The Newsletter for PTA leaders in San Diego and Imperial Counties

July/August 2023

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PTA News

A Message from our President


It is Back to School season and that also means Back to PTA!

As we continue to work on what our collective "new normal" is after the pandemic, I am excited to see so many new PTA leaders and members! Some PTAs are bringing back activities and programs "that we've always done" and others are creating new ones! Please share both with us! One major benefit of being a part of PTA is the resources, and YOU can be a resource to other PTA leaders. Use social media to share or just reply to this email.

Are you being a good board member during this Back to PTA time? Appreciate the work of past PTA leadership and if you are the past PTA leadership, be open to new ideas. This document is written for the president, but it applies to ALL board positions. Believe in the Team!

Did you receive the California State PTA Leaders Welcome Packet? It will help make your PTA job easier! They were mailed to the home address of PTA presidents early this summer. If yours didn't make it to you (there is another mailing at the end of this month and next), you can download it here and share with everyone! You will need to login to the "Leaders Website" - let us know if you need your unit PTA number.  

Finally, "I am hopeful because..." we have so many dedicated volunteers in San Diego and Imperial Counties working every day (and sometimes every night) to positively impact the lives of children and families.

Shawna Straw


Ninth District PTA

Newly organized units in Ninth District PTA

Pac Rim PTA

Carlsbad, CA

Carlsbad Unified Council

Bethune UTK-8 PTSA

San Diego, CA

San Diego Unified Council

Running Your PTA


The PTA Transition Period


One measure of good leadership is how well others have been prepared to continue the work of PTA. A sign of a good leader is not what you have done in your year but what is accomplished the year after. If you are a past officer, here are some great tips on how to step back with grace.


Be in touch for help or with questions:


Check out our YouTube Channel for PTA training webinars

Don’t forget to subscribe to help us grow!

Please contact Anne Emfinger, Leadership Director


Important Treasurer Information

New Fiscal Year, New Fiscal You:

Investigate and take action on any outstanding checks from the prior fiscal year that were not resolved before June 30th, 2023.



Please remit any membership dues (the kind that did NOT go through Totem) to Ninth District PTA as often as you like, but at least monthly. 



Get your documentation ready to file all taxes and renewals before the due date (November 15 for most). Be sure there is supporting paperwork (payment authorizations, receipts, approved in the minutes) for ALL expenditures and the forms are signed by the appropriate officers. I will be in touch with Council Treasurers and Out-Of-Council Unit Treasurers soon for tax filing guidelines and assistance.



Insurance premium information is here! Insurance premiums are paid directly to AIM, after the President and/or Treasurer receives the email with the link to pay. Look out for this in mid-October. The Workers' Comp portal will open in December, and all Units must submit the report even if they did not pay anyone.

  • Insurance rate of $282 per unit for the policy year beginning January 5, 2024, and ending January 4, 2025.
  • Insurance rate of $195 per council and district for the policy year beginning January 5, 2024, and ending January 4, 2025. 
  • Workers’ Compensation surcharge rate of 5% for the policy year beginning January 5, 2024, and ending January 4, 2025.  

Questions? Steph Cole, Treasurer


How to create a successful Membership Campaign

Your membership leaders can find information in the California State PTA Toolkit. Download the chapter on Membership at You can also find resources to help them set goals, promote, and use the tools that are already available to them. 

Visit National PTAs membership resources at Here you can find ways to create marketing material that is created for your PTA. 


This is a membership program that is available for all units to use.  Although it is not mandatory, here are some reasons your PTA may like it.  

  • You do not need to mail membership cards – the members can download their own.
  • Dues received go directly to the unit, council, state, and national PTA without using checks. 
  • Anyone can search for a local PTA to join!  

If you need membership supplies like envelopes, more membership cards, etc. you can contact the Ninth District Office at 

If you have any questions regarding membership, please reach out to Lori Fentress at


Register for the 2023-2024 Reflections Program

Let National PTA know you are participating in the Reflections program through your PTA! The theme for next year is "I am Hopeful Because ...". Your registration helps National PTA show the reach and impact of the program. 

Enroll your school Here.

There are also 2 more opportunites for Reflections Training from CAPTA you can attend.

Virtual Form Training

Tuesday, Aug 29 @ 7pm

Virtual Judging

Tuesday, Sept 26 @ 7pm


Welcome Historians!

Start logging your volunteer hours and keeping track of what your Councils and Units are doing now. Keeping a record of the volunteer hours helps the PTA to maintain its federal tax exempt status. It also helps foundations that provide grants to nonprofit organizations a way to look at the volunteer support when they are deciding where to donate their funds. If you do not have a Historian, then the President is responsible for collecting the volunteer hours. The Historian Reports for Councils and Out-of-Council Units will be due to Ninth District by May 1, 2024.

Remember that volunteer hours include all participation in school and community service or activities benefiting children of your unit or council. All activities related to PTA functions are counted as volunteer hours, including:

  • Attendance at meetings, workshops, and other functions as a representative of PTA.
  • Convention attendance (except time eating and sleeping).
  • Travel time to and from PTA activities.
  • Telephone time regarding PTA business.
  • E-mail time regarding PTA business.
  • Time spent writing PTA agendas, minutes, correspondence, reports, newsletter articles, etc.
  • Time spent on PTA-related activities at school or within your community.
  • If your PTA is in charge of recruiting, training, and coordinating room parents, all of that time in the classroom is counted..

Useful links for Historians:

If you have any questions or need any help, please contact Sonya Vargas, Historian


Unit Parliamentarians - Welcome and job responsibilities!

A grand welcome to all the new unit Parliamentarians this term! My name is Bruce Bergman, and I'm the Ninth District Parliamentarian for the 2023-2025 term. My job is to help you all with your questions and tasks, and to act as a conduit to the State Parliamentarian through your Council Parliamentarian (or if you are Out of Council, you come directly to me).

Did You Know? If your unit does not have a parliamentarian, then those duties fall to your unit President to complete! The work has to be done, no matter who does it.

Training - I am planning on scheduling unit parliamentarian training for early September. This will be a one hour evening Zoom event, and everyone is welcome to attend. Primarily, we will be covering your responsibilities to your unit, helping you find the key items you should know from your bylaws (and your Board should know too!), answering any questions about procedure you have, and most importantly, helping you with understanding the bylaws update process.

Stay tuned for more information on this and a Zoom invitation.

Being a unit Parliamentarian is actually pretty fun, so don't stress about it. Visit our Ninth District PTA website for an overview with more information.

Questions? Bruce Bergman, Parliamentarian


San Dieguito Alliance for Drug-Free Youth

San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth was organized 20 years ago by parents, educators, students and other community members to prevent or reduce the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by the youth in the cities of Del Mar, Encinitas, Solana Beach, and the communities of Carmel Valley in the city of San Diego, La Costa in the city of Carlsbad, and the unincorporated areas of the county - Elfin Forest, Fairbanks Ranch, and Rancho Santa Fe.

San Dieguito Alliance is a collaboration with schools, parents and youth organizations, city councils, law enforcement agencies, businesses, chambers, civic groups and the faith community, who are dedicated to creating a healthy community. For more information click here

Community Connections

Fundraising Opportunity

The Chuck E. Cheese sales rep reached out to us to discuss fundraising opportunities and support. She is Jeanne Turner, Field Marketing Specialist, Southern California

Cell 714.654.5875 & Email Please contact her directly for more information on what she can offer your Unit or council

Looking for a new way for students to connect and engage with their school and their learning? Host a campus spelling bee! 

Join ABC 10 News, the San Diego County Office of Education, and Bryan Witt, regional partner relations specialist for Scripps National Spelling Bee, for a 30-minute informational Zoom meeting at 3 p.m. Sept. 19 on how to host your own bee. Register for the session and learn what to expect and why participation in the Scripps National Spelling Bee benefits the school community. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

ABC 10 News, the Scripps station in San Diego County, is the new Scripps National Spelling Bee regional sponsor and excited to BEE a part of this amazing competition. The countywide competition is open to students in grades 6 to 8 in a public or private school with a combined enrollment of 30 or more children. For more information visit

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