Special Announcement
NorCal Fleet Academy and Expo
SAVE THE DATE for the NorCal Fleet Academy and Expo October 6 & 7, 2021. 
Professional Training for: Fleet Managers, Technicians, Spec Writers & Grant Writers. 
Displays of the latest in vehicles, equipment and fleet technologies.
Check the Scheduled Training Here
SMUD New Program: Charging as a Service
SMUD is offering a new program, “Charging as a Service” (CaaS) that provides commercial electric vehicle advisory services, including technical evaluation and cost estimates, electrical engineering/design and construction services, as well as network and hardware options, full maintenance of charging systems, and financing options.
For more information contact jillian.rich@smud.org
US DOE Plan to Scale Up Domestic Manufacturing
The U.S. DOE announced a plan to scale up a domestic manufacturing supply chain for advanced battery materials and technologies. The plan also includes efforts to increase stationary battery storage capacity. 
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New Updates, Regulations, and Requirements
CARB Virtual Public Work Group Meeting for Low Carbon Transportation
CARB will hold a virtual public work group meeting for Low Carbon Transportation Program clean transportation equity projects on Jun 14 from 2pm - 3pm. 
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CARB Presentation on "A Methodology for Selecting Air Monitoring Location for Measuring Brake and Tire Wear Emissions"
CARB will hold a presentation on research into “A Methodology for Selecting Air Monitoring Locations for Measuring Brake and Tire Wear Emissions” on June 17 at 10am. As emission control systems on combustion engine exhaust have become very efficient, a much larger percentage of particulate emissions in the air come from tire wear and brake wear. Look for this research to lead to regulations in the future. 
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CARB Webinar on Impact of Emissions From Automated Vehicles
CARB will host a webinar on research into the impact of emissions from automated vehicles. [This research may lead to additional mandates for zero-emission vehicles.] The webinar will be on June 29 from 10:30 - 12:30. 
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Sacramento Clean Cities Sponsors Make The News
FreeWire Webinar on Innovative Technologies
Rob Anderson with FreeWire will provide an update on FreeWire’s innovative technologies Tuesday, June 15 at 12noon. FreeWire’s DCFC, the Boost Charger, makes deploying ultrafast fleet charging easy by using low-voltage grid power while delivering 120kW Fast Charging. It can be easily relocated, and the integrated battery reduces energy costs substantially.
Join the webinar on June 15 at noon with this LINK
Louisiana Clean Cities Five Part Webinar
The Louisiana Clean Cities Coalition is producing a five webinar series on fleet efficiency and emission reductions:
  • June 15, 11am PST – Michael Cross, Entergy VP of Innovation
  • June 16, 8am PST – Mike McDonald, Director of Sustainability, UPS; Richard Colley, Director of Regulatory Affairs, ARRIVAL
  • June 16, 11am PST – Dr. chuck Carr Brown, Secretary of Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality; Camille Manning-Broome, President & CEO of the Center for Planning Excellence
  •  June 16, 1pm PST – Jared Schnader, CALSTART, Richard Battersby, East Bay Clean Cities, Eric Newberry, Entergy, Dave Aasheim, FreeWire
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NGVi Virtual Technician Training
NGVi’s live-virtual course on Cummins’ diesel and CNG INSITE & QSOL Software, both basic and advanced functions is scheduled for July 20, with early bird discounts available through June 10.
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Alternative Fuel Insight
Michelin Inflatable Sails for Ocean Vessels
Michelin, famous for high-performance tires, has developed an inflatable sail and mast technology for ocean-going vessels dubbed “Wing Sail Mobility (WISAMO). With the telescoping mast up and the sails inflated, it can improve a ship’s fuel economy (with resulting reduced emissions) by 20%. 
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Refineries Report
The LCFS Credit for 1 MT of CO2 is $189.50. 
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Conferences and Programs
Forth Roadmap Conference
The Forth “Roadmap” Conference, featuring leaders and experts in electric vehicle industry, communities, and government agencies will be held June 14 - 16 in Portland. 
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NAFA Green Fleet Awards
NAFA Green Fleet Awards are now open, and criteria include: Emission reductions and Environmental Benefits implemented, Programs to Reduce Vehicle Use and Fuel Use, Driver Training, “Green” Procurement and more. 
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Green Transportation Summit and Expo
The Green Transportation Summit and Expo is in-person and virtual this summer August 16-18 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. featuring:
  • 20+ Virtual TechTalks
  • 2350+ Events attendance
  • 40+ Vehicles
  • 70+ Industry booths 
  • 135+ Industry speakers
Sacramento Clean Cities stakeholders use discount code: SACCC30 
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Advanced Clean Transportation Expo
Advanced Clean Transportation Expo, 8/30 - 9/2 at the Long Beach Convention Center
  • 250+ Sponsors & Exhibitors
  • All Alternative Fuels &
  • Efficiency Technologies
  • 75+ Advanced Clean Vehicles Displayed
  • Ride & Drive Event
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Sacramento Clean Cities Coalition | 916 - 622 - 8433