Thanks to you, 2017 has turned out to be a truly wonderful year for Wolf Connection, our pack, and program participants! Wolf Connection was gifted with a program analysis by Claremont Graduate University and the results reinforced what all of us already know... Our Wolf Therapy ® programs work! 

"I want everybody to know I said thank you, and I would want to come back. I wanna come back, and just... tell them I love everybody."
~ 2017 Phoenix Student's Post-Program Interview

Your gifts, sponsorship, participation and support actually change the lives of at-risk youth. Here is Claremont's summary...

"Participating in Wolf Connection's 8-week program positively impacted  participants. Though initially unsure of what to expect of the wolves, students were captivated by their presence and enjoyed learning from their stories. Loving and supportive staff challenged and encouraged student's growth in many dimensions. Over the course of the program, students connected with each other, learned how to support their teammates, and began to open up and develop a sense of trust. They began to experience and appreciate the natural world all around them, feeling a greater sense of responsibility toward the environment. Students expressed that their time at Wolf Connection helped them to learn who they are as unique individuals, and  how to feel okay with themselves . The Wolf Principles have also stayed with the students, and have helped them begin to change their thoughts and habits for the better . When asked if there was anything else they would like to share about their experience at Wolf Connection, one student earnestly replied:
"It's gonna be remembered. It's gonna be remembered."
Thank you for making this second chance a reality for Wolf Connection's program participants. 

After participating in the program, to what extent do students grow in...

Students demonstrate greater self-reflection and note that prior to program participation, they were not truly aware of who they were. They became more trusting and in touch with their emotions. 

Students are interacting more productively with teachers and peers. Students report helping others more often . Participating students bonded as a group. 

Spending time outside was a new experience for student s. They  came to respect wolves and reported feeling closer to the natural world. They now seek out nature experiences.

Students indicate a desire to continue abiding by the Wolf Principles. They report practicing meditative moments of silence on their own time. Many want to return to Wolf Connection to volunteer.

In addition to making the Wolf Principles and meditation as part of their daily routine, loved ones of the participants also notice a difference in behavior: acting calmer, more relaxed, and helping others. One student mentioned he does not go out on the streets anymore, a finding of potentially enormous implications for life trajectory!

With your support, Wolf Connection will continue to provide these life-changing programs for Los Angeles' most at-risk youth in areas with the least family and social services and highest rates of poverty and crime. Wolf Connection is more than a wolf sanctuary; it's a human sanctuary too! Thank you for allowing us to teach the next generation self-sustainability, caring for the environment and each other, and how to be stewards of the earth. 

Now is the time to maximize your end of the year donation to support Wolf Connection's Pack and Programs with PayPal's Giving Fund which will add 1% to all donations made to Wolf Connection! Click HERE to donate through PayPay's Giving Fund

Or support our programs through sponsorship of a Wolf Connection Ambassador wolf.  Our programs would not be as effective as they have shown to be without a pack of extremely well-cared for, socialized rescued wolves who share their stories of recovery. 

Give the gift of Wolf Sponsorship to a loved one or dedicate it to a group of friends or family. Sponsorship of the current pack will be the placeholders for their yet-to-be-rescued brothers and sisters who will find safety and love at the Wolf Connection Ranch in 2018.

Get to know some Ambassadors who need sponsors in 2018...

Sponsor Max and go with him on his favorite activity - hiking! Max is very timid at first, but once he trusts you he makes it worth the wait. Forming a loving bond with Max is one of patience and loving intentions.


Sponsor Wyoh, an original pack member, who is one of the best-trained ambassadors, a main program animal and one of the most loving beings. He is sure to get endless belly rubs from his sponsor and sneak in a kiss whenever he can. A sponsor for Wyoh is one pure joy. 


The Alpha male of the pack, Omak is cool, collected and confident. Not one to allow just anyone into his pack, building a relationship with Omak takes time. A sponsor for Omak is one of respect and integrity.

True to his name, Malo is full of mischievousness! Always open to new adventures, Malo loves to meet new humans, new wolves and explore new territory. Sponsor Malo and go on his favorite activity of hiking the Wolf Connection Ranch. Forming a bond with Malo is built on the zest for life and the unknown. 

Thank you for believing in the incredibly important work that we do and entrusting us with your social investment. 

Teo Alfero and the Wolf Connection Team

*For Claremont's full article on Wolf Connection's effectiveness, click HERE

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