Dear Friends,
Happy Fall! While we have not had terrific weather on the weekends lately, I do hope you have been able to enjoy some favorite fall activities with family and friends.
Each day I wake up energized and thankful for the opportunity to represent the communities of Shrewsbury and Westborough and I am happy to report below on some of the activities, events and work I have undertaken the last few months.
Next Tuesday, November 6th, I will be on the ballot seeking support for my 3rd term as State Representative of the 11th Worcester District. As I come to the end of my current term, I have reflected on my three and a half years in office and I believe that I have kept my original promise to you: I have prioritized action over inaction, reform over revenue and worked on substantive issues that affect our communities and the Commonwealth. If you live in Shrewsbury or Precincts 4 or 5 in Westborough, I would be grateful for your vote!

Hannah Kane Charity Classic Nets $57,000 for Three Local Charities
The 4th Annual charity golf tournament held in August raised $57,000 for our three primary beneficiary local charities: St. Anne's Human Services, Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services and Westborough Food Pantry, each receiving a check for $19,000 to support their vital work in our communities. I am grateful to our Presenting Sponsor Gene J. DeFeudis Family Foundation and all of the generous sponsors, host committee members, golfers, donors and volunteers who helped to make the day a success. A special thanks to Tournament Director Beth Casavant and Auction/Raffle Director Melissa Pride-Fahs for their time and talent in leading this fulfilling event that helps so many. A list of all sponsors and more pictures from the fun day can be seen here and you can watch the "Conversations with Hannah" episode filmed at the tournament here.

Let Your Spirit Sacrifice Fundraiser Raises $11,000 for Shrewsbury Fire and Police Relief Association
For the fifth year in a row, Selectman Beth Casavant and I co-hosted a community fundraiser as part of the Spirit of Shrewsbury celebration, each year raising funds for a different local charitable organization. This year we raised $11,000 for the Shrewsbury Fire and Police Relief Association, a fund established in the 1940's to assist families with funeral and memorial costs for deceased members of the Shrewsbury fire and police departments. Fellow event co-hosts Melissa Pride-Fahs; members of the Shrewsbury Patrolman's Union David Faucher, Chris Abbascia and Chad Chysna; and members of the Shrewsbury Firefighters Association Aaron Roy, Sean Lawlor and Rory Ahern joined officers of the Association Joe Milosz, Dave Hodgerney and Bob Ljunggren (Peter Capalbo was unable to make it) and many community members at Ski Ward, who generously donated the event space to listen to music with DJ Fire Chief Jim Vuona and enjoy refreshments provided by Struck Catering. Thank you to the many sponsors and donors who once again generously donated to support a community focused organization. More pictures and the list of sponsors can be seen here .

Spirit of Shrewsbury Fall Festival
The annual festival is full of many wonderful events and I enjoy attending as many as possible. The expo at Oak Middle School provides an opportunity for Shrewsbury residents and visitors to peruse numerous exhibitors and community groups and catch up with old friends as they traverse the booths, eat and shop at the town expo. My friend and Marine, Ken Swift, is always my first visitor!

This year I also co-sponsored Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services first Community Pasta Dinner immediately following the day-long expo.

On Sunday, for the parade, I was thrilled to partner with my husband, Jim, who is a Selectman and Massachusetts Maritime Academy Trustee, to bring the MMA 7th Company to Shrewsbury. The band was excellent and enjoyed by all who lined the parade route and who are able to watch the replay of the parade on Shrewsbury Media.

Beacon Hill Update

Appointment to Regional Transit Authority Performance and Funding Task Force
House Minority Leader Bradley H. Jones, Jr., appointed me to serve on a task force that will evaluate the performance and funding of the state's regional transit authorities (RTAs). Created as part of the Fiscal Year 2019 state budget, the 19-member commission will look at how the state's 15 regional transit authorities can best provide and improve transit services for their customers, while conducting regular service planning to maximize ridership. The Commission will also explore ways to ensure that fares, local contributions and other own-source revenues are sufficient to cover an appropriate share of service costs for the RTAs. The task force has an aggressive timetable and seeks to finalize a report by February.
Local Veteran Arthur Dobson Honored at the State House
Arthur "Art" Dobson, along with 71 fellow Veterans, including 17 posthumous Veterans, was honored at the State House in the Honoring Korean War Veterans Award Ceremony held in August. Art, a Marine and Korean War Veteran, was awarded the Ambassador for Peace Medal by Consul General of the Republic of Korea Kim Yonghyon, Minister of Patriot & Veterans Affairs of the Republic of Korea Pi Woo-Jin, and National Assemblyman Kim Junghoon, in partnership with Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans Services Francisco Urena. The Ceremony was a beautiful program which rightfully honored and recognized our Korean War Veterans for their courageous and noble service in the United States Military and to Korea and the United States. The Republic of Korea's dignitaries spoke movingly of our nation and the Republic's strong relationship and shared commitment to democracy and freedom. They also expressed their sincere and continued gratitude to our Korean War Vets for their service, which is certainly not forgotten nor in vain as the Korean Peninsula continues to make strides toward lasting peace. Art was able to attend the ceremony through the generosity of Jason Palitsch, fellow Rotarian with Art and Chair of the Shrewsbury School Committee, who drove Art to the State House, and my Legislative Aide Jessica Beliveau who attended as Art's guest and drove him home to Shrewsbury.

Boston Rally Against Hunger
September is National Hunger Awareness Month and I joined several colleagues and passionate advocates including the Greater Boston Food Bank and Worcester County Food Bank to "Rally Against Hunger" at the State House to draw attention to the persistent, and often silent and invisible epidemic of ongoing food insecurity in Massachusetts. One in 10 adults and one in eight children in Worcester County are food insecure. One person hungry anywhere is one too many. I am proud to have been the lead sponsor along with my colleague Representative Daniel Donahue (D-Worcester) to have filed the successful budget amendment during the House FY19 budget debate to raise the state's investment in the Healthy Incentives Program. At the rally I was presented with a piece of artwork created by a child in Worcester County who has a powerful and inspiring message: End Hunger Now.

Earlier in September Rep. Donahue, Senator Moore and I visited the Beaver Brooks Farmers Market in Worcester to speak with consumers and farmers who have benefitted from the Healthy Incentives Program. The increase in funding we sought allows for low-income families and individuals to have greater access to fresh fruits and vegetables which reduces childhood obesity and improves health outcomes and enables local farmers to expand their consumer base. We were joined by advocates Winton Pitcoff of the MA Food Systems Collaborative, Liz Sheehan Castro of the Worcester County Food Bank and Mackenzie May of Central MA Grown who have helped tremendously in our efforts to increase funding.

Women in Government Foundation State Directors Conference & HealthCare Summit
I was excited to again join women legislators from across the country, including four from Massachusetts, in Washington DC for the State Directors Conference and Healthcare Summit. The well-planned forum allows legislators to hear from policy experts, to discuss challenges and opportunities in each of our states, and to exchange good policy/legislation ideas.
White House Conference for State and Local Leaders
In October I joined fellow invitees in attending the White House Conference for Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont State and Local Leaders. Hosted by the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, the day-long conference offered attendees the opportunity to hear remarks from and engage in discussion with key administration officials and policymakers on issues significant to Massachusetts, including the opioid epidemic, labor and workforce development and transportation infrastructure. The morning featured a tour of the White House that my Legislative Aide Jessica Beliveau and I greatly enjoyed.

Local Grants/Awards

$111,689 Information Technology Grant Awarded to SELCO
The Baker-Polito Administration through its' Executive Office's Community Compact Cabinet awarded SELCO a Community Compact Information Technology Grant that will allow SELCO to establish an integrated and unified security platform to protect the digital assets of Shrewsbury's municipal government, police and fire departments, school system and SELCO.
Shrewsbury and Westborough Receive Additional Road and Bridge Funding
The FY18 supplemental budget recently approved by the Legislature includes additional road and bridge funding of $197,271 for Shrewsbury and $157,927 for Westborough to use on local transportation infrastructure needs. This brings the total in FY18 for Chapter 90 funding for Shrewsbury to $1,183,627 and Westborough to $947,561.
Local Workforce Training Fund Grants
The Workforce Training Fund helps companies improve productivity and competitiveness by providing resources to invest in the Massachusetts workforce. The Commonwealth Corporation, in partnership with the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, provides the training grants for current and newly hired employees. Central One Federal Credit Union with offices in Shrewsbury and Westborough was awarded $123,200 to train 113 employees and anticipates adding 5 jobs by 2020. Westborough's Curry Printing received $58,955 to train 28 employees and anticipates 2 jobs by 2020.
Recycling Grants Awarded to Shrewsbury and Westborough
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection provides grants designed to promote and strengthen recycling across the Commonwealth. Shrewsbury received an $18,000 Recycling Dividends Program grant to help reduce waste and maximize reuse and recycling, and Westborough received a Small-Scale Initiatives grant to help the community make critical investments in recycling programs.
Legislative Update

An Act Relative to Students with Dyslexia
The House and Senate each passed, and the Governor signed, a bill I co-sponsored designed to help public schools screen students for dyslexia. The new state law requires state education officials to draw up guidelines for helping school districts adopt screening protocols for students who show signs of dyslexia or another neurological learning disability and to help them overcome the reading disorder.
Shrewsbury Legislation for Glavin Center Property
Senator Moore and I co-filed legislation pursuant to an official request from the Town of Shrewsbury during a Special Town Meeting vote on January 17, 2018, that requests that the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance convey the parcels of land that currently comprise the Irving A. Glavin Center on Lake Street, to the Town of Shrewsbury and the Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Association for purposes of open space and recreation, and for restricted use for general municipal purposes. The site is the planned location for the new Beal K-4 school that the town will vote on on November 6th. The bill was signed into law by the Governor in August.
Legislation Authorizing the City of Worcester to Convey a Parcel of Land in Shrewsbury
The city of Worcester owns 75-acres in the town of Shrewsbury that is used for a gun range. This land abuts land owned by Saint John's High School, and the City is conveying approximately 83,347 square feet to Saint John's for a mutually agreed upon financial sum so that Saint John's can construct a parking lot to be used for Saint John's athletic fields. Senator Moore and I filed the successful legislation that was signed into law in late September.
Westborough Charter Change
The Governor has signed legislation I co-sponsored with my Westborough colleagues to amend the Town of Westborough's charter, pursuant to an official request following a vote of the town. The bill changes the title of town personnel from "MIS/GIS Director" to "Information Technology Director".
Fiscal Year 18 Supplemental/Close-out Budget
The Legislature passed in informal session, and Governor Baker signed, a $541million supplemental appropriations bill that closes out FY18 spending. The bill includes a $220 million deposit into the Commonwealth's Stabilization "Rainy Day" fund that brings the total balance to $2 billion for the first time since 2008, and the fund is nearly double the balance when the Baker-Polito Administration took office. The bill also includes $40 million in additional road and bridge funding (Shrewsbury receives $197,271 and Westborough $157,927), $10 million each for the Life Sciences Investment Fund and the Community Preservation Act Fund, $7.5 million each to hire additional mental health and behavioral health specialists and to invest in security-related infrastructure upgrades in public schools.
Community Events, Town Celebrations & Recognitions
Community Supporters for Beal Campaign Kick-off
On November 6th Shrewsbury voters will be asked to approve a debt-exclusion to build new K-4 Beal School on the site of the former Glavin Center. The proposal is supported by the Selectmen, School Committee, Finance Committee and received overwhelming support from Town Meeting Members at the Special Town Meeting last week, with only one Member voting against the project despite agreeing it was necessary. I have been a strong supporter of this much needed school as the current Beal facility at nearly 100 years old has come to the end of its useful life, the existing elementary schools are over-crowded with enrollment projected to increase, and the state is offering over $34 million in financial support for the project if approved by voters on November 6th. The kick-off event held in September galvanized supporters and urged attendees to get involved. Please watch my latest "Conversations with Hannah" here, where School Committee Chair and Co-Chair of the Ballot Committee Jason Palitsch, Selectman and Co-Chair of the Ballot Committee Beth Casavant, and Selectman and Chair of the Beal Building Committee Jim Kane joined me to discuss why this project is necessary and visit for more information on this critically needed investment in Shrewsbury. I respectfully urge you to join me in voting YES!

Governor Baker Visits Cumberland Farms Headquarters in Westborough
I joined Governor Charlie Baker and Representative Danielle Gregoire for a tour of the Cumberland Farms Distribution Center in Westborough, a terrific multi-generational family business that employs over 700 people in Westborough!
Community Compact Roundtable Discussion
Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito hosted a roundtable discussion attended by local and state officials from Shrewsbury, Westborough and Grafton to discuss the Baker-Polito Community Compact initiative utilized by all 351 cities and towns for best practices and shared services. The purpose of the highly effective program is to improve local government in partnership with state government support in the form of technical assistance and grant funding.

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Forum
The 495/MetroWest Partnership held a Life Sciences Forum, bringing together representatives of the Massachusetts Life Science Center and Joe Zink, President and CEO of Atlantic Management Corporation, who now owns the former Astra Zeneca 65-acre site in Westborough and is marketing the site as 50 Otis. The forum provided a chance for area officials and business development professionals to be briefed on the existing importance and future possibility for growth in our region of the life sciences sector.
V eterans & Opiate Addiction: A Roundtable Discussion
Congressman Jim McGovern and District Attorney Joe Early hosted a roundtable at the Veterans Inc. facility in Shrewsbury that featured a panel of experts discussing opiate addiction in the veteran community. Veterans are much more likely to suffer from opiate addiction than the general population and the panel discussed what more can be done to both prevent and treat addiction. Kathryn Power, the Regional Administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, John Collins, Director of the VA Central Massachusetts Health Care System and Matilde Castiel, MD, Commissioner of Health and Human Services in the City of Worcester were three of the featured speakers in the informative forum.
State Education Commissioner Visits Oak Middle School and Westborough High School
The Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education visited the 11th Worcester District in September. I was pleased to be able to join Commissioner Riley to visit Oak Middle School in Shrewsbury. We toured the school, visited classrooms and met with a small group of students and staff members. The Commissioner was very impressed with both the educational program in Shrewsbury and Westborough and it was a great opportunity for our terrific school systems to showcase our engaged and focused students who are inspired daily by the dedicated and talented educators who teach these young people to be life-long learners!

Worcester County Commission on the Status of Women

The Commission held their 3rd annual Legislative Breakfast at the Worcester YWCA in September. The informative forum provides opportunities for legislators to hear of the Commission's work to advance women towards full equality in all areas of life and to promote rights and opportunities for all women, and to identify ways in which legislative support is needed to address challenges and roadblocks.


Burns Bridge Lit Orange for Hunger Action Month
In September I worked on behalf of the Worcester County Food Bank to arrange for the Kenneth F. Burns Bridge spanning Lake Quinsigamond to be lit orange in recognition of and to raise awareness of food insecurity in Worcester County.
C-SPAN Bus Visits Shrewsbury High School
The C-SPAN Bus has traveled across the country and SELCO arranged for the bus to visit Shrewsbury High School where students in some social studies/government classes were able to come aboard and learn about how C-SPAN can help them stay informed about the federal government and to use the on-board interactive educational displays. Congressman McGovern and I were fortunate to be on-hand and we spoke to students about our roles in government and how we serve the districts we represent. C-SPAN is currently offering middle and high school students a chance to create a short documentary on "What Does It Mean To Be American?" with the chance to win $100,000 in prizes. Students can learn more at .

Assabet Valley Regional Vocational School Hosts STEM Week Event with Lieutenant Governor
Assabet has received nearly $1.5 million through the Skills Capital Grant program created by the Baker-Polito Administration. Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined area legislators, school committee members and other guests to visit with Assabet students and faculty and tour the Advanced Manufacturing and Metal Fabrication programs where the new equipment is in use.
Local Events and Initiatives
Spending time in Shrewsbury and Westborough supporting local initiatives, attending events and speaking on issues important to our community are the most rewarding aspects of being State Representative. 

Here is a sampling of initiatives and events from the last few months:
  • Attended the Courtyard Marriott Westborough renovation reveal, which featured food in the new CY Bistro!
  • The 1st "Show Your Strength" for Umbrella for Infants Inc. fundraising event featured lots of family fun all designed to benefit NICU families in memory of Ella Brown, who sadly passed away from a rare disease. Ella's family seeks to help other NICU families with "survival kits" and respite options while they are supporting a premature and/or sick infant. I was happy to join Ella's extended family for a great cause in memory of a special little love.
  • Shrewsbury Boy Scout Troop 114 welcomed two new Eagle Scouts - Jonathan Steven Owen and Nicholas Robillard - congratulations to these fine young men!
  • I got to read one of my favorite books "The Circus Ship" by Chris Van Dusen at the Shrewsbury Farmers Market story-time!
  • The Lake Quinsigamond Watershed Association hosted another fantastic Lake Quinsigamond Day Celebration and I once again enjoyed being a judge of the boat parade with this year's theme of holidays!
  • The Easter Seals Veterans Count breakfast started off the remembrances for September 11th after which I attended the Shrewsbury Fire Departments annual somber ceremony reflecting on the service and sacrifice of our public safety professionals on that fateful day 17 years ago.

  • My friend Angela Snell, Director of Shrewsbury Parks, Recreation and Cemetery was feted by many at a special dinner honoring her as the Grand Marshal of the Spirit of Shrewsbury!

  • Mikey Lacroix, a snowboard cross racer from Shrewsbury seeking to qualify for the 2022 Winter Olympics, hosted a fundraiser at Ski Ward to support his dreams!
  • Selectman and fellow Seven Hills Foundation Trustee Beth Casavant and I were joined by our daughters, Emma and Madison, and Senator Mike Moore, for the Murphy Mile walk as part of Ability Fest held at Institute Park in Worcester.
  • Attended the farewell reception at Westborough Town Hall for now former Town Manager Jim Malloy, along with town employees, elected officials and residents wishing Jim well.
  • Fun night at Shrewsbury High School at the 2nd annual Colonial Way sponsored by the Shrewsbury High School Student Council and SHS Athletic Boosters before the first football game (and a win!) on the new turf field!
  • The Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) hosted its annual Legislative Breakfast Meetings where we discuss the key municipal legislative and budget priorities of the MMA membership.
  • Despite the rain, the Westborough Rotary Club hosted the "Fall Family Festival", proud to be a sponsor of all the great work that Rotary does throughout the community!
  • Joined many other Worcester County officials to thank Tom Glynn, retiring Massport CEO for his commitment to the Worcester Airport and bringing back air travel to Central MA.
  • Spoke at the unfortunately necessary ADVISE (Against Domestic Violence in Shrewsbury Education Project) vigil on the Town Common to remember victims and reach out to survivors and those currently suffering in an abusive relationship to let them know the community cares and that help is a phone call away.
  • Enjoyed the SYFS "Giving & Thanks" event, which featured the great local band "Persons of Interest!"
  • Spoke to the Female Veterans Group at Easter Seals along with my colleagues Representatives Carolyn Dykema and Danielle Gregoire about why we have chosen to serve in elected office and what we can do to support women veterans in Massachusetts.
Events Coming Up!
  • Vote! Early voting is now underway across the Commonwealth through November 2nd. Shrewsbury voters can find the early voting hours here and Westborough voters herePolls are open on election day, Tuesday, November 6th, from 7am till 8pm. I greatly appreciate your support and Shrewsbury voters I encourage you to support the proposed new Beal School as well!
  • Middle Schoolers at Risk: What Every Family Needs to Know Now

    on Tuesday, November 13th at Oak Middle School in the auditorium. Shrewsbury Coalition for Addiction Prevention and Education (SCAPE) and Shrewsbury Youth and Family Services (SYFS) will host a forum to hear from experts on topics such as vaping, social media, gaming, marijuana and how to talk to your kids. From 6-7pm "Hidden in Plain Sight" an interactive exhibit will show parents what today's substance use paraphernalia, including Juul products, looks like and how to find hidden in their child's bedroom. From 7-9pm I will moderate a forum with the experts, which will include 45 minutes for Q&A. Please join us for this important forum which is open to all! 

Monthly Office Hours

I hold office hours in Shrewsbury and Westborough for residents to stop in and discuss an issue or problem. The upcoming times and locations can be found on the home page of my website. I hope you can join me!  

Thank you for all of your support. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or my Legislative Aide, Jessica Beliveau. Our office number is 617-722-2430. I welcome your thoughts, perspectives and questions and please know that it is an amazing honor to serve as your State Representative.

With sincere gratitude,

Hannah Kane
State Representative
11th Worcester District

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