Volume VI | March/April 2022
#SWEAnews | #SWEA | #SouthWardEA | #SouthWardEnvironmentalAlliance
Your Monthly News & Updates
Message from Founder & Executive Director
Greetings South Ward Family,

We have so many projects scheduled that we decided to change our newsletter to a bi-monthly publication. This format will allow us to spotlight our members, community partners and special projects. In this March/April issue we are providing updates of our first Environmental Summit, Purple Air monitoring project, the Amazon Hub fight and the Sonny Gaddy Jr Scholarships.

Looking forward to sharing more stories with you in May!

Kim Gaddy
Executive Director
Upcoming Events
Mobile Monitoring + Truck Count
Wed Apr 20 – Thu Apr 21, 2022 (EDT)
SWEA's New Office
SWEA's new home office is located at 208 Lyons Avenue, overlooking the heart of the South Ward communities, Weequahic Section and the Dayton Street Community. The new office is located inside of the Rev. Ronald B. Christian Community Health & Wellness Center.

Thanks to a new partnership with the Beth Israel Medical Center, residents and our environmental justice partners, can meet and train in our office space.

SWEA' s satellite location or Clinton Hill resource center, is with our partner's at the Clinton Hill Community Action center; located at 404 Hawthorne Avenue.

South Ward Environmental Summit 2022
'Environmental Summit' A Success In Newark's South Ward
"The workshops addressed the environmental injustices that impact our quality of life," organizers said.
NEWARK, NJ — The South Ward Environmental Alliance (SWEA) will hosted its first "Environmental Summit" on Saturday, Feb. 19 in Newark.

The event took place from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Weequahic Park, Feldman Middleton, Jr. Community Center, located in Newark's South Ward.

"The theme was 'One Ward, Fighting for Environmental Justice.' Kim Gaddy, the Executive Director for SWEA, states, 'this is a critical topic for the South Ward community due to the proliferation of warehouses, increased truck traffic, flooding and unsafe drinking water in our homes and schools.'

'The workshops addressed the environmental injustices that impact our quality of life and uplifted the importance that everyone regardless of race, neighborhood or financial status deserves access to a healthy community to live in,' stated Terrance L. Bankston, the Environmental Justice Organizer for Clean Water Action.
What Do South Ward Leaders & Environmental Justice Partners
Think of SWEA's 1st Environmental Summit?
Click On Photos To Access Videos
Amy Goldsmith
Clean Water Action
Yvette Jordan
Newark Education Workers
Nicole Miller
NewarkDIG & Newark Green Team
Nathaly Agosto Filion
City of Newark
Office of Sustainability
Protesters oppose Newark Airport Amazon air hub deal at Port Authority’s first in-person meeting. Protesters greeted the Port Authority’s first in-person board meeting since the pandemic on Thursday to oppose an August 2021 agreement to build an Amazon Air hub at Newark Airport and asking the authority to revisit the deal.

Opponents reiterated their objections to Amazon leasing two buildings at Newark Airport to a 250,000-square-foot global air cargo campus charging the plan will hurt minority communities, take away high-paying union jobs and increase air pollution and truck traffic in nearby neighborhoods. They also contend the vote last summer was done at the last minute without a chance for public comment.

About 75 demonstrators picketed outside Port Authority headquarters at 4 World Trade Center and voiced their opposition during the authority’s first in-person meeting since they went virtual at the height of the pandemic in 2020.

Several speakers from community organizations in Newark and Elizabeth voiced their concerns during the demonstration about how the Air hub would affect the surrounding communities.

Several speakers voiced concern about more pollution being inflicted on a neighborhood already affected by air pollution and associated diseases, such asthma, from the airport and port emissions.

“We cannot stand any more pollution in our community, our lives do matter,” said Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action environmental justice director and a Newark resident. “Amazon and the secret deal will kill more people. “We want more community benefits, we want clean air. We demand you respect the residents of Newark and Elizabeth.”

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