" There were a lot of social workers and those interested in books regarding mental health last year at the Soulful Chicago Book Fair. My book "Minesa's Mindful Day," which was not my featured book, flew off the shelf fast! It motivated me to complete this year's feature. I made so many connections and we are still friends today. I love the SCBF network! It motivates me everyday and has been my resource (edits, graphics, etc.) for this year's book as well. LOVE THE MOVEMENT! "

- Author Jennifer Smith of
The Feel of Color

20/20 Visionary!

While it costs 6 figures to put on the Soulful Chicago Book Fair, we make it happen by community donations of $20 or more from each supporter. Now that's doable right? Donate $20 to help us build this 2017 SCBF to the hilt!
We already love you for it!
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Your Money Funny?

Reading is a passion of mine. As a child, I used books as a means of escape from a sometimes boring existence. So, as an adult, I LOVE book fairs. Finding the Soulful Chicago Book Fair was as though I had hit the jackpot. Next to a library, there was no better way to find all the books I wanted in one place. The last book fair I attended was a few months ago. It was AWESOME! In addition to the variety of genres, all of the books were written by Black people. How great is that??? I took my grandson with me, as I try to pass on the love of reading and books to those who come after me. 

- Sheila White, Book Fair Supporter
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Black History Book Fair Highlights

"It was a trying experience to get to Chicago for the Black History Book Fair coming from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Once I arrived, my expectations were exceeded. I was greeted at the door and Asadah took me under her wing, giving me a brief set-up lesson. Everyone I came into contact with was a blessing. The atmosphere was lovely, the people were lovely and I sold out of every copy I had of my book. The Soulful Chicago Black History Book Fair has been my favorite book tour spot and I can't wait to come back in July!"

- Author Nikki Flowers of Twist of Fate

  ABC Featured the SCBF

How awesome was it that ABC reached out to us so they could feature the
Soulful Chicago BLACK HISTORY Book Fair!

Click here for the

Soulful Chicago
Book Fair

" As result of a contact made at the Book Fair I received an order for a classroom set of the Tate book from a CPS school, Wadsworth Stem."

- Author Bernard Turner of
Tate and His Historic Dream
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