Dear friends,

There are so many ways to give back, but this month we are taking time to remember how each and every one of us can make a difference with just the smallest act.

We have been compiling our annual survey data this past month, where we received useful feedback on ways to improve. We also received many kind words of appreciation for the little things we do here on the Campus of Caring. It's been a good reminder of how simple everyday acts of kindness can mean the world to someone going through hard times. Below, you can find a few ways to take action and enact meaningful change in our community.

With Sarasota's Long Term Recovery Group you can get involved in the recovery efforts from Hurricane Ian and help strengthen our community for the future. You can attend one of their public Zoom meetings to learn about those still impacted by Ian and contribute to the ongoing conversation. The group has also been working with Resilient SRQ, the county program that will allocate $201M in relief grant funding from HUD. Their Draft Action Plan is open for public review until August 25th, and you can use the link below to read the document and submit your feedback.

As we support the incredible work of our 15 resident agencies, we see countless ways to contribute to a better tomorrow. If you find a passion in your heart to be part of that future but you're not sure how, then give us a call.

That small act can make a big impact.

Happy reading!

Charlene Altenhain, Executive Director
(941) 867-4387 |
Our mission is To CONNECT, SUPPORT, and SUSTAIN a network of human service nonprofits for a stronger community.

Ageless Caring

We had two GS Connects events this summer on the Campus of Caring.

On June 6th First 1000 Days came to talk to campus staff about their network of childcare services for parents. Then on June 27th Senior Friendship Centers presented on the community and resources they provide to older adults.

You can read more about both of these events in our latest blog.

Campus Kay Day

We celebrated our annual Campus Kay Day on June 21!

The tradition continued with free popsicles and the addition of the Currywurst SRQ Food Truck to the campus. This is our thank you to the staff on the Campus of Caring who make Dr. Kay Glasser's dream a reality every day with their hard work.

You can see the video of the day's festivities here!

Campus Connect events are made possible through funding from the Gulf Coast Community Foundation.

Sarasota County Long Term Recovery Group meetings are held the last Friday of each month, and are open to the public. Find the Zoom link and more here.

Long Term Recovery

The Long Term Recovery Group, led by United Way South Sarasota County, is a community-based group working for the hurricane recovery efforts of residents in Sarasota County. The group has produced a needs assessment, which largely includes construction costs and resources for North Port and Venice residents to restore their homes to safety, where Hurricane Ian hit hardest.

The group has been in conversation with Resilient SRQ, Sarasota County's program to administer HUD's $201M block grant for disaster recovery. Resilient SRQ has published it's Draft Action Plan, which is available for public comment through August 25, including a public meeting on August 9.

Measurable Impact

Each year, we take an annual survey of the leadership and staff who work on the 5-acre Campus of Caring. In one question, we ask about the value of the dollars they save through their partnership with Glasser/Schoenbaum. Shellie Legarsky, MS, Regional Director with St. Vincent de Paul CARES answered:

"We use this savings to serve more clients in our projects. We have lower admin costs and use that savings to add to our direct client costs. This could be furniture, additional rents paid, utilities paid, and moving expenses."

Thank you Shellie and St. Vincent de Paul CARES, for all you do to help our community through your rapid rehousing programs.

Birds Eye View

"Why I Give"

Robin Serbin reflects on why she decided to dedicate so much of herself to The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services Center.

"I support The Glasser/Schoenbaum Human Services Center because my donations ultimately benefit an enormous segment of those with various needs in our community. It is the ripple effect, where donations to this 'Campus of Caring' help to support the 15 nonprofit agencies on the campus, who ultimately impact the lives of over 25,000 people annually. Through networking and collaboration, the community benefits and I feel that my support has a more far-reaching collective impact. For over three decades, Glasser/Schoenbaum has improved the quality of lives in our community and I feel blessed in knowing that my support makes a difference to so many"

Former board president, Robin Serbin, with her grandson Ethan, at the 2018 campus-wide Halloween lunch. This year, Ethan is going into kindergarten!

Would you like to support a happier and healthier quality of life for all of those who work, live, and play in our region? Consider a donation to Glasser/Schoenbaum.

Your gift supports the human services network for individuals and families to accomplish their goals for self-sustainability.


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