Serving San Diego and Imperial Counties since 1917
August 2022

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President's Message
Dear PTA Leaders and Members,
“Back to School” is once again different from what we, and our children, are used to. I think it will be easier than the last couple of years, but still different. That’s OK, we'll continue to adapt and do the work PTA started 125 years ago.

My name is Derick Boerner and I'm proud to be your Ninth District PTA President. I'm a father of two wonderful children, both students in San Diego Unified School District. My wife of 18 years is a special education teacher – I guess you can say education runs our household! In my “real life” I'm an accountant which brought me to PTA 12 years ago.
I hope you've found time to celebrate summer and relax after another challenging school year. I was fortunate to spend time with my family, tour colleges with our oldest daughter (sigh) and try to charge my batteries during the summer break.
Our goals this year are to focus on membership and training. If you haven’t already done so, join your PTA. Other people aren’t going to join if not asked so ask everyone, ask often and ask in different formats. If your PTA is not yet using our online membership platform, TOTEM, now is the time to enroll. With most schools allowing PTA back on campus this year I know we can get our membership back to pre-pandemic levels.
Our leadership team put on our first in-person event in two years on July 30th and it was a great day! We're excited to meet you in person and can't wait to plan even more. Keep an eye out for details to come soon.
Wishing everyone a wonderful year of PTA,
Derick Boerner
Upcoming Events
Fourth Annual Suicide
Prevention Symposium
Zoom Webinar
The Hero in Each of Us: Recognizing Risk and Accessing Resources for Youth Suicide Prevention
Symposium Going Virtual

Registration is now open for the Fourth Annual Suicide Prevention Symposium brought to you by Rady Children's Hospital and Ninth District PTA. This event brings parents, care-givers, educators and health care professionals together to learn about suicidal thoughts in teens and share strategies to prevent youth suicide.

Due to COVID 19, this event will once again
be virtual to keep everyone safe.

Saturday, September 17, 2022
9 am to 12:30 pm
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Optional QPR workshop

$10 per person
Spanish interpretation will be provided
Click Here for agenda.

Registration link coming soon!

California State PTA

& Sleep
August 23, 2022 7-8:30 PM
During the webinar our experts will share:
  • Information about the new school start time laws
  • Tips for helping your teen get the best sleep possible
  • Resources for PTAs to share with other parents/community members.
PTA News

Ninth District PTA Sets Membership
Goal of 45,000 Members

Ninth District PTA has set a goal of 45,000 PTA members in San Diego and Imperial counties - a 15 per cent increase from last year.

The power of PTA is in our members. The more members, the louder are voices for children - for their education, for their health, for their freedom from gun violence and for their right to a livable planet.

Each month, watch our membership grow on this PTA Membermometer!
2022 Insurance Premium Rate Announced

One of the advantages of being a PTA is comprehensive group insurance at low rates. Your current PTA insurance coverage will expire on December 31, 2022. The 2023 premium will be $272 for units and $188 for councils. Pay your new insurance premium directly to our insurance carrier by December 20.

Big news! There's a new procedure for renewing your PTA insurance (including online payment!). Join us on September 8th at 6 pm for our Fall Insurance Webinar with important information about the new procedures and insurance portal, as well as a discussion of what your insurance covers and why your PTA needs insurance. Free. Financial PTA officers and Presidents are encouraged to attend.
PTA leaders from Chula Vista Council attended the July 30 training to sharpen their PTA skills.
PTA leaders from around San Diego attend
first in-person training in two years

On July 30, PTA leaders from around San Diego County came together at the San Diego Office of Ed to get trained in key PTA positions and other leadership skills. Attendees had a choice of eight different classes. "Our first in person training since 2019 was a great success, " said Beth Bacting, leadership director. "What a fabulous day of PTA training! Thank you unit PTA leaders for filling our PTA cups and inspiring us. You are amazing! Look for more PTA training opportunities, in person and virtual, coming soon."
National PTA Reflections Program Open to all PTAs

Inspired by the theme Show Your Voice!, students can express themselves in six categories: dance, visual arts, film, photography, music or literature. Entries are submitted at the unit level and students can progress all the way to National PTA.

  • Units – Send out a call for entries! Contact your Council PTA to get more information. To enroll your school, click here.
  • Councils/Out of Councils – Ninth District PTA is sharing the online student form, instructions, and other information with all Council Presidents and Reflections Chairs in PTEZ. 

  • Due Dates: Entries are due to Ninth District PTA by December 6. Unit and Council due dates will be earlier.

Need more info? Contact the Reflections Committee at We will be more than happy to help!
Get on Board!
Join the Ninth District PTA Board of Directors

Ninth District PTA has two vacancies on our Board of Directors. We are looking for a Membership Director and a Legislation Director for the 2022-2023 school year.

If you are interested in sharing your PTA knowledge and experience with parents and families across the Ninth District (San Diego and Imperial Counties), please contact us. We would love to talk to you.

Learn about the Membership Director position.
Learn about the Legislation Director position.

To apply, email
Running Your PTA
Unit PTA Elections and Leadership Skills Help

Didn’t elect a 2022-23 PTA Executive Board before June 30, 2022?
Contact your council or the Ninth District PTA for help with elections.
We’ve got you!

Here are some great resources for PTA leaders:
Check out our YouTube Channel for PTA training webinars. Don’t forget to subscribe to help us grow!
Get your membership supplies

PTA has supplies to help you build membership. We've got low-cost membership envelopes - $3 per 100 - so you can send a "join PTA" envelope home with every student in your school. Include a flyer telling parents all the great things your PTA is doing. If you're enrolled in TOTEM, add a QR code to make joining PTA easy!

Membership cards can be picked up from your Council or from the Ninth District PTA office.

Order your customizable "Join Now" PTA banner to hang outside your school here.
Parliamentary Pointers
Who is on your Executive Board?

The answer is in Article VIII of your bylaws:

The executive board shall consist of officers of this Association, the chairs of standing committees, the teacher representative and the principal of the school, or a representative appointed by the principal, all of whom shall be members of this Association. The principal of the school or designated representative and the teacher representative, although not elected officers, serve in an advisory capacity with full voting privileges.
If the staff members of the executive board choose not to join the association, they are still advisors but do not have the privilege of making motions, debating, and voting.
Questions? Contact Ninth District parliamentarian Sue King at
Last year's Auditors and Treasurers, here's your final task

As you make plans for the new school year, don't forget to properly close out last year! Last year's auditor should complete the year end audit and last year's treasurer should complete the annual financial report and start working on the tax filings, so it doesn't get missed in the busy new school year.

Questions? Contact your Council Treasurer or Ninth District PTA treasurer Shawna Straw
SANDAG helps San Diego families
connect to the Internet

SANDAG is partnering with 211, County of San Diego and City of San Diego to raise awareness on how San Diego families can get connected to the internet. Learn about monthly internet discount programs and how to access public Wi-Fi at hundreds of local libraries, check out a laptop from your local library or purchase a low-cost computer from San Diego Futures Foundation.

If you would like to have a "Get Connected" booth at your back to school night or other school event, email

Family Engagement
Homeless Youth Education

In San Diego County there are an estimated 20,000 homeless children and youth. The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) provides support and resources to the 42 school districts in the county, Juvenile Court and Community Schools, and countywide charter schools to implement McKinney-Vento.

Click Here to learn how your PTA can speak up for homeless youth.
Children's Eye Health

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. You can help raise awareness of children’s vision and eye health as kids head back to school. Healthy vision contributes to children’s school readiness, ability to learn, overall healthy development and ability to reach motor developmental milestones. Educate parents and caregivers on school-readiness, vision screening, injury protection, sports eye safety, and signs of eye problems.

Diane Godfrey, Ninth District PTA Health Director
National PTA
Back to School Week September 12-16

Throughout the week, the association will share information and resources to help PTA leaders, parents, and teachers plan their school year, engage their communities and support for student wellbeing and learning. National PTA wants to help make sure you have the tools you need to rock this school year!

Join us by sharing what your PTA is doing to navigate the new school year on social media, using #PTABackToSchool.

Enrollment Open for National PTA Schools of Excellence

National PTA School of Excellence recognition program opens the lines of communication and critical thinking within school communities to make data-driven decisions that yield positive, long-term results. Enrollment open until October 1, 2022.