Hennepin Happenings


March 21, 2024 | Weekly Newsletter

Grounding in Faith with Pastor Elizabeth

Palms on a table in the HAUMC Sanctuary

Palm Sunday brings all the feels.

The sense of wild joy that greets Jesus as he enters the gates of the city is a feeling we know. When a team we hope will win enters the stadium the crowd goes wild. When a political candidate who embodies our values wins an election we feel the power of joining our hopes with others in order to build a better world. When hope feels - finally! - near, our hearts can scarce contain the power of it.

We dare to dream. We shout and we dance and we participate in the contagion of hope.

And then.

Do you remember that old advertising bit about "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat"?  

Jesus enters the gates of the city knowing full well that the thrill will be replaced with agony. He rides in anyway.

Please join us for worship on Palm Sunday at 10:00 in the sanctuary.

Being willing to feel all the feels is a reminder that Jesus rides yet into places of power with a message of hope for the hope-starved.

As followers of the Way of peace and reconciliation, we join Jesus in the midst of it all.

One of the ways we United Methodists have been in the midst of it all is through working for a denomination that welcomes and affirms all. Our polity is based on a global model of decision-making. Our next General Conference will be April 23 - May 3 in Charlotte, North Carolina. After being twice postponed, this conference is dense with important decisions about the future of the church.

Our bishop and cabinet have stated that regardless of the decisions made at the General Conference the Vision Statement of the Minnesota Annual Conference will guide our future together: We are a conference committed to full inclusion of all people: Thus it is and shall be.

All people are invited to the gathering sponsored by the Reconciling Congregations of Minnesota (Hennepin is one of them!). Our delegates will explain the work before them and offer opportunity for questions and insights.

Come and share potluck and community as we celebrate our connection.

Pastor Elizabeth

Upcoming Events

Click the event title to learn more!

March 10 - 25

March FoodShare Drive

March 14 - May 26

Hope for Creation in a Climate Changed World Spring Session

March 22 | 6-8pm

Karen Caldwell Artist Reception

March 24 | 10am

Palm Sunday Worship

& Brunch

March 28 | 7-8pm

Maundy Thursday Worship

March 29 | 7-8pm

Good Friday Worship

March 31 | 9 & 11am

Easter Worship

April 6 | 10am-2pm

April 7 | 1-5pm

Sacred Sites Healing Tours

April 11 | 12pm

UWF Monthly Gathering

April 13 | 11:30am

Minnesota Reconciling Congregations Spring Gathering

April 14 | 11:30am

New Member Class

Visit our events page to view all upcoming and re-occuring events

This Sunday's Message:

Palm Sunday

by Elizabeth Macaulay, Lead Pastor


Mark 11:1-11, Psalm 118:14-29, Philippians 2:5-11

This Sunday Begins Holy Week and Brunch Will Be Served!

If you would like to know more about each worship service and events through Lent and Easter, visit the Easter Webpage.

Volunteer Spotlight

Sign up with Marty Shimko for Reconciling Ministies Social on April 13 to make sure we and living our hospitality!

Email Marty Shimko

Giving and Service Spotlight

March is the Dignity Center's Birthday month and it is March Foodshare! Drop off food and household goods in the East Entry until March 25th!

You can find a list here or sign up here to help out with the Dignity Center!

Link to Additional Resources.

Church News of the Week:

The stories that keep us connected

Remember there is FREE Parking for Palm Sunday and Easter Worship in the covered lot next to the Walker Art Center. Just pick up a voucher from reception or any of the ushers.

What to Know about the Blog Format of Hennepin Happenings

Have you noticed we upgraded our Newsletter? It will make it easier to read, but also allow you access articles from our blog whenever you want! Click the "read more" link below to find out how the new format works in-depth!

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We Welcomed 6 New Members on Sunday, March 10!

6 New members lined up on the chancel being welcomed in: Karim male early 30s, Julia female 30s,  Karen female late 60s, Michael male 30s, David male 30s, Dan male 50s

On Sunday, March 10 we welcomed six new members: Julia Wiggen (yes, related to Cooper Wiggen, in fact, his daughter!), Candace Kirkedahlen, David Duvlea, Michael Anderson, Karim Omar, and Dan Netter!

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Minnesota Reconciling Ministries Spring Gathering: April 13, 2024

MN Reconciling Ministries Spring Social is at Hennepin Ave UMC to hear about the 2024 MN Annual Conference directly from delegates. 2024 is a momentous General Conference; this is a good way to learn more about it and what it will mean for our congregation and the greater UMC.

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Sign Up for Bless This Mess with Pastor Laura

Join Pastor Laura in a transformative five-week Zoom book study for Christian parents seeking practical guidance on raising children in a challenging world. Sign up is now open!

Sign Up Here!

Sacred Site Tours with Hope for Creation and Hamline UMC

Hennepin Avenue UMC's Hope for Creation, in partnership with Hamline UMC, is pleased to offer two opportunities to participate in healing through the Sacred Sites Tours. There is still time to sign up for the tour on April 7!

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To submit event announcements to be published on the public events calendar, please send all the details to communications@haumc.org.

To plan your event, including reserving rooms, email scheduling@haumc.org.

For story ideas or editorial content, you can email commsdirector@haumc.org. All content is subject to the discretion of the editorial team.

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church www.haumc.org

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