
The Resoptima Newsletter - 3rd Edition

This is a very busy quarter for the Resoptima Team on a global basis: new offices, many trade events, and resuming travel to meet and greet customers. Everywhere we go we find a strong interest in the new workflows, technologies and general approach to reservoir performance management that Resoptima has been offering for many years. There is clearly pressure across the industry to improve the reliability of predictions and get a better grip on the economics of reservoir performance activities. Decision-makers and stakeholders need a clear, articulate assessment of the risks and rewards of each development and production project.


See you in Madrid - booth 720

We look forward to greeting our customers and all professionals interested in the latest innovations that dramatically improve reservoir performance predictions.

We will be presenting a number of talks on our booth, covering the 4D seismic integration module, a review of case histories and an overview of our latest developments in ensemble-based modelling.

We will also be hosting Lunch & Learn sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, look out for the agenda on the website, registration required as seats are limited. 

We will also have a daily draw for an electronic gizmo from among our guests, and a hospitality event starting at 4 pm Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Nos vemos en Madrid!

The whole 9 yards on Resoptima at EAGE here

Here, there and everywhere!

Since our last newsletter we have taken part in 7 conferences or workshops.

Quiz: can you guess the cities?

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Quiz answer

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(photo © OTC/Matt Herp 2022)

Resoptima CEO Atila Mellilo presented a paper at OTC 2022 in Houston titled "Reducing CO2 emissions through

uncertainty-centric reservoir management"

SPE Norway - Bergen - April 2022

The seminal SPE paper by Bratvold et al. (2020) "Production Forecasting: Optimistic and Overconfident—Over and Over Again" looks back at 40 years of reservoir modelling, simulation and history matching, and observes that the industry has not provided decision-makers with markedly better predictions for field performance. That observation was made at a time Resoptima was already changing the whole approach to the management of uncertainties.

At SPE Norway, Jon Sætrom and TC Sandø's paper expanded on the notion of methodically exploring the whole uncertainty space. See the paper: "Overcoming The Seven Wastes of Reservoir Modelling Projects".

In the press

An article by Jon Sætrom and Philip Neri was published in GeoExpro Vol.19 - 2 on pages 79 and 80, titled: "Exploring the uncertainty space in subsurface modelling and forecasting".

New conference papers

The full list is here

Chasing Business Critical Insights in a Fast and Continuous Manner Using Ensemble-based Modeling Approach

A.S. Khan, A. Phade and T.C.Sandø, 4th WIPIC workshop 2022.

Reducing Subsurface Uncertainties by Ensemble Based Methods

Ary N. Ahmed, Henrike Grunhagen, Bernardo Moyano, Charlotte Faust Andersen, Eivind Bøyum, Radzieman Mohamad, Saeed Fallah Bolandtaba, Wesam Ben Mansour, Olawale Ibrahim Ajala, Subhi Sadigov, SPE Norway Subsurface Conference, April 27, 2022.

Growing interest in ResX on DELFI

The interest in running ResX on the DELFI platform is on the uptick. Our software has been operational on DELFI since September 2021, and so far user feedback has been very positive. 

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New office in Bucharest

Resoptima is opening its Global Center of Excellence in the capital city of Romania. The team will provide consulting, project execution and training to the company’s global customer community.

Welcome Philippe Mieussens

Philippe is joining the Resoptima team as Managing Director of the new Center of Excellence in Bucharest.

Philippe brings over 25 years of international experience in the industry working for operators, advisory and service companies.


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