News from Ohio State Organization
Moving Forward…from “Stay at Home”
Challenged with the uncertainty of what lies ahead for all of us while trying to navigate the uncharted waters of the current global pandemic, your State Leadership Team, continues to plan, rearrange, strategize, refocus, reschedule with purposeful determination and bold commitment to keep DKG/Ohio moving forward in spite of our present-day adversity. Your Leadership Team has decided to not dwell on what went wrong, but rather to focus on what to do next and spend our organizational energies forward moving from our “Stay at Home” positions while being ever mindful of the safety and well-being of our membership which will always be our highest priority. In our many “refocusing” responses to each other, Ann Todd, State Recording Secretary said it best:
We will view our decisions as an opportunity to be innovative, to believe differently and to think differently…simply because the unpredictability of this moment in time, requires us to do just that. We can continue to make a positive difference and can make things work!
Many of you are aware our State Convention has been rescheduled for August 28-30, 2020. Since schools will have been, by this time, in session for only a few weeks, we totally understand and realize it is not the ideal weekend to hold a statewide convention…especially for our active teachers, who have just returned to their classrooms. We were, however, very limited in the number of weekends the Embassy Suites Dublin had available to reschedule our DKG/Ohio event. Many other factors were also taken into consideration, but the keynote speaker factor and their availability actually determined the August 28-30, 2020, selection. We hope for your understanding of these circumstances and believe it was the best we could do with what we were given. Let’s look at this as an opportunity to experience something new and different. Who knows…we just may enjoy the unexpected change!
Additional convention information for you to know…
- The Executive Board Meeting on August 29 will be our Fall Executive Board Meeting with no other Executive Board Meeting to be scheduled until the 2021 State Convention.
- Convention refunds will be coming your way soon...we appreciate your patience.
- Let’s try this again…the June edition of The Voice will be our Convention edition. It will be complete with a new registration form (to be completed…again) along with other essential convention information. Online registration will also be made available.
Remembering the need to think differently we have already had a few inquiries from chapters wondering how to deal with their chapter elections since it is obvious with the "Stay-at-Home" directive, chapters will not be able to meet for April and May or possibly through the duration of this pandemic. Wanting to keep our chapters informed, I asked our State Parliamentarian, Joyce Jones-Weinkam to write an article about how to hold a chapter election without a face to face meeting. Please review her article about electronic elections in this edition of
The Voice
. I know she worked “hand in hand” with and was advised by our International Parliamentarian, Dr. Helen Popovich to complete this document. You can be assured it is approved by DKG International and is a guide to successful chapter elections.
The Communications/Marketing Committee Chair, Eileen McNally is also offering to assist chapters by proposing an alternative electronic ballot option utilizing Google Forms. This too was reviewed by the International Parliamentarian and given International approval. Please review Eileen McNally’s article in this edition of
The Voice
. I applaud Joyce and Eileen for their efforts and willingness to help and assist our chapters during this unprecedented time.
After chapter elections are complete, current chapter presidents are asked to do the following:
- Send Form 110 Chapter Officers Report Form to the Ohio State Organization President by June 30, 2020. Also send a copy to Society Headquarters. Appropriate addresses are located on Form 110.
- Do not hesitate to contact your State Leadership Team should your chapter have further questions about chapter elections.
At this time and for your information, the following items are being addressed and reviewed for modification and/or revision of the 2019-20 year. Further information about each will be forthcoming in the May edition of
The Voice
. Please stay tuned…
- The Buckeye/Cherry Membership Challenge
- Gold Key
- Chapter Leadership Workshops
- Chapter President's Report
I know most of you, as I am, are feeling the stress of the ever-changing uncertainty of these times. As I close this communication, I want to leave you with the thoughts of the following poem by Kitty O’Meara, a poem Lois Harkins, Leadership Development Chair, sent to me several weeks ago. I found comfort in her words.
"And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed."
I cannot help but think that we all will be markedly changed as a result of this massive assault on humanity. That, in the end, we will rise up and truly begin to think differently, believe differently, dream our dreams differently, and to live to enjoy our lives differently.
Please know I will be thinking of you…each and every one. I bid you courage, strength, and good health as we face the tumultuous days ahead. Stay safe and stay at home.
I will be in touch.
Sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. Thank you for your kind responses in regard to the postponing and rescheduling of our DKG Ohio State Convention. It was a joy to speak with many of you on the phone recently. Several of you commended President Diana on her wise decision to postpone this event even before it was made mandatory by Governor DeWine. We want you and your families to stay safe and healthy. This postponement is just a bit of a “bump in the road” on our way to the State Convention.
Please mark your calendars for August 28-30, 2020, and start making plans to attend the 2020 DKG Ohio State Convention at the Embassy Suites in Dublin. In the near future you will receive information about reserving a room at the hotel and registering for the rescheduled Convention. As you know, your original registration fees are being refunded to you, and we will go through the registration process from the beginning. In the meantime, take good care in what you do and where you go. I think I’m going to shop online for some nice summer clothes!! How about you?!
Linda Diltz
Convention Coordinator
WE want everyone to know - WE are just waiting…
The legendary
Foundation RAFFLE
is on hold until we have our OSO Convention! This FUNDraiser will be FUN. Who is going to win? In communicating with our generous DKG chapters and individual donors, the Raffle Baskets and items will be stored. If any items need to be replenished that will happen in mid August. Could that be a box of chocolates!
Fundraising Committee of ADSOEF
Grants, Scholarships, and Fellowships (Oh, my!)
The Scholarship Committee experienced another very rewarding year. Thirty state supported university students applied for the Esther H. Strickland Student Teacher Grant. The budget allocated $7,500.00 for this grant, thus we awarded ten, $750.00 grants to the following students: Megan Anderson, Wright State University; Emma Campbell, Miami University; Emily Crowe, Miami University; Daulton Faulder, The Ohio State University-Lima; Haley Garland, The Ohio State University-Lima; Chance Goolie, Ohio University-Eastern Campus; Mary Piper, Miami University, Sarah Redett; Miami University, Ryan Turrieta; Miami University; Brynn Valentine, Ohio University-Zanesville.
The Committee suggests that OSO members needing graduate credit apply for Alpha Delta State Ohio Educational Foundation’s graduate study scholarships. We offer the Annie Webb Blanton Scholarship which can be used at any accredited university for graduate credit. Members attending Kent State University for graduate study should apply for the new Florence L. Woodward Scholarship. Another scholarship for study at The Ohio State University is the Margaret L. White Scholarship. Please apply for this scholarship if you are enrolled at The Ohio State University doing graduate work. The Ruth Grimes Scholarship is for graduate study for members at Miami University. These resources are just waiting to be tapped to help you.
Ohio State Organization members, please check out the International website for all International Scholarships available to members. These are always due by February 1, and can help with various needs.
Currently the Scholarship Committee is reading and ranking Fulbright dossiers in hopes of receiving an A. Margaret Boyd International Study Overseas Fellowship recipient for the year 2020-2021. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year we continued support to Nominchimeg Davaanyam from Mongolia, as she continues her graduate studies at Kent State University. ADSOEF also offers an A. Margaret Boyd International Study - Ohio Fellowship for OSO members seeking to do graduate study in a foreign country. That application, along with all other ADSOEF funding applications can be found at under the Forms and Applications tab.
Your ADSOEF/OSO Scholarship Committee wishes to thank all members and chapters for your contributions to ADSOEF allowing us to award grants, scholarships, and fellowships to many recipients.
Important Documents From ADSOEF
Click on the links below to read a letter from Kathy McClendon, Chairman of the Foundation and the March 2020 Foundation Report.
Chapter Elections Without In-Person Meetings
from OSO Parliamentarian, Joyce Jones-Weinkam
with advisement from DKG Parliamentarian, Dr. Helen Popovich
This document is a set of guidelines, not a set of directives. It was written without reviewing each chapter’s own chapter rules, and chapters may modify the guidelines to best fit their own chapter circumstances.
—There should be a slate of candidates, probably from the nominating committee.
—Members should have the opportunity to nominate from the floor.
—Therefore, this slate of candidates may be sent to all members by email or post mail to allow members to nominate from the floor - indicate a deadline for acceptance of all nominations.
Members without email may be contacted by phone for any new nominations.
—Before adding any new name to the slate of candidates, nominating committee should contact each new nominee to see if she will accept the position if elected.
—The final slate of candidates will now be sent to all members for voting.
—If the chapter does not use secret ballot for elections, you may send out the ballot by email (and post mail to any member without email), with a deadline for when it is to be returned.
—If the chapter uses a secret ballot for elections, all ballots need to be sent out by post mail.
—For secret ballot:
If two or more members can meet together, appoint two tellers.
Mail to each member: a paper ballot with instructions on how to fold it, a return envelope addressed to one of the tellers, and a deadline by which the ballot must be postmarked.
—Have the tellers open the envelopes and put the folded ballots into a pile or container, shuffle them, then unfold and count them.
—If no two members (tellers) can meet together, have the ballots returned to the president or her designee. Then have the president or designee open the envelopes, shuffle the folded ballots, and then unfold and count them.
—The ballot count should be reported to the chapter president.
—In some cases, chapters will not have to take a formal vote to elect their officers. If a chapter’s rules do not require that a ballot vote be taken, the chapter may follow the procedure given in DKG’s parliamentary authority
Robert’s Rules of Order newly Revised, 11th Edition,
which says:
“If only one person is nominated and the bylaws (chapter rules) do not do not require that a ballot vote be taken, the chair, after ensuring that, in fact no members present (in this case, no chapter members) wish to make further nominations, simply declares that the nominee is elected, thus effecting the election by unanimous consent of “acclimation”.
—To use this procedure, the president or her designee must provide every member with the slate of nominees and state that any member who wishes to nominate someone else for any office should submit the name of the nominee to the president by a certain deadline. If there are no nominees submitted by the deadline, the president can declare the nominees elected.
If there is more than one nominee for any office, a formal vote must be taken in accordance with the chapter rules.
Chapter Officer Elections
If your primary email address is
: Members who use Gmail’s app or directly online may find that our state newsletter THE VOICE will land in “Promotions” tab. To fix, drag the newsletter into your “inbox”. Future editions should go directly to your “inbox”. For questions, contact Eileen at
Did you know that there are ‘IT Schools for Africa’ which transforms students’ lives through accessing e-learning experiences?
Your contributions to ‘Schools for Africa’ through Delta Kappa Gamma…
- Provided e-learning informational technology opportunities in African communities to improve students’ lives
- Five million children in Africa were given access to digital education
- Thirty e-learning labs were installed in Africa
- Nine thousand learners in the UK were given digital skills support
- IT teaches training and technical support to recipient schools and supplies them with refurbished computers, pc’s, and laptops
All of these IT skills are essential and valuable for students to know in our technology accessible world. Students who are able to have IT training experiences and develop e-learning techniques are able to obtain better paying jobs and other computer education skills.
Melodie McGee,
Educational Excellence Chairman
Sadly, we are in the midst of a global crisis with COVID-19 or Coronavirus wreaking havoc throughout our daily lives. We are left wondering about the state of Ohio’s decisions announced recently on student and faculty assessment, policy adjustments, and more, which are included in this blog. Yes, the virus is highly contagious and deadly to many. In fact, at the time of this writing, Governor DeWine has announced that the latest model shows the peak infection level will not be seen in Ohio until mid-May. Yes, we need to be safe, preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. This simply reminds us that we are in the midst of a crisis in which we have more options for education to take on new forms while keeping our communities safe.
Delta Kappa chapter’s Sara Plozay was awarded “Outstanding Teacher in Community Service” for 2020 by Ohio ACTE.Sara is a cosmetology instructor and the SkillsUSA Advisor at Upper Valley Career Center.
Delta Omega founding member, Mabel Garst turned 100 on Sunday, February 16
, and family, friends, and Delta Omega members were there to help her celebrate! Mabel was Delta Omega’s first parliamentarian; and has continued to serve the chapter through the years in various leadership positions and as a mentor to new members.
The sisters of Gamma Theta worked together to honor our local senior citizens during the month of February. This joint effort of our chapter included actively teaching members creating crafts with their students, a February meeting where active and retired teachers worked together to tag each craft with a sunshine note, sort and box the crafts, and then our retired teachers delivered them to 7 nursing homes around Lake County Ohio.
Beta Kappa hosted a joint dinner meeting with Beta Upsilon on March 2, 2020.
Zeta Chapter’s members learned about IVY, InVest in Youth, Inc and its work in Huron County to provide children and youth going into foster, kinship, or adoptive care with their own belongings through an on-site shopping experience.
Mary Bumstead, Eileen Hazel, Wendy Spoerr, Linda Cowen and Roz Gadd of Beta Chi are packing jelly beans for their annual jelly bean sale project for the Hillside Children's Rehabilitation Hospital
JUNE 30, 2020 - Form 110 Chapter Officer's Report Due
Gold Key Due
President's Report Due
AUGUST 28 - 30, 2020 - OSO State Convention
Embassy Suites in Dublin, OH
A Moment In Ohio DKG History
Did you know?
was first presented during the biennium of
Millie Holzer
(Beta Zeta) to honor a member who had served Alpha Delta State for many years in a number of state offices and committees but had never served as state president. That first award in 1998 went to
Louisa Strock
(Beta Zeta). Since, more than ten awards have been presented. The award is at the pleasure of the president.
Sally Gillmore, Sigma
OSO Organization Historian, Liaison to The Ohio History Center.
Remembering Our Lost Sisters