As you can see, this issue of the California Compatriot is focused on the many Independence Day celebrations in our state on July 4th. Our second U.S. President, John Adams wrote about our first Independence Day in a letter to Abigail Adams on July 3rd, 1776, "It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more." I hope you and your families participated in some or all of these events.
Also, as many of you know, in a remarkable coincidence, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signers to later serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day, July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
During our patriotic holidays such as July 4th, I am reminded of the importance of our SAR Color Guard. As stated in the SAR Color Guard Manual, “The SAR Color Guard is made up of those Compatriots who participate in SAR meetings and events properly uniformed as either Continental Soldiers or Militiamen or attired as Revolution-era clergymen. These men seek to visibly promote the stated objectives of the SAR which are declared to be Historical, Patriotic and Educational. Every time an SAR Color Guard makes a public appearance, the members are fulfilling all three objectives.”
“The Color Guard is one of the most visible and effective public relations tools available to the SAR. Color Guardsmen provide an easily identifiable and colorful focal point at parades and memorial events. The variety of uniforms and flags invite children, spectators, and potential members to come forward and ask questions about the American Revolution.”
In CASSAR we are fortunate to have excellent Color Guard leaders including Commander, Brandon Villardi, Adjutant – North, Russ Kaiser, and Adjutant – South, Duncan Campbell. If your chapter is interested in forming a Color Guard, or if you, as an individual, are interested in joining an existing Color Guard, please contact one of these leaders to start the process.
While this issue is focused on July 4th events, we will be publishing a special edition on the 133rd Annual SAR Congress held in Orlando, Florida on July 13-20. Please look for it to arrive soon.
Please note registration is open for our 148th CASSAR Fall Board of Managers meeting on November 3-4 aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach. Please see the link on our CASSAR website to register for that event. I hope to see you there.
Thank you for your service to SAR,
Jim Klingler, President
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The National Society Sons of the American Revolution held its 133rd Congress in Orlando, Florida, July 13-20, 2023. The Congress will be covered in a special edition of the California Compatriot.
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CASSAR President Jim Klingler Rings for Freedom! | |
The 50th Annual Let Freedom Ring Celebration took place on July 4th at the Cerritos Civic Center. During the ceremony the bell is rung 13 times by local dignitaries and program participants to symbolize the original 13 colonies. CASSAR President Jim Klingler was honored to make the 13th ring. Watch the entire event on YouTube |
CASSAR Color Guard
(L-R) Nolan Forrest, Jim Hernandez, Mike Miller, Jim Klingler, Dan McKelvie,
Kent Gregory, Commander Brandon Villardi (behind flag), Kevin Forrest
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Cerritos City Council
(L-R, front row only)
Mayor Pro Tem Naresh Solanki; Councilmember Frank Aurelio Yokoyama;
Mayor Bruce W. Barrows; Councilmember Chuong Vo; Councilmember Lynda P. Johnson
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News from Around the CASSAR | |
(L-R) Brian Merrell, CASSAR President James Klingler, Kevin Bidenkap, Jim Olds, Kyle Puro
On July 4th, the Harbor Chapter participated in the 119th Annual Huntington Beach Parade. The 2.5-mile parade is said to be the biggest Fourth of July Parade west of the Mississippi River. The event is televised and said to attract over 500,000 attendees during its 5-day event.
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Orange County Chapter
SAR Flag Certificate Presentation
CZ Master Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Alicia Ivie (left) and Eric Monk (right) accepted the Certificate
from Philip Mitchell (center) on behalf of the entire community.
OC Chapter President Philip Mitchell awarded the CZ Master Homeowners Association an SAR Flag Certificate. Coto de Caza was the site of the equestrian events during the 1984 Summer Olympics. The flag poles used for the awards ceremonies were purchased by the association and moved to the community gates and flags have been flown there since then.
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Orange County & South Coast Chapters
Lake Forest 4th of July Parade
Color Guard members from both the South Coast Chapter
and the Orange County Chapter led the way at Lake Forest.
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(L-R) Compatriots and Ladies from left to right: Dan McKelvie, Liz Ferris,
John Blake, Mike Miller, John Ferris, Rona Harper, Jim Hernandez, Kevin Forrest.
(Scott Whitman and Karen McKelvie not shown)
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Redlands Mayor Eddie Tejeda (above) holding the SAR Flag Certificate
presented by Ben Hobbins, Redlands Chapter.
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(L-R) Marching in the Sonoma parade are Jonathan Mann,
Stanley Laughlin, William Nay, Michael Nay.
Redwood Empire Chapter members focused on the Sonoma Parade and community gathering in the Sonoma Plaza.
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After the parade Redwood Empire Chapter members staffed a SAR America 250 booth in the Sonoma Plaza. Chapter President Bill Nay pictured above. | |
We included in our display the California role in the American Revolution with models of the Monterey and Santa Barbara Missions with copies of the SAR commemoration plaques. | |
(L-R) Don Littlefield, David Beach, Doug Drake, Jim Faulkinbury
Four members of the Sacramento Chapter Color Guard led and marched the two miles of hot tar in Carmichael's 65th annual Independence Day Parade.
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Warrick Family
The Carmichael Parade has been the mission of the Warrick family that founded and still manage the event. Barnie & Lola Warrick, masterminded the parade in 1958. Lola said to Barnie "Let's make a parade" and so it continues today. Jim Warrick (pictured right), Barnie and Lola's son, is a member of the Sacramento Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution since joining in 1999.
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San Diego Chapter
Phillip Hirman (CAR) Receives Certificate of Appreciation
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(L-R) Michael Hirman, Supervisor Joel Anderson,
Jim McAdory, Philip Hirman and Duncan Campbell
(Left photo) Members of the San Diego Chapter attended a Town Hall meeting held by San Diego County Supervisor Joel Anderson in Rancho Bernardo.
(Right photo) Supervisor Anderson presented Philip Hirman, son of Michael Hirman and SAR Junior Member, with a Certificate of Appreciation for his community service. Philip attends Steele Canyon High School in Spring Valley.
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Flag Certificate Presentation
Michael Hirman presents a Flag Certificate to the Alpine Lutheran church.
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Coronado Fourth of July Celebration
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The San Diego Chapter had a very busy 4th of July weekend spanning two days of our House of USA and House of Spain displays in Balboa Park and culminating with our participation in the 74th Coronado Fourth of July parade. | (Left) Orange Avenue, Coronado packed with parade spectators. (Right) San Diego Chapter President Michael Hirman stands ready greet the crowd. | |
(L-R) South Coast Chapter President Scott Whitman, Argyle Campbell,
and South Coast chapter member George Bethel.
On July 13, South Coast President Scott Whitman presented an SAR Flag Certificate to the President and CEO of Cambro Manufacturing Co., Argyle Campbell.
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(L-R) Jackson Dhindsa, Randy Dhindsa, Stan Day,
Rebecca Malmo (DAR Yosemite Chapter Regent), Connor Budge, and Jon Russell
The SAR Yosemite Chapter did a joint event with the DAR Yosemite Chapter for a "Night at the Grizzlies" Game, about 60 SAR/DAR folks attended the game.
SAR Yosemite Chapter awarded Rebecca Malmo, Yosemite Chapter DAR Regent, with the Bronze America 250 Certificate and America 250 Flag while attending the game.
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SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate awarded to Scott Phillips for his work with Central Valley Honor Flights.
(L-R) The Central Valley Honor Flight Board of Directors. Presenting the medal to
Scott Phillips (center right) are Scott Nichols and Randy Dhindsa both in uniform.
SAR Flag Certificate was given to William and Patricia Fenton, Fresno
(L-R) Scott Nichols, William Fenton, Patricia Fenton, Randy Dhindsa.
(L-R) Scott Nichols, Erin Gleason, Randy Dhindsa
An SAR Flag Certificate was also presented to Erin Gleason of Fresno.
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America 250 and Children of the American Revolution
Summer is a great time to relax and enjoy the weather, but it is also a time to ask ourselves what are we doing to prepare and participate in America 250 SAR! We do a great job of sharing our history with one another. Now is the time to branch out and share with the community.
One group that would surely welcome our message is CAR. As a group, the Children of the American Revolution are primed for SAR’s 250th Anniversary Recognition Program. Their participation in an America 250 Minute at each meeting would surely educate and entertain our future Compatriots.
We are looking for men who want to share their love of our founding history with America’s future. If you are interested in being a part of making a difference in the patriotic foundations of our youth, please contact either Vice President North, Randy Dhindsa or Vice President South, John Ferris. We will put you in touch with your local CAR representative.
250th Anniversary Recognition Program
We have almost 100 compatriots that have started the process of SAR’s 250th Anniversary Recognition Program. As of this writing we have 21 Compatriots who have received the Gold medal, making our Society the 8th in the nation for Gold awardees. Please check out the California Society Honor Roll. If there is someone who should be on and isn’t, please contact John Ferris.
We have half of the chapters participating with a large portion of their attendees. A lot to be proud of, yet there is much to do. The Recognition Program is not just for the individual, it is also to reflect the spirit of the group. It was not a highly spirited and patriotic individual that won the fight against GB. It was many men and women banding together in a common cause fighting and supporting one another.
Let’s participate in this program with the same zeal as was shown by our patriot ancestors. It’s a great way to show the outside community the Spirit of 76 is still alive! Remember, if not us, who?
For questions concerning California’s 250 program, please contact John Ferris.
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The Harbor Chapter is looking forward to hosting the 148th BOM meeting November 3-4 aboard the iconic RMS Queen Mary. Located in the Port of Long Beach, the Queen Mary features a rich maritime history, authentic Art Deco décor, and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and Long Beach city skyline. On her maiden voyage in 1936 she was considered the grandest ocean liner ever built.
Meeting Registration Now Open
Harbor Chapter will be accepting registration fees by check AND credit card for this meeting. To pay by check, use the Meeting Registration form soon to be available on the CASSAR website or register and pay online now using the link below:
Hotel Reservations are available for 148th BOM Meeting Onboard the Queen Mary using the group link below or by calling: 888-217-1153. The Group code is: 1123CASSAR
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Click the image to play the America 250 SAR Video
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September 4 — Labor Day
September 11 — Patriot Day — 9.11
September 17 — Constitution Day
November 3-4 — 148th CASSAR BOM Meeting, Long Beach
April 26-27, 2024 — CASSAR Annual Meeting, Burlingame
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Every member who participates in SAR programs and interacts with youth under the age of 18, is required to successfully complete SAR Youth Protection Training. Training is online, takes about 20 minutes, and is valid for three years.
Send your certificate of completion to Dan McKelvie:
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CALL FOR ARTICLES — August 20, 2023 Deadline
Please send news of events and high resolution digital photos to
Don Littlefield at
All photos or or other materials that show or name any
minor under the age of 18
must be accompanied by a signed Release Form.
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"We will remember our compatriot brothers with thanksgiving." | |
Cyber Scams
If you receive an email, text, or voice mail from a purported Officer or Compatriot seeking any kind of financial transaction, consider it a hoax. Phishing messages are very sophisticated and may include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo, a compatriot's name, or a pseudo SAR email address. Stop — Think — Verify !!!
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The California Compatriot is the official newsletter of the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the California Society SAR.
Editor: Donald B Littlefield
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