JULY 9, 2024

FLASH Archive

Worksite Wellness

State Policy


WIC Agencies


House and Senate Weighing Agriculture Appropriations Proposals

This week, the House Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider their Fiscal Year 2025 Agriculture spending bill, which increases funding over FY 2024 levels, but falls short of the estimated $7.7 billion necessary to serve a projected 7 million participants next year. That bill also contains policy provisions called “riders” which would interfere with implementation of the evidence-based rule updating WIC’s food packages. Also being marked up this week is the Senate Agriculture proposal, which is not yet public. ACTION: You can urge your members of Congress to support full funding for WIC and protect the integrity of WIC’s food packages.

Bills Head to Governor Newsom's Desk

The first of CWA's supported bill list has passed through both houses of the CA legislature and is headed for the Governor's desk for signature; SB 949 (Blakespear) would require California superior courts to provide any court user who is participating in an ongoing proceeding with a reasonable amount of break time to express milk. The rest of our supported bill list is still working it's way through committees, you can see our list here.


CWA Has a New Look!

You may have noticed that this Flash looks a little different. We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our WIC family and community! The California WIC Association (CWA) has undergone a vibrant transformation, and we are delighted to unveil our new brand and website. This evolution marks a significant milestone in our journey to better serve you and reinforce our commitment to the health and well-being of families across California. Our redesigned website is more than just a facelift; it’s a comprehensive resource hub designed with you in mind. Here are some of the exciting new features you can expect:

  • User-Friendly Navigation: Easily find the information you need with our intuitive and streamlined menu. Whether you’re looking for event details, resources, or policy and advocacy updates, everything is just a click away.
  • Resource Library: Our expanded library is a treasure trove of valuable materials, including policy updates, wellness tips, and educational resources. The categories, filters, and search field allow you to find the topic or publication you are looking for.
  • Events and News: Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the WIC community. Our new events calendar and trainings section will keep you informed about upcoming CWA events and events from local agencies.
  • Post Your Job Openings: Engage with us like never before. As a WIC agency, you can post your job openings and local events for more promotion and visibility. Simply use our Jobs or Events forms to get started.

Join CWA For Our Summer Webinars!

Coming soon! Remember to register for Dr. Patrice Buckner Jackson's Build and Broaden: Managing your Capacity webinar on July 30, 2024, at 10:00AM PT as she redefines time management, resilience, and work-life balance. $30 General Registration offering maximum amount of 1 unit for RDN (CPEUs) and IBCLC/CLC/CLEC (Cerps). Register here.

Register Now!

Call for the Annual California WIC Association Virtual Conference and Tradeshow Session Proposals  

The call for proposals for the 2025 California WIC Association (CWA) Virtual Conference and Trade show is now open and will close on September 30, 2024. Currently, we are accepting proposals for sessions that focus on Early Childhood Nutrition, Equity for All Families, Human Lactation, or Leadership & Innovation. The annual CWA Virtual Conference and Tradeshow is scheduled for May 6-9, 2025. For proposal submission and presenter details, please visit the CWA website. Feel free to contact Jenn if you have any questions!

Share Your Breastfeeding Event News and Pictures!

August is almost upon us, and we know WIC has a variety of amazing events and recognitions planned for World Breastfeeding Week, National WIC Breastfeeding Week, Indigenous Milk Medicine Week, Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AA/NH/PI) Breastfeeding Week, Black Breastfeeding Week and Semana de La Lactancia Latina. CWA is happy to help you promote them on our social media channels as well as feature pictures in our Fall issue of the WIC Watch! Please send Sarah anything you would like promoted ahead of time, and as you wrap your events, we would LOVE to receive pictures (with captions so we know who is who!) that we can share.

Celebrate WIC's 50th Anniversary In Style!

Join us in honoring 50 years of the WIC program by sporting some fantastic WIC swag! Our online store is now open, offering a range of merchandise from t-shirts and mugs to keychains and water bottles! There are several designs to choose from, and if you don't see the item you want (blanket? mousepad?) you can transfer your favorite design onto the item of your choice!

Order Here!


Nearly Three-Quarters of Employers Now Offer Onsite Lactation Rooms

Nearly three-quarters of respondents to a recent survey of members of the Society for Human Resource Management said their organization offered an “onsite lactation/mother’s room.” That’s up 19 percentage points from last year, likely because of the PUMP Act.

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Higher Calcium and Zinc Intake Linked With Healthier Pregnancy Outcomes

People with higher intakes of calcium and zinc in the three months before they conceived were significantly less likely to suffer hypertensive disorders during their pregnancy compared with those who had lower intakes of these essential minerals, according to new research.

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Housing Insecurity in Early Childhood Linked to Later Mental Health Risks

Fifteen-year-olds whose family had experienced any amount of housing insecurity – including homelessness, eviction, struggling to afford housing, and overcrowding – as young children reported lower self-esteem and worse mental health, according to a recent study.

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Exposure to "Forever Chemicals" May Cause Lactation Difficulties

Women exposed to toxic PFAS “forever chemicals” prior to pregnancy face an elevated risk of being unable to breastfeed early, new research finds. The study tracked lactation durations for over 800 new moms in New Hampshire and found higher PFAS exposure could cause lactation to slow or stop altogether within six months.

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This July, stay safe in the sun, with our Wellness Newsletter's timely sun safety tips! The July edition of the W3 Newsletter also features a fruit salad recipe that sizzles with flavor. Please share widely! Thank you to the students working with John Haubenstricker, American Red Cross WIC, to provide these monthly resources. You can also catch a live cooking demo with the American Red Cross WIC team coming up next week on July 17th at 8:15 AM. Register here!

Healthy Recipes & Tips

Healthy Recipe Video

Visit our YouTube Channel to watch easy healthy food recipes like this month's Sizzle Summer Sweet Salad!

Visit our Channel



  • From USBC: Request a National Breastfeeding Month proclamation from your governor or mayor via the easy-to-use NBM Proclamation Toolkit, and learn about National Breastfeeding Month and the weekly observances and their themes on the NBM web page


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