Monday, October 18 to Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Embassy Suites, La Quinta
Additional Information for Theoasis 2021
From the Theoasis Planning Team

Making Room for All Comfort Levels
We are mindful of the COVID concern and are consistently watching case numbers. The planning team is working to make this a meaningful event while considering your safety.

Our intention is to make this year’s programming also available digitally. The full registration fee will be required. ALL paid registrants will receive the appropriate link. 

Options for attendance may include:
1) In-person in the ballroom of the Embassy Suites, La Quinta.
2) From the comfort of your hotel room at the Embassy Suites, La Quinta.
3) From the comfort of your own home.

All in-person attendees will be required to wear a mask while inside the ballroom except while eating.
If you have not yet registered but want to receive the appropriate link to attend from home, you must register here by October 4 and chose that option. 

If you have already registered and would like to attend from home instead of in-person, please inform Rachel Line at

Important things to note:
  • The hotel has informed us that there is more than adequate ventilation in the ballrooms and has special procedures in place for changing filters on a regular basis as well as sanitizing the rooms on breaks and in between meetings. 
  • In-person attendees will be required to wear masks while inside the ballroom except while eating. 
  • In-person attendees will be seated with physical distancing whenever possible.
  • Sessions are being shortened. We will provide breaks for people to go outside.  


Presentation by the Rev. Wilbert “Wilk” Miller
Holy Week: A Fool’s Journey
“For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe”.
(1 Corinthians 1: 21)
Using the revered lives of the Holy Fools in the Russian Orthodox tradition and the Holy Week texts, we will examine how God uses the foolishness of our lives, proclamation, and ministries to bring hope and love to our groaning world.
  • PALM SUNDAY (The Foolishness of the Line Running Through Our Hearts): how does God use saints and sinners like us to bear the message of the cross?
  • MAUNDY THURSDAY (The Foolishness of the Tools of Our Trade): how can the trifling stuff we rostered leaders bear offer forgiveness and salvation?
  • GOOD FRIDAY (The Foolishness of Our Helpless Silence): what gift can we possibly offer amidst our own confusion and anguish, inactivity and silence?
  • EASTER VIGIL (The Foolishness of Our Holy Storytelling): how does our trifling craft of preaching invigorate those starved for hope?

Stories and Small Group Breakouts

This past year and a half has certainly affected our ministry. Maybe you have had time to pause and reflect on how parts of you have been challenged, shaped, and transformed during the stay-at-home orders. Maybe you’ve been affirmed by the expressions of your colleagues, family and friends, and with those with whom we serve and lead in our ministries. Theoasis will feature 5-minute testimonies to hear the stories and reflections of those who have been caught up by change and transformation in themselves and in ministry because of Covid-19. There will be time to meet together in small groups to discuss these stories. Together, we can witness and affirm God’s presence and hand working throughout this time.

Tuesday Free Time Options
(Subject to change based on COVID safety)
1)  Book Study: Mudhouse Sabbath: An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline
Have you ever stopped to wonder at the pillars of Jewish faith and practice, and consequentially have seen the Christian faith in a new light? Well, that’s not exactly what Lauren F. Winner writes about in her book, Mudhouse Sabbath: An Invitation to a Life of Spiritual Discipline. In this very meaningful and quick read, this Episcopal priest, raised in an Orthodox-Jewish household, takes time to put pen-to-paper and explores how she maintains Jewish practices and the place where she began to dialogue between sides of herself—at a coffee house called The Mudhouse. Come join Pastor Thomas Voelp in a discussion of this book, and wonder at Winner’s reflections in this unique dialogue of Jewish practice and Christian faith. Perhaps, we will come away discerning our own practices in light of hers. You are encouraged to purchase the book from your favorite bookseller and read it prior to attending.

2) Yoga with Lisa Higginbotham
Join Lisa Higginbotham for an hour of breathing and gentle yoga technique that will deliver oxygen to your lungs and weary muscles! Beginners welcome, a towel is suggested.

3)  Coaching and Spiritual Direction
During our Tuesday afternoon free time, we are offering two professional opportunities.
You may sign up for a free 30-minute coaching sessions at the registration table.
The coaching session with licensed life coach Pastor Nancy Switzler. Nancy can help people strengthen their vocational path and take steps to meet their goals.
You may sign up for a free 30-minute spiritual direction session at the registration table.
We will also offer spiritual direction sessions for those of you who have been considering spiritual direction but do not know what to expect. We will have a spiritual director with us to introduce you to this very important method of support.

4)  Golf Tournament
An optional golf tournament will be held at Palm Desert Country Club (77-200 California Drive, Palm Desert). The cost is $75 per person. To register for the golf tournament, please select the Golf Tournament option found on the Theoasis registration page.

Event Schedule
(Subject to Change)

Theoasis begins on Monday, October 18. Registration will open at 12:00 p.m. The program will begin with worship at 2:00 p.m. The event ends on Wednesday, October 20 by Noon, following closing worship. For a complete schedule as of September 8, click here. Please note: this schedule is subject to change.

For other information, such as costs, hotel reservations, and the link to register, please visit the 2021 Theoasis event web page.

For questions about the event, please contact Rachel Line at For questions about your registration, please contact Terri Robertson at
Theoasis is a joint partnership of the
Pacifica and Southwest California Synods