Membership Newsletter

Brotherhood of St. Andrew

Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter's current edition (Volume 43), "LEAD LIKE ANDREW." It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned, and what successes from the previous weeks.

We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so that we can include them! We also value your feedback on this newsletter or how your national office is serving you.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with Conrad Jones (email Conrad) or

Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy) for feedback or for sharing newsletter information!

Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.


Tune in to our

May webinar


Wednesday, May 3 at 8 p.m. (EDT)

Our guest speaker will be Mr. Rich Zeck, Executive Director for the Council on Aging covering all of Pitt County North Carolina. His passion and commitment to serving older adults brought him to the Council on Aging. Rich and his family moved to Greenville, North Carolina from Grand Rapids, Michigan in July 2015 where he had worked with several National

Senior Corps programs within a large non-profit gerontology agency.

Zeck brings over 40 years of knowledge and experiences in business which includes 25 years of corporate experience plus the last 15 years in the “older adult” non-profit world. It is those many years of experience and knowledge that has allowed him to speak at many state

and national platforms on a wide range of topics.

The monthly webinar is always the first Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. (ET).

Coming next month will be The Very Reverend Ronald D. Pogue to talk about the Boy Scout Jamboree!

Click here to join the webinar

National Day of Prayer

May 4

Once again, in a joint partnership between The Brotherhood, The Daughters of The King and the Union of Black Episcopalians, a 35 minute video has been created by several members of each ministry and can be viewed through the link below. It is to remind us of the importance of prayer in our daily lives and in the welfare of our country and world. Chapters should play it for their meetings, or their parishes, or even community celebrations as all of America is asked to pray especially on May 4!

The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of

God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people.

The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans. It is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds. Special thanks to our Brothers Tom Martin, James Carlock, Rory Smith, Peter Gilmour and John Thompson-Quartey and Eric Fisher for their roles in this wonderful production!

You can view the video NOW by clicking here

Chapter Renewal Honor Roll

Good news to report that we have 48 chapters that met the 70% roster renewal threshold to date. These chapters will be receiving a Houghteling Chapter patch for their chapter banners! 

Moreover, 26 of those are at 95-100% renewals!

Here's the list in order by Province:

(Bold Print Chapters are 95-100% renewals!)

Province II - Nick Cox Province President

St Stephen/St Martin - Brooklyn, NY

St George's - Hempstead, NY

Grace - Jamaica, NY

Church of the Resurrection - East Elmhurst, NY

St David's - Cambria Heights, NY

St Uriel - Sea Girt, NJ

St Luke's - Bronx, NY

Province III Gregory Evans Province President

Trinity Episcopal - Fredericksburg, VA

Pohick - Lorton, VA

Trinity - Elkton, MD

St Paul's - Doylestown, PA

Emmanuel - Virginia Beach, VA

Province IV -Leo Dugger Province VP

St. Joseph's - Fayetteville, NC

St Barnabas - Tullahoma, TN

Holy Comforter - Gadsden, AL

Christ Church Cathedral Lexington, KY

St. Paul's By The Sea - Jacksonville Beach, FL

St Mary's - High Point, NC

Christ Church - Elizabeth City, NC

Holy Trinity - Decatur, GA

St John's - Pascagoula, MS

Christ - Covington, LA

St. James House of Prayer - Tampa, FL 

St James - Houston, TX

Emmanuel - Athens, GA

St Kevin's - Opa Locka, FL

St Paul's - Delray Beach, FL

St Peter and St Paul Marietta, GA

St Andrew By The Sea - Nags Head, NC

St Joseph's - Boynton Beach, FL

Church of our Savior Palm Bay, FL

Christ - Pensacola, FL

Church of the Ascension - Knoxville, TN

St Francis in the Fields - Harrods Creek, KY

Church of Transfiguration - Opa Locka, FL

Province V - Jeff Butcher Interim Province President

St Andrew's Anglican - Lewis Center, OH

St Michael's and St George's - St Louis, MO

Province VI - Eric Whitfield Province President

St. Timothy's - Centennial, CO

Province VII - Chris Mathews Province President

Grace - Galveston, TX

St Luke's - San Antonio, TX

St Peter's -Kerrville, TX

St Timothy's - Lake Jackson, TX

St Francis - Rio Rancho, NM

Good Shepherd - Friendswood, TX

St Mary's - West Columbia, TX

St Peter and All Saints - Kansas City, MO

Province VIII - Eric Fisher Province President

St Peter's -  Rialto, CA

Advent -  Sun City West, AZ


Are you missing out on Brotherhood Texting??



Our text messaging system will help us expand our communications efforts for our member Brothers (it will have an opt-out option should you choose).



to 844-397-0817

or Scan QR Code


Our Brotherhood database

Accuracy is an ongoing process. Please check your information on our new website:, to update. 

Keep your cell phone number up to date.

Accessing Member Portal


The Member Login portal allows you to access your information as we have it in our database. You can view and update your contact information to ensure you receive emails and our print edition of The Cross magazine. You can also view your donations and renew your membership. You can just follow the steps below to access your member portal.


1.    Visit our website,

2.    At the top of the home page, click “Members”

3.    Click “Update & Renew”

4.    Scroll down until you see “Member Login” in a red box; click that button

5.    This leads you to your online portal. You can log in or sign up for the first time if you haven’t logged in before. Follow the instruction on that page. 

6.    If you are unsure of the email address used for your account, contact the National Office at 502-450-5640.

We have initiated a new Direct Line or "Hot Line" for Province Presidents, Diocesan Coordinators, and Chapter Officers who have an urgent need to contact our national leadership at any time. Our Executive Director will have this cell phone at all times. In addition, the executive leadership of the Brotherhood will also be available for return calls by simply leaving a voice mail message on this phone. We have committed to responding ASAP.

The Hot Line Number will be sent to the field leaders under a direct message.

Consider making a "Sustaining Member" pledge to

The Brotherhood...$1, $5, even $10/month. And the ease of it is that you can have it automatically done via PayPal or a credit card. We get the bulk of our pledge donations during the first quarter of the year, and counting on a sustaining flow of donations would help our budgetary process.

Sign up today by clicking here.

God loves a cheerful giver!

Our National Council Meeting will be held on October 7. If you are considering any amendments to out Constitution or ByLaws, they must be seen by the Executive Board no later than July so that the proposal can be posted in our Cross publication for at least 60 days prior to the meeting.

To view our Constitution, click here.

To view our ByLaws, click here

We need stories from Chapters and Ministries

Our editor Kathy Copas really would like to include news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send to

Do you have a graduating High School or College Senior in your Parish? (It's easy to find out just ask the youth director or the rector!)

Why not give them a gift, as an individual or a chapter, that keeps on giving! Give them a membership in our only costs $50!

Just click here for an application form or go to our website!

Episcopal Scouting Needs You!!

Forward in Faith!

The Scouting ministry of the Brotherhood of St Andrew will be operating an exhibit booth at the 2023 National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, held this July at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.

The Episcopal Scouting booth will profile each day the life of a different Saint, and how they moved their communities “Forward in Faith”. We will also be creating an awareness of The Episcopal Church, and the various Scouting religious awards available to Episcopal youth. Scouts who complete a majority of our program days will receive an Anglican Prayer Bead kit.

We are expecting to hold an Episcopal Mass on Sunday, July 23rd celebrated by the Bishop of West Virginia. We are in desperate need of booth staff. Volunteers are welcome to join as day staff for 1-2 days at a time. Day staffers visiting for more than 2 consecutive days will be charged a small fee for visiting Jamboree, but for 1-2 days, there is no charge. Volunteers are also welcome to join the exhibit full time staff for either 5 day session or for the full event, July 19-28. Volunteers who are not currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America will need to take a short online youth protection training, and be background checked or submit evidence of a background check by another youth focused organization.

Those who are not able to volunteer but wish to support the Scouting Ministry financially may send a donation to the Brotherhood of St Andrew specified for the Scouting Ministry-Jamboree Fund. Our expenses for printed materials, the cost of the exhibit space, and the prayer beads, were much higher than expected this year, so any support is greatly appreciated.

For more information, please contact:

Mel Chapman

Jamboree Lead -Scouting Committee

Brotherhood of St Andrew





Pray Day

Join us...

What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!

We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!

Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!

The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking here. 

Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes

every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!

If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact or

it's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!

Prayer Leaders Schedule

May 3 - Conrad Jones

May 10 - Tom Martin

May 17 - John Thompson- Quartey

May 24 - Chris Matthews

May 31 - Tom Welch

June 7 - John Thompson- Quartey

June 14 - Roy Benavides

June 21 -

June 28 - Tom Martin

July 5 -

July 12 -

July 19 -

July 26 -

If you'd like to lead the program on a Wednesday, drop a note to Conrad or Roy!

We're done in about 20 minutes....that's it!

National Days

We have several days of celebration during 2023 so mark your calendars now when you or your chapters are planning events this year!

National Day of Prayer - May 4

We will again be coordinating a joint celebration with the Daughters of The King. If you would like to assist in our joint planning with them, please let Conrad or Roy know. We could use a couple more volunteers with working on the script of prayers and the presentation format.

National Day of Service - July 29

We pushed this to later in the year so as not to overload the spring with Day of Prayer, Day of Service and Holy Week

Houghteling Day - November 30

Celebrate our 140th Anniversary!

National Council Meeting - September 9 (tentative)

Membership Updates

(Through 5/2/23)

1219 Sr. Members paid

166 New Members!

417 Life Members

11 Junior Members

32 Associate Members

That's 1679!

Have you sent in your 2023 renewal YET?

It is so simple, just click here

Our Fellowship Community of Brothers is blessed by your membership!!!

Welcome New Members in 2023!

Jonathan Quinn Matthew Abrams Mark Alan Mason Anderson Nick Anderson Roy Atkinson Shawn Bailor Robert Barbour Jr.  Buck Barnes Martin Bartholomew Jake Berry Charles Bethany Will Blackwell Hugh Blair Daniel Blunt Stephen Braud John Brectenwald John Buckler Jose Calderon Ed Carrigan Bruce Cherry Charles Collins Guenter Conzelmann Bob Coon David Cotton Brian Couvillion John Deppel Eugene Dickens Susan Dickens Gary Dickhart Seth Donald William Dove Hank Drummond Bert Duvic Edward England Andrew Friend Robert Gambill Jesus Garcia Lowell Garrett Donald Glover Paul Goldman Steven Gottlieb Don Grace Glenn Green Patrick Greene Bill Grenek Richard Griffin George Guy Edwin Halkyard Richard Hall Doug Halversen Larry Harris Bill Harvey Gregory Heard Paul Heckles Robert Heuermann Edmun Horn Bobby Horne Dillard Horton Charles John Sam Johnson David Jones  Jarvis Jones Ralph Jones Warren Josephson Walt Joyce Paul Kageler Peter Kardash Michael Kawesa Wiley Kendrick Kerry Kirspel Scott Klaverkamp Christopher Klukas Sam Lancaster Geoffrey Lea Darrin Ledford Alex Lenzo Michael Leonard Matthew Levesque Robert Lowe Richard MacMaster Lee Martin Wally Marx Joseph Massey David Maultsby David Mayberry John McCallum Tem McElroy Dick McGuire Scott Meiller John Mell Wesley Minyard Patrick Moore Kyle Morin Brian Morrison James Morton Thomas Murray Gregory Ness Bryan Norman Bryan Norman Steven Norman Floyd Odenwelder Jerry OHara Thomas Osborne Lawrence Parker Gary Pebworth Bernard Pecaro Mark Penley Gregory Phelps Tom Phillips Bruce Pinkham Callie Plunket-Brewton Dan Power Ray Rabidoux Benjamin Rainey Kerr Ramsay Charles Reece James Rhudy LC Rile Daniel Rodriguez Steven Rodriguez Ali Ronaldi Andy Rossi Charles Roy David Rummler Piere Saal Scott Sampson Ken Schloesser George Schoonover David Schrantz Timothy J Seidler Gil Self Bob Sellinger William Sepe Michael Sherwood John H Shivel Zachary Shives Frank Simcik David Simmons Frank Simmons Michael Solomonides Allen Spicer Donna Stanford Lawrence Stankus Thomas Stevens Bill Thomas Owen Thomas James Thompson Micah Thornton Jay Tillitt Mark Tittel Scott Townsend Art Travenor Vinnie Versaci Don Warren Bradley Wasko David Wesson Jannie Westerman George White Kathy White Kayla White Gary Whitener Brandon Willcutt Bruce Wilson Perry Woodward Matthew Woolley

New Chapters in 2023

Trinity - Florence, AL

Christ Church - Fairfield, AL

Brothers Departed

Walter Anderson, Bruce Warren, Robert Gould, Dr. Richard Medlock

Local Chapter News!

Send us pictures and short writeups of what great things are going on in your Brotherhood world! We'd love to share!

Episcopal Church of St Peter

and St Paul

Marietta, GA

The BStA Chapter has developed opportunities to bring others to Christ by forming of Monday Morning Prayer, Thursday Bible Study, Sunday adult learning, and participating in several other outreach ministries at our Church – including support of Family Promise, Hope For The Hungry, Friday breakfast at MUST Ministries (local homeless shelter), Friday breakfast at the Extension (residential treatment center for those with alcohol and drug addiction), Salvation Army Holiday bell ringing, and a local Spanish speaking Church in need of support.

A most recent effort this group has undertaken is to participate with an organization called 2nd Helpings Atlanta. Brother Don Loeber is the point person for our effort with 2nd Helpings. 2nd Helpings Atlanta (SHA) is a nonprofit food rescue organization whose mission is to reduce hunger and food waste in the Metro Atlanta area by rescuing healthy, nutritious, surplus food and distributing it to those in need. 300 volunteers help SHA serve as the link between the SHA network of food donors and partner agencies who feed the hungry daily. The Metro Atlanta population is 6.1 million and, in this area, 1 in 7 children and 1 in 9 adults face food in security. The food SHA rescues every day gets diverted from landfills and is used to feed those in need, making Atlanta a more environmentally responsible metropolitan area. Like the Metro Atlanta area, 2nd Helpings activities are also underway in other states, North Carolina, Virginia, and Indiana.


BStA members engage with SHA by:

  1. Taking a route to retrieve food from a metro area grocery store and deliver that food to a metro area food bank for further distribution to those in need, and
  2. Participating each Wednesday from 9 AM to 1 PM at the SHA warehouse in inner city Atlanta to pack 8,000 meals with food procured from food donors and financial contributions - meals will be distributed to those in need through local distribution outlets.


This activity helps our Chapter live out the BStA Mission.


Tom Martin

BStA Field Operations Vice President

Christ Church, Pensacola, FL


The Brotherhood of St. Andrew presented graduating seniors with an NRSV Bible that includes three printed plates inside: the first with their name, to recall that they are a beloved child of God; the second with the logo of the Brotherhood, to recall Christ Church and this special Christian faith community; and the third with an applicable scriptural passage — "All scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work." – 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is the Episcopal Church men's group charged with bringing Christ to men and youth. They congratulate the 2023 seniors and their hopes and prayers are with them all as they go forward into adulthood and the future!

Grace Bradshaw

Caroline Callahan

Tripp Clarke

Lexi Foland

Palmer Gartland

Erin Kane

Reid Klahorst

Ellie Litvak

Elizabeth Owens

Dylan Rothe

Win Stacy

The Queens Assembly

Sunday April 23, 2023



Upon the invitation of the Rev. Cn. Ryan A. Boyce, several members of the Queens Assembly visited St. Gabriel’s Hollis Episcopal Church for the purpose of restarting the Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapter there.

We attended the 10:00am service, during which Fr. Boyce acknowledged our presence and purpose with a special blessing for the members in attendance and two absent chapter members.

In attendance were Sisters Ianthe Scott and Vinette Chambers, Brothers Henry DeHart, Winston Odle, Wilbur Johnson, Leon Dacon, David King, Richard Williams, Keith Barclay and Carl Cutting.

We met in the undercroft after the service and were introduced to Brothers Winston Odle and Henry DeHart by Brother Carl Cutting, the current chapter director. After Opening Prayers from the handbook were read, we reviewed and updated each other on how to access several parts of the new National Office website. Brother Cutting offered to continue as Director with promises to be more communicative going forward.

The meeting ended with closing prayers from the handbook, read by Bro. David King.

Brotherhood at Work

Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Friendswood


Brothers held a work party on Monday 4/17/23 to work on our picnic tables. We applied a second coat of stain to the two new tables by the Cathedral of Smoke as

Fr. Justin assisted us in moving the smoker out from the Cathedral for Good Shepherd Sunday on 4/30/23 which is a birthday party for our church’s 64th birthday.

The Brothers then turned our attention to the two old picnic tables. We sanded them down to make them smooth and remove the splinters. Next, we stained them. They were so dry that they readily sucked up the stain and made us think we had missed spots.

The following Brothers helped in our project; Chris Mays, Alan McArthur, Tom Chastant, John Morawski, Ronnie Vinson, Robert Walker, and Peter Gilmour. And special thanks to Fr Justin for using his truck to help us move the smoker and to Mike Smith for his assistance in moving the smoker too. A big THANK YOU to all who made this possible.

The Brotherhood promotes the spread of Christ's Kingdom among men and youth through the disciplines of daily prayer, regular study, and continuous service. All men and youth are welcome to attend our meetings which are regularly held at 10:00am in Shepherd's Hall (plus Zoom) on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. Our next meeting is May 6th . The Brotherhood also promotes socialization of men through quarterly events.

Brotherhood Director at Good Shepherd Friendswood TX

Peter Gilmour 480-206-9242

St Martin in the Fields - Aurora, CO

The chapter has created a video for Facebook and includes a little from their meetings and also from their St Andrew’s Day service. It also has music that was written by one of our members.

Watch the short video that's posted on the church's website inviting men to join! Thank you Br. Doug Meares for sharing this great idea!

Click here

Two new chapters from the same diocese within a month!

That's right, we have had two new chapters from the Diocese of Alabama charter in the last month. The first, Trinity, is in Florence near the Tennessee line. The second chapter is in

Fairfield, in metro Birmingham.

Prayer Requests

If you have a personal prayer request please contact (502) 450-5809 to access the list and/or submit your requests. Accessing the list to join in the power of praying for those in need.

Many chapters have used various methods of keeping track of their prayer request. One such form has been used that organizes the requests and corporate prayers.

Click Here to submit your request

Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary


Hymns with Link

When Christ Our Lord to Andrew Cried

When Christ Our Lord To Andrew Cried Lyrics

Jesus Calls Us, o'er the Tumult

Eternal Father

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Check it out!

Click below

Brotherhood of St. Andrew Asset Map

Books and Articles

Some Recommended

Books to Read

Signs of Life: Nurturing Spiritual Growth in Your Church


Jay Sidebotham

The Work of Prayer


James O. S. Huntington

The Sum of Us


Heather McGhee

Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!

DO you have Facebook? Check out our Facebook page! Like it and share it!

The more attention we give it, the more frequently it appears on Facebook!

Click here to go there!



January saw over 820 senior, junior, life, and associate members renew their pledges, over 265 members renewed in February and a little under 103 in March, for a total of 1188. Annual Pledges over the 3-month period was 18.37% less than the same period last year. Pursuant to our budget forecast, we are at 42% below (58% achieved) our targeted budget for 2023. The organization is still some 759 pledges out from our targeted budget for 2023. The Committee encourages members who haven’t sent in their pledges to really make a highly concerted effort to submit them.

On the bright side, the Finance Committee applauds the chairman of the

Stewardship and Generosity Commission, Bro. Jeffrey Butcher, Emeritus, on his Kingdom Building Sweepstakes launch for 2023. With the implementation of the fund-raising policy and practices, the program raised $22,590 ( at the time of this report) or 2259 members, family, and friends purchased tickets. The Finance Committee anticipates very high expectations with a larger participation to follow this annual event in 2024. 

Thanks to all who contributed to the $7,500 matching contribution from an anonymous donor. As of March 31, 2023, this account had achieved 95.4% of its targeted threshold of $15,000, and still going. The brotherhood is also receiving generous support from the diocesan clergy.

Administrative costs remained relatively unchanged during the first quarter. Cost control methods were rigorously implemented to assist the brotherhood launch its new website and a relatively new texting service available to all members. A prepaid expense plan went into effect this year and, as expected, contributed a larger part to the brotherhood expenses. 

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew completed its first quarter of 2023 with an overall cash balance of $54,713.22, ending March 31, 2023.

From the Director’s Chair

By Tom Welch


As you can see above, there is much happening in our vineyard. We’ve had more supply orders year-to-date than any four-month period since before the pandemic. That means the Spirit is at work! Presently we are responding to those requests without a full-time office manager. That’s the bad news. Fear not. Fret not. Good news is on the way!

We have a new, full-time, Louisville/National HQ location-based Office Manager joining us in June. This is a first for me personally since I joined in ministry partnership with you back in 2017. It was always a hope, but we had Jess Shelton working with us a couple of years before I joined the team. Because she knew us and our operations so well, we just “made it work” with her being completely remote from her Johns Island home in South Carolina. We worked well together. She was a complete delight and very efficient. It was not ideal, but it worked. The dream long hoped for is now about to happen with our new Office Manager physically walking into our HQ in Louisville. Praise the Lord. We will share more about this staff position and the person in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned.

Your ministry pledge helps to make all our staff positions available to serve you. Many, MANY thanks for your faithfulness.