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Would it help to this puppy to know where he is touch sensitive? 

The one question to ask all clients

I was attending a presentation by practice management consultant Wendy Meyer at the Mississippi Valley Veterinary Conference a few weeks ago. She was reviewing the online forms to email to clients ahead of the appointments to keep time efficient. The frustration of unruly, or aggressive pets during exams came up and how that can blow the flow of the day. I raised my hand and stated how this one question saved a lot of time and frustration when we added it to our intake for new and existing clients.

" What part of your pet's body do they not want to be touched?"

Now you get the laundry list - usually the feet, ears, belly, tail, mouth, or rump. Now, you can triage care according to health needs and manage the stress of the exam. You can also limit the exam, dispense pre-exam medication, and schedule a recheck. If you require this form to be updated and submitted before confirming the appointment, you can be prepared, and the client too with pre-meds and better communication of what can be achieved during the exam.

But this pet was always good for exams - what would be different?

A lot can change in the year between exams. Body aging, home environment changes (a toddler at the house?) injury over the year, or past vet exam stress can decrease handling tolerance. New clients may be seeking your clinic because you are Low-Stress/ Fear Free and therefore will know what to do even if they don't offer info. But you know you need this info! Ask in this simple way and believe what the client reports, especially if the pet was tolerant in the past.

Know the techniques to quickly manage erupting stress

My Top 5 Low-Stress Canine and Feline Handling courses give you the techniques you can use at the moment and quickly reduce stress as you triage care. Accurate reading of the body language and determining the triggers in the moment, how to use pheromone sprays for calm in 5 minutes, positive use of muzzles, and blankets, and how to quickly hide and eliminate in-clinic triggers are what you will learn - and how you can prevent stress escalation in moments. This is so important, especially if the pet is unmedicated or in pain. click here for the courses

Try adding this one question, and let me know how much it helps you to keep care Low-Stress, safe, and efficient.

Thanks and have a wonderful spring!

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Low Stress use of Safety Tools
How to read canine body language and respond
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