December 2022
There's more than one way to give
You can be an agent of cultural change, the most important step is to get started. While the fight against Domination Systems can feel overwhelming, together we can make a big impact.

There are plenty of ways to get involved and no matter if this is your first time or your twentieth, we invite you to join us.

Join us in in the movement towards Partnership Systems, whether its by:

Simply put, your support single-handedly funds and supports the programs and work at the heart of CPS's mission: to catalyze movement towards Partnership Systems through research, education, grassroots empowerment, and policy initiatives.

So, thank you, we are immensely grateful and will continue to work hard to ensure that your gifts have the biggest possible impact.
CPS is Seeking Podcast Interns:

The Power of Partnership Podcast is getting underway and our volunteer podcast team is seeking one or more interns to support the development of this exciting project!

We are looking for creative partners who can contribute research and writing, audio editing, and/or digital communications skills to the podcast team. These are volunteer positions for now, but Podcast Lead Cherri Pruitt is happy to supervise the work as an internship for credit.  

Interested? Contact Podcast Lead Cherri Pruitt:
Be an agent of cultural change:
CPS launched The Partnership Learning Center to expand our educational outreach for today’s leaders, providing opportunities for anyone, anywhere to access innovative curriculum focusing on applied Partnership, the caring economy and Riane Eisler’s lifelong work.
CPS' educational team developed and launched the Changing Our Story Changing Our Lives online course.

This self-paced, five-module course introduces a narrative about human history, human nature, and human possibilities that guides us in building a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.
CPS developed The Partnership Technology Toolkit with support from the Ford Foundation. The toolkit helps to shift technologists' thinking, reject false narratives about what is possible, and build technologies that support a partnership future.
As you plan your charitable giving for 2022, please consider a gift—either one-time or recurring—to the Center for Partnership Systems.

By making a gift today you will ensure that funding goes directly to programming, education, and engagement. We've come a long way in the almost 35 years since CPS was founded, but there is still so much to do. Please join me in ensuring that the voices of those who care—you, your family, your friends, and colleagues—is heard.
I thank you for your continued support and for being such a caring and important partner.

Warmest regards,
Riane Eisler, President of the Center for Partnership Systems; author of The Chalice and the BladeThe Real Wealth of Nations, Nurturing Our Humanity, and other groundbreaking works.