"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
to receive power and riches,
wisdom and strength,
honor and glory and blessing."
~ Revelation 5:12
Sunday's Readings:

First Reading — Brought before the Sanhedrin, the apostles give witness to Jesus Christ.
(Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41).

Psalm — I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Psalm 30).

Second Reading — In his vision John sees all in heaven and on earth give honor and glory to the one on the throne and to the Lamb (Revelation 5:11-14).

Gospel — Jesus appears to the disciples by the sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-19 [1-14]).
God's Overflowing Kindness
The superabundance of God’s kindness ties all of Sunday’s readings together. Especially when life overwhelms us, the Lord provides all we need, and then some. In the Acts of the Apostles, Peter takes the lead when facing the Sanhedrin. We might expect the man who denied Jesus to crumble under the imposing glare of the high priest. Instead, the Holy Spirit helps him testify to his faith in Jesus Christ. What Peter had lacked before, courage and conviction, God provides in abundance.

Similarly, Sunday’s Gospel shows Jesus providing a surplus of fish for the disciples. They have no luck fishing until the Lord intercedes. Jesus supplies an almost ridiculous number of fish, and he cooks it for them, too. As our reading from Revelation affirms, the overflowing riches of God require constant praise. Countless creatures—“everything in the universe”—cry out to honor the Lord, forever and ever.
Something On Your Mind?
Fr. Dan would love to hear from you! You may quickly schedule a convenient time to speak in person, via Zoom or even over the phone using Fr. Dan's OnceHub app.

Simply select how/where you would like to meet and choose 3 convenient times, and Fr. Dan will select one and confirm your appointment shortly!
Feast Day Celebrations
Plans are underway to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament on May 13, 2022. Stay tuned for more information on a week plus of faith, fellowship and celebration that will include events such as:
  • May Crowning
  • Acts of Mercy Service Projects
  • At-home Consecration
  • Pilgrimage to nearby Marian Shrine (registration required, follow link to discover more and sign up)
  • Adding Marian flowers to our gardens
  • Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Novena and Rosary Prayer
  • Special Consecration Mass celebrated by Bishop Rassas
  • And more...

All are invited and we can't wait to see you for one or more of these exciting celebrations!
If you would like to volunteer to help at any of the events, please contact the parish office to learn more (847) 979-0901 or info@olbsegv.org.
Season for Life
Spring, a season of renewal and hope, is adorned in the natural beauty of new life. God’s great creation bursts forth with the sights, smells and sounds of a world emerging from the slumber of winter. Green grass, flowering trees, chirping birds and gentle rains fill our senses and hearts with a great anticipation of good things to come.

In this spirit of renewal and hope, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Respect Life Ministry invites us all to participate in Season for Life.
We Are the Face of Hope
Catholic Charities. We are the face of hope! Did you know that every 30 seconds someone comes to Catholic Charities in need of help? Established in 1917, Catholic Charities Chicago is one of the largest non-profit, social services agencies in the Midwest. They operate 153 programs from 150 locations across Cook and Lake Counties to help those most in need without regard to race, religion or background.

On Mother's Day, May 8th, we will take up a second collection to support Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Please prayerfully consider giving generously to support their important work or follow this link to donate directly. Thank you!
Summer Suppers Return!
As we move toward May we look forward to warmer, sunnier weather and with that the arrival of our first Summer Supper of the season! As we transition back to Summer Suppers, we will still be feeding PADS guests housed in local hotels. We will also re-open our Summer drive-through lanes on Thursday, May 5th from 6:30 to 7:30pm at St. Julian Eymard. Please check the sign up carefully for food quantities, descriptions and volunteer roles. Thank you again for your generosity. We know that we would not be able to continue our parish outreach ministry without you!

Follow this link if you are ready to shop, cook, prep, pack or serve for this Supper.
Eucharistic Adoration
Drop by to spend some quiet time with Our Lord on one or more of these days:

Wednesdays at 7pm at Queen of the Rosary in coordination with Reconciliation.

First Fridays following 8:15am morning Mass at St. Julian Eymard. Adoration continues until the Closing Benediction at 11:45am. The next First Friday is May 6th.
School Advisory Board Opportunity
Did you know that QR School is the largest ministry of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish? And we need you!

The School Advisory Board is seeking at least two new members beginning in the 2022-2023 school year. We are looking for applications to be returned by Friday, May 13th to our principal, Ms. McGinn.

School Board membership is open to individuals 21 years of age or older. School Board members should be Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament parishioners, QR School alums or parents or guardians of QR School students and alums.

Please prayerfully consider this opportunity and raise your hand to share your time, treasure and talent. Follow this link to discover more.
Sip 'n Slice with the Women's Club
The Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Women's Club is hosting an Open House on Friday, May 20th from 7-9pm in Shea Hall. All the women of the parish are invited to drop by and enjoy a Sip 'n Slice with the Women's Club!

Please follow this link to sign up and let us know how many we will be to make sure we have enough pies for everyone. Thank you, we can't wait to see you!
If you have trouble using our electronic sign-up, please call the parish office (847) 979-0901.
What's Next?
Thank you for participating in the Church’s largest consultation in history! Unlike a council beginning in Rome and then being disseminated around the world, a synod is a grass-roots effort that takes place at the local level. In October, Our Holy Father introduced the “Synod on Synodality” because He believes that only the entire people of God journeying together can answer the question, “What is the Holy Spirit saying to the church today?”

School Report
Track-A-Thon has become a highly-anticipated day of fun and celebration for students, teachers and staff alike. It is also one of the school's major annual fundraisers. Enthusiasm for the event, both beforehand in collecting pledges and on the track, is a testament to student's dedication to our parish school.

We invite everyone to consider supporting this event, either through a Corporate or Family Sponsorship.

All sponsors will receive recognition on participant shirts, event signage, the school website and in the parish bulletin and eNews.
Please contact the school (847) 437-3322 or
parish (847) 979-0901 offices for more information.
RE Roundup
REMINDER: First Communions are scheduled at all of our Masses this Sunday. Thank you to parishioners for observing the "Reserved" signs. We know that seating may be a little tight!

Please keep all of our First Communicants in your prayers: Chloe A., Eliana A., Izabella A., Lincoln A., Aliya B., Katherine B., Gerard B., Kora B., Christopher B., Madeline B., Matthew C., Sebastian C., Aria C., Caleb C., Matilda C., Isabella D., Gabriella D., Giuliana D., Marcello D., Audrey E., Mason G., Mia G., Luke H., Madelynn J., Marko J., Maria K., Alexa K., JonPaulo K., Leon K., Milena K., Joseph K., Nicholas L., Nora L., Allison L., Julian L., Gianna L., Enzo L., Aria M., Hayden M., Breckin M., Nathan M., Kandece N., Andrew P., Warren P., Jacie P., Ariella R., Averi R., Kaylee R., Alexander R., Benjamin R., Jackson S., Jack S., Lucas S., Nicholas S., Cora S., Bella S., Augustus T., Addison T., Christopher U., Charli V., Keziah W., Ariana Z., Luca Z., Noah Z.

Questions? Please contact Mrs. Uhlarik, Coordinator of RE.
CLW this Sunday, May 1st, at SJE at the 9:15am Mass.

And don't forget to look for the coat rack with the blue drawstring Activity Bags in the vestibule at each church. Children are invited to grab a bag to enjoy learning the Rosary, reading, coloring or working on faith-based puzzles/activities during Mass. Return bags to the coat rack before you leave!

Please check our parish calendar for the full Sunday schedule!
Children's Liturgy of the Word
We invite children at select Masses—after the opening prayer of the Mass—to join a Children’s Liturgy of the Word leader for a “child-based” lesson on the Scripture of the day. Children return to their parents just before the Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
  • CLW follows the RE calendar and runs from September to May.
  • CLW sessions are approximately 15-minutes to discuss the readings of the day
  • No registration necessary, children 4-years and older present at the Mass will be invited to CLW by the celebrant
  • CLW takes place in the sacristy at QR or in a classroom at SJE
  • CLW rotates at the 9:15am or 10:30am Masses, check the Parish calendar for specific dates
  • CLW uses the Promise series from Pflaum Weekly
Youth Ministry Corner
Calling all OLBS teens! Plans are set for this Summer's Mission trip to Catholic Heart Work Camp from June 19th to 24th in Steubenville, OH.

Please let Mr. Van know that you are going and drop your $100 reservation fee off at the parish office ASAP!
Questions or Suggestions? E-mail Mr. Van.
Upcoming events:
Alexian Village | May 9
Feast of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament | May 13
Alexian Village | May 23
CHWC | Jun 19-24
Events for Young Adults
Happy Birthday YCP Chicago...
Join YCP Chicago as they celebrate their 6th birthday! They will have a special Mass at 6:15pm at Old St. Patrick's with a reception to follow at 625 W Adams until 8:45pm. Appetizers and drinks will be provided! Follow this link to discover more!

Would you like to introduce a Young Adult Ministry at OLBS? Please contact the parish office (847) 979-0901 today!
Raise Your Hand!
Are you looking to get involved at OLBS? Many volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact the parish office or see below for just a few:

Do you have a flair for decorating? Discover more about our Art & Environment team.

Do weddings make you cry with joy? Discover more about Marriage & Family Ministry and consider becoming a Wedding Coordinator or part of our Marriage Ministry.

Do you want to help us set the table? Discover more about our Liturgical Ministries and consider becoming a Sacristan. For youth aged 4th grade and older, consider the Altar Server Ministry.

Do you love sharing the Gospel? Please consider becoming an adult volunteer for Children's Liturgy of the Word.
To bring comfort, share God’s Word and the Holy Eucharist, Ministers of Care make faith visits to the sick, homebound, hospitalized and elderly in our OLBS community. Care Ministers must be mandated and may participate in one or more of the following activities: visits to the Homebound, prayer services at AMITA, AMITA Rehab, Alexian Village or Promedica (formerly Manor Care.) For more information, please contact the parish office.

We are grateful for your continued generosity to the needs of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament family during this time. In addition to dropping or mailing your donation to church, you may give online where you may make weekly contributions to our parish family and keep the vital ministries and services we provide going. We thank you for your generosity!
The following quick links may help to stay connected to our faith and our parish family:

Quickly schedule time to meet with Fr. Dan in person, on Zoom or via telephone.

Volunteer to serve at Mass as:

FORMED. To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
  • Go to Formed.org
  • Enter our parish’s zip code
  • Enter your name and your email address

Daily Prayer. Expand Daily Prayer to signup to receive daily prayer delivered right to your inbox.

Morning Prayer. Expand Morning Prayer to join us on your phone Monday through Saturday for Morning Prayer.

Weekly Bulletin. Download the weekly parish bulletin when you are unable to attend Mass.

Weekly Rosary. The Rosary is prayed at SJE on Tuesdays at 7pm. If you are unable to join us in church, we invite you to join the live-stream.

Live-Stream. We have live-stream available for Sunday liturgy and some daily.

Let's Get Social. Like or follow us on Facebook to receive news and updates in real time and join the conversation: QR and SJE.
(847) 979-0901 | info@olbsegv.org

Worship sites:
Queen of the Rosary, 750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.
St. Julian Eymard, 601 Biesterfield Road

Queen of the Rosary School, 690 Elk Grove Blvd.
(847) 437-3322 | www.qrschool.org