T h e F o u n d a t i o n o f C h r i s t i a n i t y
Holy Week, which chronicles the essential events in Christianity, begins this Sunday with a full Palm Sunday celebration. Back after two years in the wilderness is our Youth Pancake Breakfast and our Stuart Circle Procession (with a live donkey!). Our Holy Peeps dioramas will also be on display in Michaux House–and you can vote on your favorites. (More details below.)
There’s only one service this Sunday–at 10:30–followed by Eucharistic services every day of the week.
This Sunday, be here to celebrate this essential day in the Christian calendar as we haven’t celebrated it in years.
With Franklin Street being closed from 9 am to 11 am for the procession, click here for parking instructions.
UPDATE on our mask policy.
Masks continue to be optional for all of our worship services.
Masks are also optional in our Children’s and Youth ministry activities as well.
Monday, April 11
Holy Eucharist, Rite II: 12 noon
in the sanctuary
Tuesday, April 12
Tuesday Men’s Bible Study: 7:30 am
Valentine Hall
Holy Eucharist, Rite II: 12 noon
in the Sanctuary
Education for Ministry (EfM) on Zoom: 6 pm
Women's Bible Wisdom on Zoom: 6:30 pm
Wednesday, April 13
Living Faith Bible Study: 10 am
Valentine Hall
Study and discussions that help to make
our Christian faith a “living faith” and apply the witness of the Scripture to
our everyday lives.
Holy Eucharist, Rite II: 12 noon
in the Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday, April 14
Holy Eucharist Rite II, with washing of feet: 7 pm
in the Sanctuary and live streamed
(nursery available)
Good Friday, Friday, April 15
Good Friday Liturgy: 12 noon
in the Sanctuary and live streamed
(nursery available)
Good Friday Liturgy: 7 pm
in the Sanctuary
(nursery available)
This week's eChimes features
- Palm Sunday Schedule
- Holy Peeps in Michaux House
- Stations of the Cross on Belle Isle
- Holy Week at St. James's
- Help us deliver Easter Lilies
- April Parish-wide Doer Opportunity
- The St. James’s Event we’ve all been waiting for.
- So much music to fill your soul.
- Check out St. James's Youth Ministry summer plans
- Vacation Bible School is coming back, so save the date
- How you can help the people of Ukraine
- Diocese of Virginia Web site
The Special Palm Sunday Schedule
8:30 am– Palm Sunday Breakfast in Valentine Hall
9:30 am – Stuart Circle Palm Procession
10:30 am – Holy Eucharist Rite II and Reading of the Passion story
Up until 9 am–enter the parking garage from Franklin Street
After 9 am–enter the parking garage lot from the alley behind the garage
Click here for map and details
The Holy PEEPS are ready to be seen
in Michaux House
While you’re at the Pancake Breakfast, don’t forget to walk across the hall and vote for your favorite Holy Peeps diorama. The Holy Peeps exhibit will be in they library on the first floor of Michaux House. Look for the sign to the right. We hope to see you there!
Stations of the Cross on Belle Isle
The Stations of the Cross are a way to help Christians make a spiritual pilgrimage through the Passion of Christ. This year, St. James’s will walk the stations on Saturday, April 16, starting at 10 am on Belle Isle.
We’d like to find a spot to sit and enjoy fellowship together after the walk, so bring a picnic lunch, if you’d like.
HOLY WEEK at St. James's
There’s a service every day of Holy Week, including noon time Eucharist services Monday through Wednesday.
Here’s the full Holy Week schedule.
Please Help Us Deliver Easter Lilies
Thank you to everyone who ordered Easter Lilies. Following the 11:15 a.m. service on Easter Sunday, we invite you to spread the joy of Jesus’ resurrection by helping us distribute our gorgeous Easter lilies to homebound loved ones in our community.
We’ll meet by the communion rail after the service. Thank you in advance.
Here’s the April Parish-wide Doer Opportunity with CARITAS
This month we’ll be cooking dinner for the CARITAS Men’s Shelter on Sunday, Apr. 24th from 2 to 5 pm in the Michaux House Kitchen. Spots are limited, so signup here now!
In addition, we would love your help delivering Easter Lilies to those in our community who are sick and homebound. If you’re interested, stick around after the 11:15 am Easter service.
To see all the opportunities to DO with our outreach partners, click here.
The St. James’s Event
we’ve all been waiting for.
The wait is finally over! On Sunday, May 15, St. James’s is coming together as a church family in a H-U-G-E way at the Rock Bottom Spring Picnic. Live Bluegrass music from Oak Lane, fried chicken from Lee’s, grilled burgers and dogs, a Hardywood beer truck and games, Plus we'll have the Senior Blessing and the Blessing for Rising Middle School students.
But most importantly, this is a chance for all of us to be together and be ourselves again. No Zoom. No masks. And every reason to be here.
To make sure we have all the food we need, we’re asking everyone to register here.
We’ll also be asking for a donation of $5 per person or $15 for a family to be paid on the day of the event. All proceeds will go to St. James’s Outreach ministries
So mark your calendar. Dig out your favorite shorts. And get ready for the party of the year.
So much music to fill your soul.
And your calendar.
The St. James’s music calendar is full of beautiful and inspiring events over the next few months.
Each of them will be promoted as they come, but to see them all in one place, click here, then save the dates. And think about inviting friends to join you at each one.
St. James’s Youth Ministry has
big plans this summer.
Whether you’re in 5th grade or preparing for college, St. James’s has amazing opportunities for you this Summer.
Click here to see the big plans we have for you, including missions and pilgrimages near and far, volunteer opportunities, and camps. You can also find registration and payment information.
The deadline for our Florida trip has passed but you can register for all other trips until April 18.
Or watch this video to hear what Katie Ricard, our Director of Youth Ministry, has to say about the terrific plans for this summer.
Vacation Bible will be June 27 thru 30 for children 3 years old to rising Third Graders. Keep watching the eChimes for details. But in the meantime, mark your calendars for this great Summer tradition.
Episcopal Relief is helping Ukraine.
You can help them do more.
Ukraine desperately needs our help and you can make a difference by donating to Episcopal Relief & Development. The Episcopal organization is hard at work bringing assistance and support to the people of Ukraine.
Click here to make a direct gift to help Ukrainian families and citizens. Thank you.
St. James’s Episcopal Church | DOERS.ORG | (804) 355-1779