St. Patrick’s Day has me thinking about luck. A client of mine recently said, "I'm lucky. It just fell in my lap." I replied, "Really? You've reached out to this person and created the opportunity for yourself."

It seems to me that luck is some combination of working for it and being prepared to receive it when it happens.

Here are five luck-inspired resources.

Career Luck

In How to Create Your Own Career Luck, the author shares ideas on "setting hooks" and "planting bombs" to help increase serendipity in your career.


Leadership Luck

In this short TedX videoBusiness strategist David Mitroff discusses How Leaders Create Luck.


Women Leaders & Luck

According to analysis by the Center for Creative Leaders, when compared to men, women more often attribute their success to luck. Many Women Give “Luck” Credit for Their Success — Should They? offers three ways women can change the narrative.


Return on Luck

In his book Great by Choice, Jim Collins presents the concept of return on luck. He says the critical question is not, Will you get luck? but What will you do with the luck that you get?


Jefferson on Luck

“I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” 

― Thomas Jefferson

If you're interested in chatting about any of these topics, schedule time with me.

Every so often I share five resources that resonate with me or address topics my clients are facing. If you're new to this email series, welcome! Thank you for reaching out to me, downloading one of my worksheets or subscribing on my website. If you're not finding value in the content or you get too many emails, I get it. You know what to do.