The EPN Consulting Newsletter No. 098 | October 2018
The Editorial
Dear Colleague, 
The next weekend the 28 EU member states will return to their Winter time after the usual 7 months spent enjoying the one additional hour of daylight in the evening. This could be one of the last times we have to change our watches and clocks as the European Commission published the preliminary results of the public consultation on clock change in Europe that ran from 4 July to 16 Aug 2018... Read more
Commission receives recommendations on improving Air Traffic in Europe
The group of high-level aviation specialists advising the Commission on the performance of the Single European Sky – also known as the Performance Review Body (PRB) - published its recommendation for Union-wide performance targets in air navigation services for 2020-2024. The targets will determine the level of ambition to increase the punctuality of flights, encourage more efficient flight paths to reduce...
EU Energy Statistics - latest data available
Did you know that renewables are currently the leading source of electricity generation in the EU? And that in the years 1995-2016, the amount of solar and wind energy capacity increased 100 times? This information and much more is available in the latest EU energy statistical pocketbook (2018 version). It provides energy statistics for...
Modern bioenergy leads the growth of all renewables to 2023
Modern bioenergy will have the biggest growth in renewable resources between 2018 and 2023, underscoring its critical role in building a robust renewable portfolio and ensuring a more secure and sustainable energy system, according to the IEA's latest market forecast. Renewables will continue their expansion in the next five years... Read more
EU fuel labelling: clearer information for consumers and operators
A new harmonised set of fuel labels will appear across Europe. They will give drivers better information on the suitability of fuels for their vehicles wherever they travel in the EU, helping them avoid misfuelling and informing on the environmental impact of their choice. This initiative is in line with the Commission's Action Plan on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure, adopted in Nov 2017... Read more
EU Battery Alliance: major progress in establishing battery manufacturing in Europe in only one year
One year on from the launch of the European Battery Alliance (EBA), the Commission Action Plan is in place, the first pilot production facilities are being built and further projects are announced to establish the EU as the lead player in the strategic area of battery innovation and manufacturing. For Europe, battery production is a strategic imperative for clean energy transition and the modernisation and... Read more
EPN Consulting has delivered the final TOOLBOX of the S.T.R.E.E.T. project funded by the EU Erasmus+ program
EPN Consulting was in charge of preparing the TOOLBOX that represents the S.T.R.E.E.T. Project legacy for organisations that in the future would like to design a strategy on how to train Experts in Sustainable Mobility and Tourism.
The TOOLBOX was designed to become a reference handbook and was published as an e-book, which is certainly more versatile and easy to browse. In addition, to ensure maximum visibility to the e-book, the S.T.R.E.E.T. partners applied for the ISBN (International Standard Book Number), that is: 978-88-99781-40-8.

The Website of the Month: Energy Union Indicators
The aim of the Energy Union is to ensure that European consumers – both households and businesses – have secure, affordable and clean energy. The Energy Union strategy consists of five closely related and mutually reinforcing dimensions (Security, Solidarity and Trust; a fully-integrated Internal Energy Market; Energy Efficiency; Climate Action – Decarbonising the Economy; Research, Innovation and Competitiveness). The progress made in each of these dimensions is measured through key indicators.

Upcoming Professional Events - find many more in our Events Section
24 Oct 2018 – Deadline to submit proposals to the 2018 CEF Transport call

24 Oct 2018 – Deadline to submit proposals to No.7 topics of the [H2020-JTI-IMI2-2018-16-SINGLE-STAGE] call ( Innovative Medicine Initiative)

24 Oct 2018 – Deadline to submit proposals to No.8 topics of the [H2020-JTI-IMI2-2018-15-TWO-STAGE] call ( Innovative Medicine Initiative – Stage 1)

31 Oct 2018 – Deadline to submit proposals to the [EASME/EMFF/2018/] call ( Maritime Spatial Planning)

06 Nov 2018 – Deadline to submit proposals to the H2020 [FETPROACT-04-2019] call ( Community building and roadmapping for high performance and smart electro-chemical energy storage)
24 Oct 2018 – Edinburgh (UK) – LF ENERGY SUMMIT 2018

24-25 Oct 2018 – Stockholm (SE) – BUILDING SUSTAINABILITY 18 (in Swedish)

24-26 Oct 2018 – Basel (CH)+Freiburg (DE) – LOCAL RENEWABLES Conference 2018


29-31 Oct 2018 – Paris (FR) – SMART METRO 2018


31 Oct 2018 – London (UK) – Planning the Future of British High Streets: Working Together to Revive City Centres
Based in London. Engaged with Europe