29222 Rancho Viejo Rd, Ste 127
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
October 2020

Our 2020 Therapy Leadership Experience was entirely virtual, so it was initially hard to imagine how we were going to connect with all of our Therapy Leaders in a meaningful way this year. Somehow, however, when the cameras turned on that first day and we opened our meeting box of surprises together, we felt the magic happening. It didn’t feel like a typical WebEx meeting; there was definitely something different in the air. Robert Massy, one of the founders of HeartMath, said that our hearts, and therefore our vibrational fields, were in sync. Whether you believe that or not, there was no disputing the connection we felt as we laughed together and cried together. Leader after leader demonstrated vulnerability, compassion, gratitude, strength, and love. It was a time to pause, listen, and fill up again with renewed determination to emerge from this pandemic better than ever. Here are some awesome photos we were able to capture.

We also committed to a Call to Action so that we can measure our success from this meeting to our next. I know you are already thinking about ways to make our Action Items a reality in your building!
  1. Finding new and innovative ways to give our Patients reasons to Live - Dream Big! 
  2. EPIC (Excellence in Programming and Interdisciplinary Care): what program is your facility going to embrace?
  3. Vital Signs: What is your plan to train and document on vital signs in the therapy department?
  4. EEF Participation 88% and Increase Facility Participation 5%
  5. Develop Leaders! DORITO Program and AIT Program
  6. Nurture the Spirit of Those on Your Team
Defining Moments in Times of Evacuation
By Milena Milenkovic, OT DOR, Summerfield Healthcare Center, Santa Rosa, CA
I was at home, in my pajamas, when I got the text message from our DON on Sunday 9/27 at 11pm, “We need all hands on deck to prepare packets for the potential evacuation.” I slowly jumped out of my bed and headed straight for the espresso machine while my partner read Twitter and Nixel alerts aloud regarding the location of the fires, direction of the winds, and latest evacuations orders. 

When I arrived to Park View around 12:30am, the power was off, the building was running on a generator, several members of our leadership team were already busily doing various prep work while the rest of the building was quiet, patients and residents sleeping, nurses and CNAs attending to their tasks. While making copies of patient’s charts in our long-term section, I heard various residents snore, some waking up from sleep, asking for help, and hearing CNAs quickly attending to the resident, comforting them from a bad dream, helping them fall back asleep. 

Soon enough, it was nearly 4am and I found myself taking a quick nap in the middle of the therapy gym, listening to the NOC shift sounds of med carts, occasional call lights, and staff’s footsteps. I anxiously napped, waiting for 5am so that I can send a text to my therapists. I worried about what to say to them, worried about those that had to evacuate, worried that many may not show up, that this is just too much, and that we may not have enough support in the morning if we had to evacuate. As 7am rolled-around, the shift-change happened, all my therapists showed up (some much earlier than usual), more staff rolled-in, and our building came to life. As our sister facility, Summerfield, started evacuating, it was our turn to continue “cold-calling” all SNFs within the Bay Area to ask them to accept our patients in the case of evacuation. Ash was falling from the sky as we secured beds for all of our patients. We were ready. Read On...
By JB Chua, DOR, Summerfield Healthcare Center, Santa Rosa, CA
October 9, 2017, and September 28, 2020 two dates that are significant to Summerfield Healthcare Center. These are the days that we, the Summerfield family, had to evacuate our patients out of our facility and send them temporarily to another place that is not their home. Their limited choices were either in a relative’s home, another skilled nursing facility and worst, evacuation centers. These were definitely one of the most stressful events that Summerfield had experienced. Staff worried about their homes, patients worried about their safety and patients’ families worried about their loved ones. The sky seemed to empathize with the situation with its gloomy hue and the air felt like a snake coiling around your body making it so hard to breath and the smoky air threatens to cut off your oxygen. Definitely not something anyone wants to experience during their lifetime....Every now and then, even before this experience, I would send a message to my therapists that I am proud to be a part of our team. As I sent another message to them, after we received the announcement that we can get our patients back in our facility, those same words felt insufficient to really express how I felt. I know deep in my heart, that if the same thing happens in the future, Summerfield Healthcare Center will rise to the occasion once again, because that’s who we are. Read On...
By Shoba Neupane-Gautam, DOR, Valley of The Moon, Sonoma, CA
It was Sept. 28, 2020. I was excited to attend my very first annual Therapy Leadership Virtual meeting. As I was working from my home office that morning, I heard from our therapy resource and DOR team that the Santa Rosa area had a bad fire and residents were being evacuated from our sister facility, Summerfield. 

I called Summerfield DOR, JB Chua, to offer some help. I realized JB was remaining calm but was disappointed that with the evacuation he may not be able to attend our annual meeting that day. As soon as I heard many residents were being transferred from the Summerfield facility to Broadway Villa Post-Acute, JB and I coordinated with Ensign IT to grant me Summerfield Optima and PCC access. JB helped evacuate his facility and still arrived at my place around 1:30 pm to attend our virtual meeting together. We both were able to attend the meeting peacefully. Read On...
Compassionate Hearts
by Mary Spaeder, Director of Therapy
Many of our Therapy Leaders are part of a special team called Compassionate Hearts. This team receives requests for people in need of some love, hope, and good thoughts from around the organization. We recently added 50 new DORs to the Compassionate Hearts. 

Compassionate Hearts receive requests via email, and then we get busy sending support. The only “rule” as part of this team is that when we hear about people in need, we don’t fall into sadness or despair, but instead, we hold our hearts strong for others in need. This is how we will help them heal. 

Dennis Baloy shared a wonderful quote with me today that is very appropriate:
“A small effort when combined in magnitude can create a ripple beyond what we can imagine.” 
Lighting Candles of Love
It is with a heavy heart that we share sad news about one of our dear PTAs in Nebraska, Ashley Carter from Omaha Nursing and Rehab. Ashley was 29 weeks pregnant when she left the facility Sept 3 not feeling well. When her condition did not improve, she went into the hospital. After much testing, the physicians found advanced breast cancer, and decided to induce the pregnancy. Baby Zoey was born at 29 weeks and taken to the NICU. Ashly was able to hold her daily as she started to undergo treatment. Last Friday, October 2, we received word that a pulmonary embolism had taken Ashly’s life. She was only 32 years old, and leaves behind her husband and 3 little girls. The Carter family is in need of our prayers and support right now. A special thanks to all of you who lit a candle of healing and peace for Ashly’s family on October 6 and for your compassionate thoughts and prayers.
Pictured are the remaining therapy team that worked with and loved Ashly dearly
Bringing Compassion to the Team
By April Trammell, SLP/DOR, Beacon Harbor, Rockwall, TX
April Trammell from Beacon Harbor in Rockwall, Texas, recently joined our Compassionate Hearts Team. She shared some ways she is bringing compassion to her team:

A personal goal of mine is to be more present for my team. This means both physically present and to develop a greater awareness of my team’s individual strengths and needs. I decided to give them all a survey with questions that captured our CAPLICO values  
1. Provide an example of a teammate’s compassion
2. Provide an example of a teammate’s accountability
3. Provide an example of a teammate’s effective treatment technique/out of the box thinking
4. Is there a topic/area of interest for your personal goals?
5. Provide a characteristic/trait you value in a teammate, in a leader, in yourself
6. What are your professional goals/leadership interests?
The responses from my team were overwhelming!  Read On...
Congratulations, Dawn Thompson, DOR, Victoria Post Acute Care — Winner of the Natalie Blasczienski Award!
Submitted by Jon Anderson Therapy Resource - Keystone
During our Annual Therapy Leadership meeting, I had the honor and privilege to announce this year’s Natalie Blasczienski Award winner. This award, established in 2019, in essence, emulates the spirit and incredible human being of Natalie Blasczienski. Natalie was a PT and DOR at Legend Euless, Texas (now known as Westpark). She was often described as a superhero for her patients, a mentor/coach for her therapy/IDT team, and a proud momma of two young boys. Natalie’s spirit and enthusiasm was palpable, and she enriched the lives of countless seniors, through her selfless dedication to helping others. Read On...
Therapy Update from VPAC
By Dawn Thompson, DOR, Victoria Post Acute Care, El Cajon, CA
Hope everyone has been staying safe and healthy. Here is an update from the Hidden Gem of East County, Victoria Post Acute Care (Yes, that was really once a slogan of VPAC.)  

VPAC has continued to accept COVID + patients, and as of August 16, there had been approximately 140 COVID admissions and 95 discharges to the community (25 skilled currently). Our entire VPAC team has continued to embrace the adversity of COVID as a challenge to overcome and catalyst for learning and growth. We’ve been honored to discharge so many residents home with family members and to prior living situations. The joy on residents’ and staff’s faces when escorted out the front doors on a red carpet to waiting family members is priceless. We’re looking forward to crossing the triple digit threshold for community discharges. Read On...
Code Sepsis
Understanding the Sepsis Pathway and COVID
Submitted by Tamala Sammons, M.A., CCC-SLP, Therapy Resource
The Mission:
Improve Sepsis identification early to improve patient outcomes.

The Why:
Sepsis was 20% of our Medicare Readmissions as an Organization in Calendar Year 2019. With every hour that treatment is delayed for sepsis, the mortality rate increases by 8%. Understanding and educating our facilities on SIRS and a focused vital-sign campaign with an SBAR-specific focus will improve our care delivery and reduce readmissions, improve our patient satisfaction, and help with our change in condition process.

COVID-19 and Sepsis: A Physician’s Lens
While there is still a lot to uncover about the pathology and presentation of COVID-19, we have learned a great deal about this virus and its potential impact in our post-acute care facilities. During our experience at one of the early COVID-19 outbreak facilities, it was discovered that an early presentation of many COVID-19 patients was the presence of a fever. Unfortunately, these fevers were managed with the typical order for acetaminophen and cooling measures, effectively masking the fever and avoiding any further escalation of care until the patient reached a point of medical instability. . Read on...
Sea Cliff Discovers S/P COVID Syndrome
By Jen Farley, DOR/Therapy Resource, Sea Cliff Healthcare,
Huntington Beach, CA 
Although this is not an official Dx, the Therapy Staff at Sea Cliff Healthcare has discovered the new cluster of symptoms in our long-term resident population of residents that have tested COVID-19 positive and received extensive Skilled and Place Therapy for COVID 19.  This “Syndrome” consists of one or several of these symptoms: weight loss (continued loss of sense and smell), muscle atrophy and cognitive decline (significant cognitive slowing). Our LTC services are needed to assess and treat our residents that are affected with these residual effects of COVID-19.  

It is our professional responsibility to effectively treat and assist our residents to return to their PLOF and to regain their quality of life. We have retooled our dining programs, reworked our RNA programs, and re-implemented the very pertinent Abilities Care Program. I am encouraging all DOR leaders, especially with a long-term population that is recovering from COVID-19, to pay close attention to their patients as we are only just discovering the long-term effects of COVID-19.   
COVID Testing
By Maryann Bowles, Therapy Resource - Colorado
When you’re an owner, you do whatever it takes! Jennifer Kuehn, DPT, CTO, is doing the weekly testing for the entire staff at The Villas at Sunny Acres. Sunny Acres is a 65-acre campus with ALF, ILF, memory care and SNF. This means lots of staff. Our clinical resources have trained a number of the IDT to help. Jenny Kuehn has been so helpful and crucial in getting our weekly testing done. 
Making PDPM Training Fun!
Submitted by Mira Waszak, Therapy Resource - Washington
Connecting and training with our teams has been challenging in our new normal. So how do we make training effective and fun on a Zoom call?  

Introducing PDPM Brain Benders by Jessika Booth, MDS Resource/Pennant WA. She created a simple but effective exercise bringing the 9 Washington IDTs together on a 30-minute Zoom call. Jessika forwarded Reference tools the day before the Zoom meeting, which included:
        PDPM quick reference guide
        PDPM ST comorbidity CMI guide
        NTA workbook
        PDPM ICD10 Mapping
        PDPM Nursing quick reference guide
        And a sample diagnosis list Read On...
Think Thin
The Path to Thin Liquids
By Tamala Sammons, M.A., CCC-SLP, Therapy Resource
A new clinical campaign for our SLPs and IDT is the “Think Thin! A Path to Thin Liquids” approach. There is so much supporting evidence that promotes thin liquids over thickened liquids. When thick liquids are needed, then we need to consider utilizing the free water protocol. 
Reasons to Think Thin: Read On...
We're All In This Together
By Sam Baxter, Therapy Resource - CA
Yesterday I went to Palomar Vista in Escondido, CA, to celebrate their 2019 Rehab Award. I offered to buy lunch for the team. They decided that they would like to allocate those funds to make lunch for the staff at PV to say thank you for all their support in helping them win the award. I was taken aback by the selfless way in which this team wanted to celebrate. It was so cool to see as nurses and others came to get their food and the DOR thanked all of them for their support in helping them to be successful.  
Reuniting Families and Friends
By Joyce Koyama, OTR/L, The Orchard Post Acute Care, Whittier, CA
On March 13, 2020, President Trump declared a national emergency, citing an outbreak of COVID-19. On that same day, CMS strictly restricted in-person visitation to only compassionate care situations in skilled nursing homes in order to prevent the introduction of COVID-19 to our most vulnerable population: the elderly with pre-existing medical conditions.

Like many seniors, our residents at The Orchard thrive on the opportunity to spend time with their loved ones. They look forward to having lunch with their spouse, to catching up with friends, to seeing their grandchildren grow. For many months, they were deprived of these meaningful visitations, or at least reduced to visits virtually or done outside their window. While many families tried to make the most of the situation by attempting to talk through glass, decorating their windows with signs and balloons, or even bringing singers to sing for their loved ones to bring cheer, it just was not the same.  Read On...
Retro Month at Omaha Nursing & Rehabilitation
By Darin Foster, DOR, Omaha Nursing & Rehabilitation, Omaha, NE
Staci Slater, our full-time OT, also does photography. We did a retro-themed month with different decades led by our wonderful life enrichment department.

Staci was able to use her photography skills and create pictures with the residents that mimicked famous pictures from the ’40s.  Here are the original photos and some of the residents’ impersonations that Staci did. 
CNA Transfer Training
By Tali Gerassi, DOR, Grossmont Post Acute Care, La Mesa, CA
Due to the high acuity of patients that we have admitted recently at GPAC, our OT Eric Young and PT Karen George have started a program where instead of doing our traditional CG training (which was a more verbal/educational approach where we completed simulated transfers on each other), they have changed to a more hands-on approach. They’ve taken time in their day to have a CNA shadow them with patient care for several hours during the day so they can be properly educated on body mechanics and hand placement, and to decrease risk of injury of both patient and staff. This program has been going quite well, and it's really promoting improved culture and respect among the CNAs and therapists. 
Bringing the Fair to The Pines
By Joleen Linn, Therapy Resource - Wisconsin
From August 31 to September 4, The Pines Post-Acute & Memory Care in Clintonville, Wisconsin, decided to bring the fair to our facility. During COVID-19, the residents in our building have been having a hard time not seeing family or friends, or joining the community’s fun events that have been canceled due to the pandemic. With a few good ideas and some event planning, we decided to make The Pines into a fair. Who doesn’t love games, prizes and delicious food? Each day throughout the week, we planned a special day for each and every resident and staff member to make their day a little brighter. 

Bringing the fair to The Pines Post-Acute & Memory Care has given us the biggest smiles throughout the week. We are very grateful for everyone who helped us in preparing for this week. We all know this year hasn’t been easy due to COVID, but there’s always some way to make their days a little brighter. Read On..
Washington Receives Eldergrow Grant
By Mira Waszak, Therapy Resource - Washington
Another gift of a grant in Washington. Pictured is Lynnwood Post Acute getting their setup and initial training.

The Eldergrow G.A.R.D.E.N Project would enable each of the nine participating Washington communities to help residents cope with this difficult time of isolation and loneliness, while also providing an interactive and meaningful activity to improve their quality of life now and long into the future. 

Numerous health care studies show a positive link between gardening and healing. Contact with gardens and nature can augment a resident’s medical treatment, including mental, physical and emotional needs. Therapeutic horticulture has been proven to deliver tangible wellness benefits, including improved self-esteem, improved memory, reduced depression, improved motor skills, and increased socialization. The project goals include, but are not limited to: 1) Increasing the quality of life by improving the residents’ emotional states and 2) improving the quality of care by focusing on the six therapeutic horticulture wellness goals set forth from the American Horticultural Therapy Society. Eldergrow strives to reach an 80% resident attainment rate on both goals.  Read On...
Therapist Profile
Submitted by Jamie Funk, Therapy Recruiting Resource
Meet Joe Pergamo, PT, (pictured top left), the Director of Rehabilitation at Rainier Rehabilitation in Puyallup, Washington. Joe joined our organization in March 2019 and has become a huge part of the Pennant Washington team, not only as a stand out leader in his own facility, but also as someone who pitches in for any of our Washington facilities if they need help. He has even driven five hours (one way) to Walla Walla on a repeat basis when they were short a physical therapist.

“Joe is a remarkable leader! He has been instrumental in increasing the awareness amongst the staff at Rainier’s rehab team of the benefits of providing therapy services to residents to maintain their optimal function,” says Brett Watson, the ED at Rainier Rehabilitation. “He has demonstrated through his leadership how to improve the quality of life of our residents through consistent rehab interventions and skills. Joe is patient, kind and long suffering. He is not only supportive of his therapy team, but he gets in and supports nursing, activities, and business office staff with their needs. He does this while maintaining a strong productivity percentage.”
3d render of leadership concept presented with child toys blocks
Therapy to ED Leadership
Submitted by Brian del Poso, OTR/L, CHC, RAC-CT, Therapy Resource 
Next up in the series of interviews of our former DORs turned ED is the one and only Amy Gutierrez! She is not only a former DOR, but served as a Therapy Resource as well. Amy is currently the ED at Treasure Hills in Keystone. She was kind enough to share some of her thoughts with us:

Q: As a DOR/Resource, you were in a good place in your career. What kinds of things were you thinking about when the thought of being an ED came up?
Jon (Anderson) was actually the one that brought it up in October of 2018 at the Leadership Summit meeting. Prior to that, I never really wanted the responsibility lol! I suppose that was when the seed was planted. Throughout that time period I considered taking my boards to becoming an Admin, I started asking questions to the other administrators. One of the most frequent questions I had was, “Is it fulfilling?” As a therapist and a resource, I know we make a difference and felt I had a purpose. I didn’t know if I would have the same sense of fulfilment as an ED. I was naïve to think that it wouldn’t be. Read On...
Making Vital Signs Vital
Submitted by Tamala Sammons, M.A., CCC-SLP, Therapy Resource
We have been focused on why it is so important to measure vital signs as part of our clinical practice. Not only does the data help us with early detection of sepsis, identifying patient instability, having comparative baselines during exercise, and knowing when to stop an activity, but it also helps us make better clinical decisions around patient care. Now, therapy teams need to also focus on capturing measured vital signs into our daily documentation practices.

Measuring and documenting vital signs starts at the evaluation to ensure treatment plans are designed to address challenges with varying diagnoses and to ensure we provide interventions accordingly. Next, vital signs are measured during treatment sessions to support decisions around interventions being provided.

The key for us as therapists is to capture the data from vital signs as a guide to what interventions we will provide, or stop providing. In other words, we need to do more than simply take and record vitals. We need to use vital sign data as tools to make clinical decisions. For example...Read On...
Congratulations to Our Vital Signs Champions!
During the recent Virtual Therapy Leadership Meeting, we announced the winners of the Vital Sign Champions contest. In order to attain this recognition, teams had to submit information on how vital signs are integrated into their therapy programs, how they train team members on using vital signs, how vital signs are used as an IDT approach to patient care, and finally there had to be evidence of vital sign integration to support clinical decisions and patient care captured in the documentation. 14 facilities were recognized as Vital Sign Champions and two facilities were recognized as Vital Sign Grand Champions. Prizes include an award to display in their gym or office, swag pack items featuring the cool vital signs logo, a goodie basket for the team, and vital sign equipment. 

Congratulations to the following facilities. (View some team photos here)
Grand Champions
Victoria Post Acute, El Cajon, CA — Therapy Leader: Dawn Thompson
Wellington Place, Temple, TX — Therapy Leader, Dustin Rex

Southland Care Center, Norwalk, CA — Therapy Leader: Carlos Pineda
St. Elizabeth Healthcare, Fullerton, CA — Therapy Leader: Dennis Baloy
The Hills, Santa Ana, CA — Therapy Leader: Paul Baloy
Summerfield Healthcare Center, Santa Rosa, CA — Therapy Leader: JB Chua
The Phoenix, Texas City, TX — Therapy Leader: Megan Hudson
Legend Oaks, Waxahachie, TX — Therapy Leader: Evette Ramirez
Rowlett Health & Rehabilitation, Rowlett, TX — Therapy Leader: Dana Pike
Hunters Pond Rehab & Healthcare, San Antonio, TX — Therapy Leader: Sonia West
Patriot Heights, San Antonio, TX — Therapy Leader: Hunter Haight
Sonterra Healthcare, San Antonio, TX — Therapy Leader: Lindsay Fry
Legend Oaks, Kyle, TX — Therapy Leader: Lana Mathis
Parklane West, San Antonio, TX — Therapy Leader: Jennifer Henderson
Temple View Post Acute, Rexburg, ID — Therapy Leader: Susie Swetter
Orem Nursing & Rehab, Orem, UT — Therapy Leader: Mark Walker
A Heartfelt Read
Submitted by Joleen Linn, Therapy Resource - Wisconsin
Ann Campshure, the Activities Director at our Greentree facility in Clintonville, WI, wrote an article as part of a school project. I thought I would share, as she did an amazing job with it.

The Big Race
By JRebekah Anekwe, DOR, Victoria Care Center, Ventura, CA
A lot of friendly trash talking and off-site competitions led us to this moment. Who is the fastest in rehab? When COVID first hit our building, we did a friendly competition of who could log the most workouts in a month. The next month, we tried to see who could run the most miles in one month. We needed something else to talk about instead of PPE and isolation units 

The conversations began to get competitive. Who could run the fastest 5K? Who could spin for the longest time with no break? Now we are here. A challenge. The fastest to run 100 meters. And so, in a building with an ongoing COVID outbreak, in a county struggling with a massive heat wave, in a state with rolling blackouts and fires and quarantines … we thought, why not? And so we raced. Check out the video here:

Andre, the clerk in the front who checks us in and takes our temperature on a daily basis, decided to join us. He smoked everyone with a time of 12 seconds. Andrew came in second place after just deciding that morning to race. Annie came in third. They got some sweet prizes, and pizza after. But in the end, we all won on this day — because we found a way to carve out some time and do something fun together that didn’t involve COVID or PPE or inservices or updates. We spent some quality time together, even if it was for 20 minutes, as a team. You can see it in their faces. There’s already talk of a rematch.

Reminds me a lot about cognitive behavior theory — a healthy, constructive way to “mentally distract” ourselves (away from COVID) to something bigger than ourselves (conquering new physical goals)… It releases steam and puts everything in perspective. Exercise is medicine! You and your team are inspirational!
Dennis Baloy, OTR/L, OTD, Director of Rehabilitation Services
St. Elizabeth Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center 
Meet Our New SPARC Winners
By Jamie Funk, Therapy Recruiting Resource
Carl Meyer, PT 
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI
Grad Date: 05/08/2021

April Westbrook, OT  
Keiser University
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Grad Date: 12/31/20
Congratulations to Our New CTOs!
The CTO designation is the highest designation a therapy leader in the organization can receive; it is a tall order to be in this elite club. Please join us in congratulating this elite group of leaders!
Celebrating Disha Desai, PT/CTO/ DOR Submitted by Kip McMillan, Executive Director, Upland Care & Rehabilitation, Upland, CA
I am super proud to inform everyone that Upland’s Director of Rehab, Disha Desai, is now our Chief Therapy Officer. This honor has been a long time coming, and she is absolutely deserving. Since coming to Upland Rehab, Disha has completely changed the culture in the rehab department. They lead the way for Touchstone in most metrics they are measured by, and are always in the top for Flagstone. Disha has helped lead the team to the lowest Therapy PSD YTD for Touchstone, the lowest CPM YTD for Touchstone, and tied for first for Part B PNSD for Touchstone. 
Celebrating Cara Koepsel, SLP, DOR, CTO, Golden Acres, Dallas, TX 
Submitted by Jon Anderson, Therapy Resource - Keystone
Cara became the DOR at Golden Acres in May 2018, after being one of our first DORITOs (Director of Rehab in Training) in Keystone, and then successfully transitioning to DOR (Director of Rehab) at Lake Village for nine months. When Cara came to Golden Acres, the therapy department was doing well financially and operationally in key therapy metrics; however, Cara reminded us that GOOD is the enemy of GREAT. 

Cara truly is the epitome of ownership, and quickly jumped in at Golden Acres. In fact, there isn’t a function in the facility that she is not willing to take on herself or assist with as needed. Read On...
Celebrating Agatha Pedro, OTR, DOR, CTO, Timberwood, Livingston, TX
Submitted by Jon Anderson, Therapy Resource - Keystone
Agatha relocated from outside the state of Texas into a city with such charm, known as Livingston, TX, four years ago to help lead the therapy team at Timberwood. The shift from what she was familiar with could have been a tough adjustment for some, but Agatha stepped right in and embraced the city and facility with open arms. The transition came with some growing pains such as a very limited therapy team, ever-changing department heads, and very linear therapy services that were offered. In a short amount of time, Agatha has nearly doubled her therapy team through strong partnership efforts with our Keystone Therapy Recruiter, Richard Johnson. Agatha made a conscious decision to create an interview process that was inclusive with other team members. She prides herself on her onboarding process so each new team member can be fully immersed with the Ensign experience. Read On...