Employee Spotlight: Meet Leah!

We Asked Leah..

Where are you from? Chelmsford, MA
What would you name the autobiography of your life? “Sharp White Cheddar and Love: One Girl's Quest to Find the World's Best Mac and Cheese” -although I may have already found it,  shout out to North Village Smokehouse! :) 
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Scuba dive so I could dive with sharks. 
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Playing with my kitty Harris or taking care of my plants! 

What is something you learned in the last week? That Sea Wolves are a thing, and they’re super cool! 

What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity? Indoors I like to do puzzles and listen to music, and snowboarding outdoors! 
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Changing the sheets!
What three traits define you? Honest, caring, hungry 

Ten years ago, who did you think you would be now? I honestly thought I would be working in a lab somewhere, but I’m glad I’m where I’m at. 

What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this? I’ve always been really interested in interior design/decorating! 

How do you define success? Being able to do something that makes you happy and keep challenging yourself. 

What is your favorite thing about working at Great Falls? My amazing co-workers ❤️ Everyone works extremely hard, but we still get to have a lot of fun! We’re one big fish family. 
What is your favorite way to prepare Barramundi? Pan fried with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.