October 2023

Executive Director's Message

Board President Message

Joe Ann Crowned Chief of Light of Igbo

Volunteer of the Month

Road to Success Highlights

PWG Attendees Learn Financial Tips & Life Saving Skills

Palm Beach Post Op-Ed by Joe Ann Fletcher

Style for Hope Luncheon - Save the Date

Become a Circle of Impact Member

Ways to Support Us

Hello Supporters & Friends:

I was compelled to hijack this space, normally occupied by a message from our DFSPB Executive Director, Joe Ann Fletcher, because you need to know how she spent her most recent two-week vacation.

It’s not enough that she daily is driven to raising funds – writing grants, persuading philanthropists, networking with business leaders, opening doors to new and untapped resources – all the while managing her small but mighty staff and the teams of volunteers who provide DFSPB’s services and programs. A true and untiring humanitarian to her core, Joe Ann used her September vacation to go to Ghana where, as one of five other American volunteers, she participated in a mission led by Fountain of Life Ministries (FLM). The West African nation, and the impoverished village of Igbo just 2-1/2 hours from the capital city of Accra, is where Joe Ann and her Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority sisters have been donating funds and supporting FLM’s efforts to provide sorely needed Porta Potties for the community. 

According to Joe Ann, the urgency for the sanitation units is not merely a matter of hygiene, but more so safety, especially for Igbo women and girls. Ordinarily, it’s quite a distance to the nearest water source where they can bathe, and too often on their treks they are targets of rape and violence. Now with nearly a dozen Porta Potties conveniently accessible in the village, the assaults have been reduced. Additional units, which are furnished not only with toilets but also sinks and showers, are planned for the area, thanks to the FLM initiative and AKA’s ongoing support. Another priority project the collaborating nonprofits are working on for Igbo is acquisition of water purification pumps and transporting them from the U.S. The funds needed for this: $100,000.

For her role over the past 8 years in helping the people of Igbo, Joe Ann was officially crowned “Chief of Light of Igbo.” Yup, our ED is an African queen: Hail to our Chief! The title was conferred at a joyous, colorful Igbo Day & New Yam Festival celebrated by more than 7,000 guests, including more than 100 kings and other royalty from all over Africa. The occasion marks the completion of the harvesting of the local crops. 

Know, too, that Chief Joe Ann is a serial missionary who willingly gives up her vacation time for these volunteer efforts. She’s touched the lives of thousands with her altruistic work throughout the Caribbean, last year joining with fellow volunteers from The Links, Incorporated, (the renowned social service sisterhood whose members are of African ancestry helping populations of African descendants) on an “Education Across the Miles” mission aimed at schoolchildren in Jamaica.

Now you know just how deeply passionate and committed Joe Ann is to help others even when she’s off the clock at DFSPB. For her it’s 24/7, 365. And how lucky we all are for being in her orbit and having her at the helm of our organization! If you ask her, I’m sure she’ll be happy to show you her crown and tell you more about her Ghana experience and how you, too, can help in the latest Igbo project.

Esther Perman

Volunteer and Board Member

Dress for Success Palm Beaches

Joe Ann Fletcher -

Chief of Light of Igbo

Our Executive Director Joe Ann Fletcher was recently crowned "Chief of Light of Igbo" for her volunteer efforts over the past 8 years in helping to improve the lives of the Igbo people in Africa.

More than 7,000 guests attended, including over 100 kings and other royalty from all over Africa.

Congratulations, Joe Ann! We are so proud of you!

Greetings DFSPB Family,

The season has changed and Fall marks a wave of new beginnings. However, one thing that will remain in every season is our mission and focus: The mission of Dress for Success Palm Beaches is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. 

We’re excited to move forward with the creation of a new strategic marketing committee that will allow us to better communicate to the masses. This committee is designed to showcase our programs and our progress. We had our first meeting and collectively can’t wait to fully encapsulate the unlimited possibilities. 

I’d also like to recognize the tireless efforts of the Style for Hope Committee as they’re moving full steam ahead planning and preparing an event like no other on Friday, March 15! For our tenth year, we’re honoring Style Icons Tommy and Dee Hilfiger and we couldn’t be more elated! Be on the lookout for more detailed information!

I’m so proud of our Hats Off Nonprofit Award nominees, Joe Ann Fletcher: Executive of the Year; Rhonda Russell: Volunteer of the Year and Dress for Success Palm Beaches: Medium-Size Nonprofit of the Year. It was an amazing night on Oct. 3 and an honor to be among the nominees. They’re winners in my eyes and I’m sure you feel the same! 

A special “thank you” to our amazing Circle of Impact members, volunteers and staff for their extraordinary efforts and donations that help further the mission of Dress for Success Palm Beaches.

Always remember, we're stronger together as a team! 

Lana Blackman

Deciding September’s Volunteer of the Month was a Solomon’s choice: Our Overstock Sale co-chairs – Rhonda Russell and Marlene Feldman – are equally deserving to be named. So, we are saluting them both, not only for the spectacular results they delivered on the September pop-up sale, but also for their unwavering dedication and tireless efforts every week in multiple roles. From the minute Rhonda joined us nearly four years ago, she immediately set to work on the Inventory Team and soon added to her involvement, becoming a Road to Success Mentor. She’s co-chaired the past three editions of our pop-ups and stepped up for this year’s Teacher Appreciation event as a personal stylist, helping at both our Belle Glade and Palm Springs boutiques. Just call her Rhonda-at-the-Ready because she is also a member of our ’24 Style for Hope Luncheon Committee.

A newcomer to the area in 2018, Marlene got her first taste of DFSPB while shopping at our Shop for Success Pop-Up at Palm Beach Outlets (where, of course, she managed to snag a great bargain). Soon after, she began full-time volunteering, becoming an instrumental worker bee on the Inventory Team. She’s also taken on various responsibilities over the years that have significantly helped in funds raised. She co-chaired Style for Hope Silent Auction in 2020, and once again she’s on the event committee. Marlene’s marketing experience yielded enormous benefits as the recent Overstock Sale saw a measurable bump up in shoppers and net income. And, she’s led the way to added avenues of revenue via more active partnerships with the top local and national consignment shops.

Rhonda and Marlene are shining examples of collaborative teamwork. We are privileged that they pour their passion into Dress for Success Palm Beaches.  Thank you, Rhonda and Marlene, you for all you do individually and collectively.

Road to Success Highlights

The Fall 2023 Road to Success Program is now in full swing, boasting an impressive roster of 22 participants and 18 dedicated mentors. This vibrant initiative continues to inspire and uplift women over 25 who are on their journey to reclaiming their power and confidence. Our professional empowerment program is offered completely free of charge, and it's proving to be a transformative experience.


The heart of the program lies in a carefully curated curriculum that features expert speakers, as well as a comprehensive career and personality assessment. Through these invaluable resources, our participants embark on a journey of self-discovery, as they uncover their unique strengths, personal brand, and transferable skills. The program places a firm emphasis on harnessing these strengths to turn their passions into a fulfilling career path.


Throughout the course, our attendees are treated to motivational and inspirational talks by esteemed speakers such as Kelly Merbler and Pamela Touissant. Our Image session received a remarkable boost from our collaboration with Ulta, which brought in experts like Andrene Williams and MAC makeup artists. Professional headshots, expertly captured by Stevenson Dor, have equipped our women with the perfect LinkedIn profile and prepared them for our resume-building session, led by Paula Howard and Leslie-Anne Gray. Tracy Dickinson will bring the program to a close with an engaging presentation on interviewing, arming our women with the skills they need for the next phase of their job hunt.

Road to Success Clients Get Ready for Their Professional Headshots!

Our Road to Success Clients enrolled in our Job Readiness Program were pampered by Ulta Beauty prior to taking their headshots for their LinkedIn Profile.

PWG (Professional Women’s Group) Offers

Financial Tips, Life Saving Skills Sessions

In today's era of one-click shopping and two-day doorstep deliveries, overspending can often creep up on you. This is precisely why Dress for Success Palm Beaches was thrilled to collaborate with PNC Bank for our September PWG workshop. Lucy Carr from PNC generously shared invaluable insights on Budgeting, Savings Strategies, and the Art of Balancing Financial Goals, along with tips on maintaining a healthy credit profile. She also fielded questions from addressing our clients’ unique banking concerns.


For our October PWG event, we were delighted to offer a complimentary demonstration and presentation courtesy of Wellington Regional Medical Center and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. Attendees had the opportunity to acquire and practice their Hands-Only CPR skills on lifelike mannequins while also observing the proper usage of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). This comprehensive training session covered emergency situations, hands-only CPR, and AED utilization, equipping our participants with crucial life-saving knowledge.

Our Executive Director Pens Palm Beach Post Op-Ed About Gender Equality in the Workforce

The Nobel Prize in Economics was recently awarded to Harvard professor Claudia Goldin who is a catalyst for change in closing the gender wage gap.

Joe Ann Fletcher wrote an article which was featured in the Palm Beach Post Opinion section. She noted how this award highlights gender inequity and how Dress for Success Palm Beaches continually offers the tools and support to help empower women to achieve economic independence.

Read the article here.

Help Ensure Our Future by Becoming a
Member of the Circle of Impact

Our Circle of Impact is a select group of current and former business leaders who have pledged an annual minimum donation of $1,000. Members are acknowledged for their generosity, their names appearing on a distinctive plaque at our headquarters, plus they enjoy several exclusive perks throughout the year. View our flyer here for more information or to donate, please visit our website.

Company Matching Grants
Many organizations offer a company match program for donations made by their employees to nonprofit organizations, and some even offer volunteer grants. If your employer offers such programs, please consider requesting a donation to Dress for Success Palm Beaches.

Charitable Bequest
Leave a legacy! Please consider adding a charitable bequest to our organization to your will. Be sure to designate our organization by our full name: Dress for Success Palm Beaches.
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