They RESISTED. So should we!

The Abandoned “Cross of the Heart”

Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.  I sink in the miry depths, where there is no foothold. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me.  I am worn out calling for help; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.  Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal. You, God, know my folly; my guilt is not hidden from you. Lord, the Lord Almighty, may those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me; God of Israel, may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me. For I endure scorn for your sake, and shame covers my face.  I am a foreigner to my own family, a stranger to my own mother’s children; for zeal for your house consumes me, and the insults of those who insult you fall on me. When I weep and fast, I must endure scorn; when I put on sackcloth, people make sport of me. Those who sit at the gate mock me, and I am the song of the drunkards. Psalm 69:1-12

If forgotten, God can only leave America. Now is the very moment that this

is taking place!   When the unifying force of God leaves America, nothing will be able to hold America together. The family will break down; churches will divide, and America will become mortally ill because the cells of her body are decaying. This will be the perfect opportunity for the evil of Communism to overtake America. This state of emergency is here now. SSM, God’s Hope for America, June 1, 1976, at Yankee Stadium

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started his sermon in Newfoundland, PA with a serious message. If we were teaching anti-Communism for the past 40 years in the churches, our country wouldn’t be in as much danger as it is now. The devil has to lie. That is why True Father was on the hitlist. Political satanism does want to destroy the family. They want everyone atomized and weak. The government wants to be the only “god.”

The Washington Times, started by Father in the early 1980s, was reporting the freedom message before there was the online "Alt Media." We were the only alternative news in DC.

More and more people know about Operation Mockingbird, where the CIA was disseminating propaganda through the media. They had to get CIA approval to report on certain things. The American people never thought things would get this bad.

Many people think, “we’re America, we will never collapse.” That’s called pride. America is exporting sexual debauchery, “pride parades” and transgender surgeries. Do you want to go to war to promote that stuff? With generals in skirts. Our children are being indoctrinated and hypersexualized.

Sanctuary Service 8/18/24

Divine Principle's Chapter 2, which reveals the sexual nature of the human Fall, teaches that if your culture becomes debauched, it will be destroyed. God made sex to be fruitful in a committed marriage. That is why we invest in our marriages and families. Go out and date your spouse! In a marriage, if you only think about yourself, it will fail. 

The Trump rally in Montana was great. He praised Victor Moon for his Trump break-dancing. We show that we love America, but have clean fun! The lyrics in our rap music have a good message, not about “hoes” and gangs. The proceeds from the MAGA album goes to Vets for Child Rescue. You can sign up to win the Desert Eagle.

Sose the Ghost, who has a youtube channel aimed at the biker community, came out in support of Trump. Alex Jones has been saying that the Deep State plans to throw him in Rikers prison in NYC on September 18. The FBI had the body of Thomas Crooks, the attempted assassination shooter, cremated, which is destruction of evidence.

Cosmic Seonghwa Memorial of True Parents of Heaven, Earth & Humanity

Candace Owens exposed Sigmund Freud, whose Oedipus Complex theory said that boys want to have sex with their mom. Many of the patients around Freud were pedophiles. America has the most sex trafficking of any country in the world.

The U.S. government threw True Father in prison for failing to pay a few thousand dollars in taxes, but he chose to invest billions in The Washington Times to educate and save America.

Now they’re trying to throw most well-known political leader in the world, Donald J. Trump, into prison. The globalism cartel is worse than any criminal gang. They criticize people of faith and claim they are going to rule with reason and rationality, but then they deny the reality of 2 sexes, of men and women.

3rd King's DP Lecture

What is Jesus in terms of our civilization? He went against the Roman Empire to save you and me. He is the ultimate combat veteran. The archetype of Western culture is the story of Jesus at the center, who is most respected and honored. If your society is centered on the highest thing- sacrificial love and bravery, that has a powerful impact.

The West has taken out Christ as the center. The Ivy League thought that would lead to superstition being replaced by reason and facts. But instead you get more base drives, selfishness, pleasure seeking, debauchery. In the end, sex with children.   

The World doesn’t know how the world actually works, because it doesn’t know the Fall. The majority of homosexuals were abused as children. Most churches don’t who the enemy really is. The Epstein sex ring was not a joke. His assistant, Germaine Maxwell, is in prison for marketing minors to no one? Where is the list of clients? Congressman Madison Cawthorne said they sent 3 Brazilian models to tempt him. As dramatized in the Lord of the Ring movie, the “ring” has to be destroyed. The real one is a pedo (pedophile) ring.

Trevor Loudon Interview: How CCP controls U.S. political leaders & influences our elections.

We have been praying for President Trump’s protection for 6 years. We are in the midst of a Communist revolution in America, right now. After Trump survived the assassination attempt, he said “it was God alone.” If he is sent to Rikers, then we will go in boats to demonstrate and pray for America.

The fact that Trump was saved shows that God has not abandoned America. MAGA is not just about fighting for freedom. It is fighting for God. The biggest rappers coming out for Trump. Rapper 50 Cents, wrote a rap called “Many Men” about gangs who tried to kill him. Get rich or die trying album. Trump’s face is on his album during a rap performance.

The US founders were considered felons, traitors to King George, who would have all been executed if the American Revolution had been lost. Our culture is trying to feminize western men, making them weaker. We have lost the masculine spirit of the Father. Trump showed the spirit of bravery and shouted “Fight, fight, fight!” That was a terrorist attack, but the patriots did not stampede. He showed supernatural courage.

Cheryl Chumley, TWT Opinion Editor: Our Battle to Defend Our Nation

The opening ceremony at the Paris Olympics mocked the last supper with a naked man painted blue as Dionysus. Most Christians say nothing. They are scared. Some churches even put up LGBTQ rainbow flags.

James said to resist the devil and he will flee. The early Christians were martyred because they did not passively cooperate with or obey government mandates. They resisted. So should we.


The Abandoned “Cross of the Heart”

by John Williams

There is a point I want to share that I haven’t heard anyone discuss elsewhere: Mother’s* indemnity foundation is supposed to be her forbearance with all the emotional pain that she experienced as a result of taking her mission and her relationship with Father**. This is especially true regarding his involvement with other women.

From what I recall of reading Father’s words and hearing him speak, this is supposed to be the “cross of the heart,” I think it was called, that she is to bear without complaint. Sharing her husband with other women is exactly what Sarah could not do, Elizabeth could not do, and a parallel was the challenge that Judas could not face, Joseph could not face, and others—Lucifer being, of course, the first one.

Her complaining about Father’s** involvement with other women, in fact, elevating it into a new part of God’s teaching in effect, is seriously problematic. It is perhaps similar to Jesus retracting his revolutionary forgiveness of his enemies on the cross. If Jesus could not forgive his enemies, demonstrating God’s love for Satan’s people, if Father** had not demonstrated forgiveness of his enemies, then he would’ve been disqualified as the representative of God on earth.

Mother* complaining, and actually spreading her grudge to us children, is possibly negating her indemnity foundation. It seems like a horrendous development. Given that she did not suffer externally the way that Father did, it seems like she is now destroying her own “claim to fame” that would have brought her into equivalence with Father, her new claims of divine lineage not withstanding. 

In other words, it’s one thing for her to be teaching things that aren’t true and elevating herself in a strange way above Father**, but she’s also negating her qualification as the bride of Christ.

On a simply horizontal, humanistic level, for a widow to poison the memory of her deceased husband with falsehoods and distortions is one of the most dishonorable things that a wife and mother can do.

On a gut level, I am having a big problem respecting her as a representative of Father** and True Parents anymore. Her previous achievements stand forever, and the True Parents’ foundation stands forever, but I wonder if the True Parents even exist anymore at this point. This is very distressing to me.

John Williams' essay posted on


 *The reference to "Mother" by the author is referring to Hak Ja Han who was the 3rd wife of Reverend Moon. Due to her failures to uphold the position of "Mother", Hyung Jin Nim, the ordained and crowned heir to Reverend Moon, was directed by God to anoint Kang Hyun Shil as "True Mother" on September 23, 2017 since Hak Ja Han vacated the position that is foundational to the restoration of "True Parents" of mankind and revealed in the Divine Principle, that Reverend Moon** taught. "Father" is an honorific used to by followers that holds the founder in high esteem.


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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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