Making an Impact
April 2023
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In This Issue
- Distracted Driving is Deadly
- The Secret to a Long Life Driving Alert
- Many Substances Can Impair Driving
- NHTSA's National Drug-Impaired Driving Initiative
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Distracted Driving is Deadly | |
What is Distracted Driving? | |
Distraction occurs when a driver voluntarily diverts attention to something not related to driving that uses the driver's eyes, ears, or hands. There are four types of driver distraction:
- Visual: looking at something other than the road.
- Auditory: hearing something not related to driving.
- Manual: manipulating something other than the wheel.
- Cognitive: thinking about something other than driving.
Most distractions involve more than one of these types, with both a sensory — eyes, ears, or touch — and a mental component.
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The Secret to a Long Life: Driving Alert | |
Remind your friends and family: If you’re in the driver’s seat, it’s the only thing you should be doing. No distractions.
If your driver is texting or otherwise distracted, tell them to stop and focus on the road.
Ask your friends to join you in pledging not to drive distracted. You could save a life. Share your pledge on social media to spread the word — #JustDrive.
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Oregon’s basic law, ORS 811.507, says it is illegal to drive while holding and using a mobile electronic device while driving (e.g. cell phone, tablet, GPS, laptop). | |
③ Violations are updated, too!
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- A first offense that doesn’t contribute to a crash is a Class B violation with a maximum fine of $1,000.
- A second offense, or if the first offense contributes to a crash, is Class A violation with a maximum fine of $2,000.
- A third offense in ten years is a Class B misdemeanor and could result in a maximum fine of $2,500 fine and could be 6 months in jail.
For a first offense that does not contribute to a crash, the court may suspend the fine* if the driver completes an approved distracted driving avoidance class, and shows proof to the court, within four months.
*Only the fine is suspended - the violation will still be recorded on the offender's driving record.
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③ Guide to the Distracted Driving Bans
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Ⓐ Handheld Ban?
Ⓑ All Cell Phone Ban?
Ⓒ All Cell Phone Ban?
- Novice Drivers.
- Drivers under 18.
- Primary Law.
Ⓓ Text Messaging Ban?
- All drivers.
- Primary Law.
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April 20th, 2023, starts the Drug-Impaired Driving Campaign: It doesn’t have to be alcohol to be intoxicating. If you feel different you drive different. | |
Many Substances Can Impair Driving | |
Many substances can impair driving, including alcohol, some over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and illegal drugs.
- Alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs can impair the ability to drive because they slow coordination, judgment, and reaction times.
- Cocaine and methamphetamine can make drivers more aggressive and reckless.
- Using two or more drugs at the same time, including alcohol, can amplify the impairing effects of each drug a person has consumed.
- Some prescription and over-the-counter medicines can cause extreme drowsiness, dizziness, and other side effects. Read and follow all warning labels before driving, and note that warnings against “operating heavy machinery” include driving a vehicle.
Impaired drivers can’t accurately assess their own impairment – which is why no one should drive after using any impairing substances. Remember: If you feel different, you drive different.
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NHTSA's National Drug-Impaired Driving Initiative | |
NHTSA has launched If You Feel Different, You Drive Different campaign to educate Americans about the dangers of driving while impaired by drugs, and to promote safer choices. Also, each year we team up with law enforcement for our If You Feel Different You Drive Different, Drive High Get a DUI campaign to remind drivers that drug-impaired driving isn’t a mistake; it’s a crime.
Those who drive under the influence of drugs, whether obtained legally or illegally, pose a danger to themselves, their passengers, and other road users.
NHTSA is determined to put an end to impaired driving — to save lives. Remember: Impairment is impairment, no matter the substance.
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Drive Sober, Safe, and Happy!
from your
Friends at Oregon Impact
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