TOS  e-Newsletter
In this  issue: A visit to Golden Link College
TOS Around the World: Pakistan, India, Ukraine and the USA 
What's new on the TOS International website?
Announcing the International Theosophy Conference "Theosophy and Social Responsibility"
Theosophical Order of Service International Newsletter
EN 40 - June 2016
Dear TS and TOS members and friends,

"An orientation towards service is the natural flowering of the spiritual life. But the reverse is also true: an orientation towards service is a pathway towards spirituality." So begins Vic Hao Chin's thoughtful article on 'Service and Spirituality', our featured article this quarter. From whichever direction we approach it, service and spirituality go hand in hand in forging the path that we, in the Theosophical Order of Service, have chosen to walk. 

When asked what the TOS does, our International Secretary has come to reply, "Our activities are many and varied. Ultimately, they focus on the spiritual upliftment of others and ourselves through service to humanity." As was Annie Besant's intent, they put into action the First Object of the Theosophical Society. Some of those activities, performed by groups and individuals, are shared in this issue of TOS as they are every quarter. We hope you enjoy reading them and perhaps even glean new ideas for service activities from them. Do you have other ideas to pass on as well?

We want to know what you and your groups are doing. Please send information about your activities, with good quality photos, to:

Yours in service,
The TOS team:
Nancy Secrest,  International Secretary
Rozi Ulics, Webmaster
Vicki Jerome, Proofreader
Diana Dunningham Chapotin, Editing

  "The highest truth cannot be put into words.
Therefore the greatest teacher has nothing to say.
He simply gives himself in service, and never worries."
- Lao Tzu in The World's Wisdom by Philip Nov ak

A visit to Golden Link College
by Lara Sell
Lara Sell is an 18-year-old university student, who is passionate about animal rights, human rights and particularly women's rights. She has been a member of the Theosophical Society since she was ten and asked to join. Recently, Lara saved up for a trip to the Philippines where she spent three weeks as a volunteer in the theosophy-based Golden Link College.

Lara Sell pictured with the Geoffrey Hodson Scholarship recipient, Diana Rose Orilla
TOS Around the World
Mr Jindani presented 'The Silence Game' as part of his program.
TOS Pakistan - Formula for a Successful Life

On April 27, 2016, the TOS in Pakistan held a workshop at the Jamshed Memorial Hall entitled 'Formula for a Successful Life'.

The interactive program, attended by TOS members, TOS administrative staff and many teachers in addition to the public, was conducted by Mr Mushtaq Ali Jindani. The second part of this excellent program will take place later this year.
Read more here.
TOS India - Eastern Zonal Conference
The Eastern Zonal Conference of the TOS India was hosted this year by Assam Theosophical Federation and the Theosophical Order of Service, Assam & Arunachal Region in April, 2016. The Theme of the conference was “Peace, Harmony & Service.” Two livestock camps followed the conference.
Read more here.
 A replica of Shahid Minar gifted by participants from Bangladesh to Bro. D. N. Chakravarty was accepted by Bro. B. L. Bhattacharyya, TOS National Director (on the left).
A big hello from the Ukrainian TS/TOS members working on the restoration of HPB's birthplace in Dnipropetrovsk.
TOS Ukraine - pictorial report
We want to share with you this beautiful pictorial report received from the TOS Ukraine, one of our 'youngest', and yet most dynamic Sections. The report covers national as well as local activities.

Read more here.
To learn more about where all the plastic pollution comes from, the threat it poses, and easy ways to make a difference, the Salt Lake City group recommends this resource : My Plastic Free Life 
TS/TOS USA - Educates the Community on "The Plastic Death of the Sea"

On April 21, 2016, during Earth Week, the Salt Lake City, USA Theosophical Study Center set up a massive booth at the University of Utah's Student Union to raise awareness about plastic pollution in our oceans and also to show how each person can make small changes that collectively make a big difference. Read more here.
What's new on the TOS International website?
Bros. S.  Sundaram and B. L. Bhattacharyya plant a tree at the TOS National Camp held at Varanasi, India on 15-16 March, 2016.
TOS Camp at Varanasi  
This past March, for the very first time, the Theosophical Society hosted an all-India TOS gathering at its headquarters in Varanasi for representatives from most of its 21 regions. The goal of this event was for members to learn about each other’s work in alleviating suffering and to come to appreciate the challenges at the grass roots level. The event was a great success. Read more here.
The first graduates of the TOS Kenya's Youth Empowerment Program, Samuel Buhuru, Dickson Mbego and George Musumba (order unknown) 
TOS Kenya begins Youth Empowerment Program

Three young men, Samuel Buhuru, Dickson Mbego and George Musumba, completed training in landscaping and gardening in April as part of TOS Kenya’s new youth empowerment program. Their certificates for completion of this four month program will be presented to them during a joint TS/TOS Kenya function to be held in June.

The TOS Kenya wishes to thank all who have assisted them financially with this endeavour and with the women’s training program as well. Without the support of the TOS coming from many countries this project would not have taken off! Three young men have found their vocation, employment and financial security for themselves and their families.

The women’s programmes are going well too, with four more women scheduled to start a new form of training shortly. So far the TOS in Nairobi has provided vocational training in quite a variety of areas such as hair styling and manicure, the preparation of food and cowdung-based fuel for sale.
Vincente Hao Chin, Jr

Service and Spirituality 
by Vincente Hao Chin, Jr

An orientation towards service is the natural flowering of the spiritual life. But the reverse is also true: an orientation towards service is a pathway towards spirituality.

How is spirituality nurtured through acts of service?

Read more here.

Also see additions to the TOS photo gallery and the Inspiration section on the TOS International website. Click here.
Announcing the International Theosophy  Conference
   At the beautiful La Casa de Maria, Santa Barbara, California, USA
"Theosophy and Social Responsibility"
 Check out THE BEE, ITC's Newsletter for details.
  Walt Whitman
"This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers   
of  families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your

life, reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss

whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and

have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips

and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of

your body." - Walt Whitman