August 18 - H.R. 5244: Fusion Energy Act
Introduced by Rep. Laurie Trahan [D-MA3], this bill would amend the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to include fusion energy machines, and for other purposes.
August 18 - H.R. 5235: Farm to Fuselage Act
Introduced by Rep. Jasmine Crockett [D-TX30], this bill would expressly include sustainable aviation fuels in the Farm Bill, and for other purposes.
August 4 - H.R. 5160: Advancing Research on Agricultural Climate Impacts Act of 2023
Introduced by Rep. Eric Sorenson [D-IL17], this bill would require the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct research relating to the measurement, monitoring, reporting, and verification of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon sequestration, and for other purposes.
August 1 - H.R. 5115: INSPECT Act
Introduced by Rep. Mike Levin [D-CA49], this bill would assign a resident inspector to certain commercial nuclear power plants to conduct inspections of decommissioning activities and spent nuclear fuel transfer activities.
July 28 - H.R. 5090: Shifting Forward Vehicle Technologies Research and Development Act
Introduced by Rep. Haley Stevens [D-MI11], this bill would support research, development, demonstration, and other activities to develop innovative vehicle technologies, and for other purposes.
July 28 - H.R. 5075: Ethics in Energy Act of 2023
Introduced by Rep. Kathy Castor [D-FL14], this bill would direct the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to prohibit covered utilities from recovering covered expenses from ratepayers, and for other purposes.
July 28 - H.R. 5092: Energy Accountability Act
Introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg [R-MI5], this bill would amend title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to specify that the Secretary of Energy may not make a loan guarantee under such title for a project if the applicable borrower has previously defaulted on an obligation guaranteed under such title, and for other purposes.
July 27 - H.R. 4990: Reclaiming the Solar Supply Chain Act of 2023
Introduced by Rep. Debbie Dinged [D-MI6], this bill would require the Secretary of Energy to carry out a program to provide grants and loans to support and expand the domestic solar component manufacturing supply chain, and for other purposes.
July 27 - H.R. 4996: Critical Materials Processing Technology Testbed Act
Introduced by Rep. Bill Foster [D-IL11], this bill would establish a Critical Materials Processing Technology Testbed Capability, and for other purposes.
July 27 - H.R. 5067: Empowering Electric Grid Reliability Act
Introduced by Rep. Robert Wittman [R-VA1], this bill would require the Secretary of Energy to establish a task force to study and report on supply chains for local electric distribution grids in the United States, and for other purposes.
July 26 - S. 2547: Pipeline Fairness, Transparency, and Responsible Development Act of 2023
Sen. Tim Kaine [D-VA], this bill would amend the Natural Gas Act to bolster fairness and transparency in the consideration of interstate natural gas pipeline permits, to provide for greater public input opportunities in the natural gas pipeline permitting process, and for other purposes.
July 26 - H.R. 4916: CLEAN Energy Act
Introduced by Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove [D-CA37], this bill would amend the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to repeal restrictions on onshore wind and solar.
July 26 - H.R. 4936: NOW Act
Introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [D-NY14], this bill would amend the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 to repeal restrictions on offshore wind leasing.
July 25 - H.R. 4859: Untitled
Introduced by Rep. Patrick Fallon [R-TX4], this bill would amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to direct the Secretary of Energy to submit to Congress a report containing an assessment of any physical or cybersecurity incidents to a storage facility or a related facility of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.