The Newsletter for PTA leaders

in San Diego and Imperial Counties

April 2023

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Upcoming Events

Summer Leadership Conference

Orange ya Glad We're Back!

A day of Learning Exclusively for PTA Leaders

Saturday, June 3, 2023

8 am to 4 pm

University of San Diego

Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice

$50 Early Bird registration ends April 30

Learn at SLC!

The Summer Leadership Conference is the premier training event for PTA leaders in San Diego County. Select from 24 workshops on this day of learning for PTA leaders. We'll have officer trainings for presidents, treasurers, secretaries and more, all led by Ninth District PTA and California State PTA experts. We've also invited community leaders to conduct workshops on important youth issues. This is your chance to learn all things PTA!

Connect at SLC!

One of the best reasons to attend the Summer Leadership Conference is to network with other PTA leaders - share ideas, make new friends and have fun. Invite your entire board to attend. Start the day with California State PTA President Carol Green's keynote address. Browse the exhibitor fair and explore ideas for programs for next school year. Enjoy lunch on the patio with new and old friends overlooking a stunning view of the city.

Register Today!

Volunteers needed for Summer Leadership Conference

The Summer Leadership Conference could not happen without the help of a team of dedicated PTA volunteers. We have three volunteer shifts to choose from. Volunteers receive a

t-shirt and if you sign up for two of the three shifts, you'll receive free attendance to the conference and lunch.

Volunteer Application

PTA News

National PTA Proposes Dues Increase


National PTA is proposing a $1.75 dues increase to go into effect on October 1, 2023. This would increase the portion of the dues going to National PTA from $2.25 per member to $4.00 per member. The last dues increase for National PTA was 12 years ago.

Learn more.

Members of the National PTA voting body will have the opportunity to vote on the new proposed dues rate at the virtual National PTA Convention to be held June 15-24. California has 530 voting delegates. If you would like to attend, register here.

New Reflections Theme Announced

The theme for next year's Reflection Program will be "I am Hopeful Because..." All PTAs throughout the country are invited to participate. Students can interpret this theme in six ways: writing, visual arts, dance choreography, music composition, film or photography. If your PTA is planning to participate in Reflections next year, register on the National PTA webpage.

Learn more.

Need to stop by the office? Call first.

The Ninth District PTA office on the campus of the San Diego County Office of Education is now open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call the office at 858-268-8077 before coming to make sure JoAnn Butler, our office manager, is there. On Mondays and Wednesdays you can still reach JoAnn by phone or email. The office will remain closed on Fridays.

Running Your PTA


Have you turned in the following items?

  • Workers Comp Report
  • Tax filings for 2021-2022
  • Mid-Year financial review (audit) for FY 2022-2023
  • Historian report due May 1
  • Officer Rosters due May 15

For a complete list of due dates for the year, Click Here.


Does PTA have employees?

Your first response is probably “No, we're all volunteers!” Most of the time, this is the case.  PTAs often raise funds for extra personnel at a school site. California State PTA recommends PTAs gift these funds to the school district with a fiduciary agreement, so the school district bears the burden of managing employees.  

What if the PTA contracts with someone to provide a service? Even if you pay “Story Tellers R Us”, it still might be an individual and not a corporation. This discussion usually takes place when PTAs complete the Workers Compensation form each January. It's important to properly document all individuals paid for a service to complete the workers compensation form.

If the PTA does plan on paying someone for a service, then determine if that person is an employee or an independent contractor. PTA is a business and is allowed to do both of these things, with membership approval, but again, California State PTA highly recommends the PTA find a different way to achieve its goals because of the extra expense and responsibility that comes with hiring employees. Please read and fully understand the section in the PTA Toolkit, PTA as on Employer, before proceeding.  

Questions? Email Shawna Straw , Ninth Distrist PTA treasurer.

Grants - Free money for PTA?

The project for which a PTA is seeking grant funds must promote the purposes of the PTA, be relevant to the PTA’s goals, and has been approved by a vote of the membership. PTA members must commit to follow through with the stated goals of the program and should not commit the participation of succeeding PTA boards.

Grants by definition come with award requirements. The PTA must follow this criteria, or risk being responsible for returning the funds. Many organizations providing grants want to only work with schools as the grantee. If the PTA is not the grantee, the funds should NOT go into the PTA accounts. In this case, the PTA can support the grant requirements by helping to advertise receipt of the grant, find volunteers, or perhaps provide additional supplies that support the grant, if approved by the membership.

When considering a project requiring paid personnel, carefully review all requirements before deciding. Becoming an employer is a major, ongoing commitment for a PTA and therefore is discouraged. Each PTA project is unique and the applicable state and federal regulations change periodically. Read more about the requirements in the PTA Toolkit, PTA as an Employer. 

Are you ready to apply for a grant? Visit the PTA Toolkit to read up on all of the requirements, and find grants offered by the California State PTA!

Questions? Email Shawna Straw, Ninth Distrist PTA treasurer.


Will we make our goal?

We now have 43,046 PTA members in San Diego and Imperial Counties! We need less than 2,000 members to reach our goal of 45,000. Will we get there? Yes - with your help. Make sure you've turned in all your members through channels. And it's never too late to ask people to join to support all the good things your PTA is doing for children.


Talking Points from Leg Conference

If you didn't meet with your elected officials at the California State PTA Legislation Conference in Sacramento, you can still meet with the local office here in San Diego. One of the strengths of PTA is we advocate for all children. Legislators always want to hear from their constituents. Get a group together from your PTA and schedule a visit. Use these talking points on protecting arts funding, student mental health services and protecting LGBTQIA+ students.

Questions? Email Derby Pattengill, Legislative Director


Upload your Roster after your Election

By now the annual election meeting has taken place or is on the calendar. Once the election is completed, remember to upload the names and contact information for officers to the California State PTA Officer/Chair Contact System – myPTEZ. If you're unsure how to upload your roster, just call JoAnn Butler at Ninth District PTA for assistance at 858-268-8077. Taking care of this important task will ensure newly-elected officers receive information to make the transition to the new term easy.

Questions? Email Sue King, parliamentarian

Family Engagement

Reduce Chronic Absence at School

Chronic absence has become a national crisis we can and must address. Chronic absence is typically defined as missing 10% of the school year - or just two days a month - for any reason. Showing up Together is the theme of 2023's Attendance Awareness Campaign, which begins this month. Find out how chronic absence is affecting your school and learn how your PTA can help.

Learn more.

Community Events for your Members

My Voice Counts Financial Aid Webinar

Thursday, April 27 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Learn about financial aid opportunities in California in this free webinar sponsored by San Diego County Office of Ed. This session, led by Cal-SOAP, will include the importance of applying for financial aid, what financial aid is available, and how to apply for and receive support to complete the financial aid process.

Parent Flyer: English Spanish

Money for College with CalKids Town Hall

Thursday, April 20 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Learn all about the state's new CalKIDS program, which provides historically underserved children with free money for college. Attend a free, in-person Town Hall sponsored by San Diego County Office of Education on April 20 in San Marcos.

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