Turkey & Syria Relief Through UMCOR

To all Crossroads District Pastors and Congregations:


I'm sure you have now heard about the horrific earthquakes that have brought so much death and destruction to Turkey and Syria. First of all, please pray for those impacted by this horrible disaster and the relief workers who are so desperately searching for survivors.

As Mission Coordinator for the district, I propose that each church consider an offering to assist our neighbors. You may designate a week, or longer to allow your congregation to donate. From experience, we know recovery does take a long time.

I also want to remind you that donations designated as Advance Special Initiative 3016 (International Disaster) and sent to the Rio Texas Conference will count toward achieving a 5-Star status.


 From UMCOR's Facebook page:


Join us in prayer for the people of Turkey and Syria who have just experienced two devastating earthquakes.

The initial quake, which hit in the early morning hours, leveled buildings, killing more than 1,700 people and wounding more than 5,300, with numbers expected to climb. News reports are already assessing the impact as the worst to hit the area in a century.

UMCOR is processing a grant to our partner in Turkey, International Blue Crescent (IBC), which has issued an appeal for emergency supplies such as tents, heaters, blankets, warm clothes, food, and first aid.





Fritzi Simon, CLM

District Missions Coordinator

Lay Leader, Crossroads District,

Rio Texas Conference UMC

512 947-2166
