Special Announcement
Monetizing EV Credits, Funding, and Planning the EV Transition
Special Announcements 
3/25/21 - 11:30am – 1:30pm “Monetizing EV Credits, Funding and Planning the EV Transition”
The final webinar in this three-part series hosted by MEMA, NAFA and California Clean
  • Funding and Planning for the EV Transition
  • Chris White, Senior Program Manager, Frontier Energy
  • Monetizing Renewable Fuel and ZEV Credits
  • Mike Saxton, Managing Director, Clean Transportation, SRECTrade, Inc
Webinar Registration LINK
Sac Metro Air District Announces Funding Opportunity
The Sac Metro Air District has announced the release of an $18M RFP on March 29, 2021.
Funding will be available to replace medium and heavy-duty vehicles with zero-emission trucks and buses, install low carbon fueling infrastructure, replace older farm tractors, upgrade locomotives or complete other eligible projects. 
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Propane Education Research Council Accepting Contractor Applications
The Propane Education Research Council (PERC) is now accepting applications from contractors for up to $1,000 per home for installing propane systems in new homes, and up to $5,000 for regional propane systems.
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US Department of Transportation Releases 2021 Infrastructure Grant Program
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has released the 2021 Infrastructure Grant Program (INFRA). In addition to traditional road and bridge projects, the 2021 INFRA will entertain ZEV infrastructure projects. 
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US Department of Energy Grant Solicitation
The US Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) has announce a grant solicitation for innovative energy strategies across a broad spectrum of categories, a few of which include: Grid Scale Batteries Energy Storage, Grid Scale Non-Battery Energy Storage, Grid Reliability, Transportation Management, Combined Heat & Power, Building Heating & Cooling, Building Energy Management, Combined Heat & Power, Stationary Fuel Cells.
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Sacramento Clean Cities Sponsors Make The News
Lion Electric Announces Battery Production Facility
Lion Electric has announced the construction of their own battery production facility, scheduled to open in 2023 and expected to produce one completed battery pack every five minutes and produce enough batteries to power 14,000 heavy-duty electric vehicles per year.
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Toyota's Hino Trucks Plans to Accelerate Production
Toyota’s subsidiary Hino Trucks has announced plans to accelerate their electric truck production plans with full production of Class 4 - 8 BEVs by 2024, and low-volume volume production by Q4 of 2022.
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Alternative Fuel Insight
US DOE Launches Construction Project
The US DOE has launched a $75M design/construction project at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. The project will accelerate commercialization of technologies to modernize and add flexibility to the power grid, advance storage technologies, and boost use of clean energy.
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Refineries Report
California Refineries: For the week ending 2/26/21, refineries in California produced 6,506 barrels of gasoline and 1,888 barrels of diesel. The current LCFS Credit for 1 MT of CO2 is $196.00.
Read More Here for gasoline and diesel production.
Read More Here for LCFS credit.
Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition | 916 - 622 - 8433