Peggy at reespar@yahoo.com.

2024 Updates:

  • 22 pounds of food delivered to Yokefellow
  • 15 pounds of food delivered to Helping Hands

2023 Missions Ministry Team Summary

Support Our Area Charities 

Baskets are located inside the Blessings Box located in the foyer for donations to these agencies.

April's special requests are:

Yokefellow:  Canned fruit, canned vegetables

Shepherd's House: Lysol spray

Helping Hands: Non-perishable food items, paper products and toiletries.

The Children's Center has asked for newspapers and magazines for a therapy project. A basket is located in the foyer for these donations.

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! An enrollment form must be filled out and turned in to the office, along with a required $150 registration fee. For more information about the program, please contact Mary Alice Leonard at firststeps@fpcma.com

Substitutes Needed! Would you like to spend time with the sweetest kids on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday? We would love to have you!  First Steps needs substitute teachers! If interested, please contact Mary Alice Leonard firststeps@fpcma.com or Nicole Harrison nicole@moodyfs.com 

Needed: A changing table, shelving, Matchbox cars (used is fine)


April Birthdays

4/3 Amy Heath

4/7 Rev Dr Fritz Ritsch

4/11 Carol Burke

4/12 Alex Bowers and Carolyn Robertson 4/14 CeeJay Inman and David Majure

4/16 Sam Brown

April Anniversaries

4/7 Wayne and Joy Barlow

4/10 Felton and Joan Godwin

4/12 Gene and Peggy Rees

Congregational Care & Outreach

Deacon Kim Branch is providing congregational outreach by sending birthday, anniversary, and care cards to members and friends on our prayer list. Please contact her if you have someone in particular that you would like to have a card sent to on behalf of the church. Email krhbtexan@yahoo.com or call 336-401-0733. 

To Receive Realm Messages by Text:

Never miss a message on Realm! Text the word "START" (in all caps) to 910-469-4825 to Opt-In to receive text notifications when we post communications on Realm. You should already be getting emails and push notifications from the app whenever we post something, but this will also allow you to receive the message by text. 


Adult Sunday School:

Odds and Ends: This is our longest established class and it meets every Sunday at 10am in the classroom located at the end of the long hallway upstairs.

Lunchtime Bible Study

Every Tuesday, Dr Ritsch offers an hour long Bible study starting at noon.

We are currently studying the Gospel of Mark.

Bring a lunch if you’d like as we discuss what both scholarship and our hearts tell us as we study God’s word.

Kitchen Clean Up: We have a lot of items including serving plates that have been left in the kitchen over the past few months. Please take a look and take home anything that it yours.

Old fellowship hall tables: If you are interested in purchasing any of the old tables for $25 each, we are planning to replace with lighter ones, please let church office or Beth Pequeno know. We are also willing to donate to community partners.

Changing Table: First Steps is in need of a diaper changing table. If you have one you would willing to donate, contact Mary Alice.

Matchbox cars: The children in First Steps love small cars and they disappear over time. If you have some you're willing to part with, they would be much appreciated. You can leave them in the foyer, and someone will get them to Mary Alice.

Millie Beal has moved to Twelve Oaks Memory Care Unit, room number 58.

Scholarship thank you note from Will Banfield:

Dear church family,

Thank you so much for your generous scholarship. I have been able to reduce my loans and buy course materials. I am so blessed to have your love and support as I go out into the world. I will carry it with me and spread it wherever I can! 

Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart.

Will B

This is a new section of the Grapevine to help members connect with other members. If you want to put something in the April 2024 Grapevine, contact Beth at beth.pequeno@gmail.com by March 29.

Free at-home COVID-19 tests

Every U.S. household is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests.


Find Local Services by Calling 2-1-1

NC 211 is a free, confidential, and multilingual health and human services information and referral system, available 24 hours a day in all 100 North Carolina counties. Managed by United Way of North Carolina and supported by many local United Ways across the state, NC 211 has continuously gained recognition as a trusted resource in the State and serves as a key member of the State Emergency Response Team.

North Carolinians can find help by dialing 2-1-1 (or 1-888-892-1162) or by visiting nc211.org.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

9-8-8 is the new three-digit dialing code to reach help for suicide and crisis help across the United States. Please help to spread the word about this very important topic, and encourage anyone you know who may need help to dial 9-8-8. Texting is also an option.

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Session Members

Moderator: Dr. Rev. Frederick "Fritz" Ritsch

Clerk of the Session: Bob Keck



Class of 2024:

Lydia Taylor, David Rives, Gene Rees and Steve Yokely and Anna Peterson (Youth Elder)

Class of 2025:

Kelley Jackson, Thomas Reisinger, Laura East and Jane Tesh

Class of 2026:

Carla Majure, Blanton Youell, Derek Higgs, and Bob Moody

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First Presbyterian

Church Of Mount Airy

326 S Main St

Mt Airy, NC 27030

(336) 786-2803

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