Employee Spotlight: Meet Katie!

Katie is a Student at Umass Amherst majoring in Microbiology. She has been working with both Great Falls and Blue Stream as a paid intern.

We Asked Katie...

Where are you from?
I've grown up on Cape Cod, MA.

What school do you attend? What is your major?
I am a student at Umass Amherst majoring in Microbiology. To me, this means studying and understanding how microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and archaea interact and shape the world that we live in. Microbes have incredibly important roles in many aspects of our lives including our personal and environmental health and wellness.

What have you learned/focused on while at Great Falls?
While at Great Falls, I have been able to see first-hand how much time and energy goes into raising the food we can take for granted. To best support healthy and happy fish, a lot of work is needed to ensure that all fish are getting the nutrients and oxygen they need, microbes can have a big role in that!

When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?
I love being outdoors and I’ve really enjoyed learning the hiking trails in the Amherst area. At home, the beach is one of my favorite spots to read and spend time with friends and family and it’s very easy to spend a whole lot longer than 30 minutes there!

What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
Besides being very interested in science, I have always enjoyed making arts and crafting. Ceramics and wheel throwing have given me breaks to be creative between school and work and I cannot wait to get back into pottery again.
How do you define success?
Finding happiness in what you are doing and being able to share that happiness with others.
What is your favorite way to prepare and enjoy Barramundi?
Pan-fried with lemon, garlic, and herbs.