January 2024

The Newsletter for PTA leaders in

San Diego and Imperial Counties

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A Message from our President

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2024! Do you realize that we are almost ¼ of the way through the 21st century? Have I mentioned before that I am a wannabe math teacher?

With a new year comes thoughts of resolutions, planning, trying to do things better or different or both! I resolve to continue to try to identify new leaders for PTA! (I talked with a great one from Lemon Grove just last week!). What do you resolve to do for PTA and your community?

A new program? Read on to find out about grant opportunities!

Getting the PTA “business” in order? Read more about workers compensation insurance, a mid year financial review and how to keep PTA raffles legal-hint, it takes more than calling it an opportunity drawing!!

A healthier household? Join the webinar series on youth mental health presented by the County Office of Education in conjunction with Rady Children’s Hospital.

And finally, I hope you will resolve to have some FUN and join us for our Annual Meeting and Founders’ Day Celebration on February 28th. The venue is new and exciting, the food will be good, and we hope you will be inspired to resolve to do even more with PTA!


Grant Opportunity!

Ninth District PTA is accepting applications for our Spring Grants. PTA’s in good standing may submit applications to receive one-time funding up to $1,000 in the areas of health & welfare, parent and student education, parent and student involvement. Click here for the Printable Form to submit digitally to Ninth District office: office@ninthdistrictpta.org or communityconcerns@ninthdistrictpta.org or via Google Forms by going to this link: APPLY HERE

Units or councils must submit grant applications to the Ninth District PTA office by noon on Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Please complete your PTA’s Workers’ Compensation Annual Payroll Report for the policy year ending January 4, 2024. This form and any related surcharge that might be due must be submitted to Association Insurance Management (AIM), California State PTA’s Insurance Broker, no later than January 31, 2024.

Complete the form online 

If you did not pay any employees during the reporting period, check "No One Paid" and complete, sign, and submit the form.

If you did pay any individuals during the reporting period, check "Enter Payees," and complete, sign, and submit the form.

     Review financial transactions dated January 5, 2023 - January 4, 2024 for any payments made to individuals. Only individuals paid directly by the PTA for services need to be reported. This includes PTA employees, individuals you issue 1099s to, and ANY other individual that was paid for services directly by the PTA. Do not include payments to companies with multiple employees, individuals that are paid by the school district using PTA funds, volunteers that you are reimbursing for expenses, or students awarded scholarships.

     If an additional surcharge is due, the email will include an invoice for the amount to be paid. Payment may be made through EFT via a link in the email. You enter your bank account routing information to pay AIM via EFT directly. This is safe, fast and easy; use the Authorization for Payment via EFT / Bank Bill Pay Services form instead of the usual Payment Authorization form to satisfy PTA’s two signature requirement.

More information is available on the California State PTA Insurance webpage.

If you have questions, contact Steph Cole the Ninth District PTA Treasurer (treasurer@ninthdistrictpta.org), or AIM at 800-876-4044 or email at capta@aim-companies.com.

Although California PTA no longer requires two financial reviews per year, it is still strongly encouraged that units and councils complete a mid-year financial review. A mid-year financial review helps to ensure that your PTA/PTSA is using good financial practices, not to mention a six-month review is less complicated and less time-consuming than a 12-month financial review.  

The Financial Reviewer should work with the president and executive board to form the review committee. The committee must be composed of at least two people, and the majority of the committee may not be signers on the account. More details on the formation of the financial review committee can be found in the finance toolkit and your bylaws.

The treasurer should use the financial review checklist to ensure that all documents required for the review are available to the financial review committee. A helpful tip is to go through the books looking for any missing documentation, or signatures and make a good effort to make sure documents are complete and accurate. It is also a good practice for the treasurer to share how the books are organized to help the committee be more efficient in completing the review process. The secretary should provide all meeting minutes for the period under review to the committee as well. 

In November there was a training session on how to complete a financial review. The video is on the Ninth District YouTube site and linked here. Fast and Furious Financial Review November 2023

If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your council financial reviewer or Deborah Childers at financial.reviewer@ninthdistrictpta.org. Good Luck!

PTA Meeting Minutes for the Financial Review

The Job Description for Financial Reviewer (California State PTA Toolkit) notes the

meeting minutes – corrected and approved - are used to perform a PTA financial review.

All items needed are listed on the Financial Review Checklist:

1. Original budget and updates/changes approved by association and recorded in


2. Funds released by association and recorded in minutes as released

3. All expenditures approved and recorded in executive board minutes

4. All expenditures approved/ratified in association minutes

5. Committee minutes record plans, proposed expenditures, and total of monies


Work with financial officers to ensure your records are ready when the financial review begins.

Adapted from Financial Review Checklist, California State PTA

Questions? Please contact Sue King at Secretary@ninthdistrictpta.org


Does your Unit or Council need training on a specific subject? Our goal is for each unit and council to be successful! Please contact Anne Emfinger if you would like more information about specific training at leadership@ninthdistrictpta.org.


How do I handle a missed meeting or a missed election meeting?

One of the more important dates for all PTA units is that of the annual election meeting. This Association meeting is where you will elect your next set of officers for the upcoming term (typically taking office on July 1st for most units). Your unit bylaws specify the date of your annual election meeting in Article V, Section 7 and then again in Article VII, Section 2. Most units hold their annual election meetings in the spring, typically February or March, but check your bylaws if you're not sure.

If you hold your meetings and elections on time, then great! Good job! Take a bow!

But what if you missed the date, or were unable to hold your election on the date specified in the bylaws? Or, what if you simply missed a regularly scheduled Association meeting, or need to move it because of a holiday or closure?

Not to worry; we have you covered. First, let's look at the relevant bylaws passages that give you the process here:

Article VII - Association Meetings

Section 1.

Association meetings are meetings of the general membership. Association meeting dates shall be identified in the Standing Rules of this Association. With the exception of the annual meeting, notice of any change in time or date of regularly scheduled meetings must be given in writing to the entire membership at least ten (10) days in advance. Whenever members are required or permitted to take any action at a meeting, a written notice of the meeting shall be given not less than ten (10) days nor more than ninety (90) days before the date of the meeting to each member who, on the record date for the notice of the meeting, is entitled to vote at such meeting. The written notice shall contain the place, date and time of the meeting and the general nature of the business that the board, at the time of the notice, intends to present for action by the members, but any proper matter may be presented at the meeting for action.

Section 2.

The association meeting in _____ (your date is listed here) shall be the annual election meeting at which time officers shall be elected. At least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the annual election meeting must be given.

Note the sections listed in bold above. For a regular Association meeting, if the date or time changes, you must give notice of the new date/time, in writing, at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting. For the annual election meeting, that notice must be given thirty (30) days in advance.

These are your rules and procedures, so if you have missed a meeting or election, or need to move a regularly scheduled meeting, you must make sure you give proper notice to your membership either 10 or 30 days in advance. "Notice" can be via email, Totem mass mailing, written and mailed postcards, or other mechanism that reaches all of your Association members. You don't need to ensure that it was received; only that it was sent. It's also good practice to announce the new date via a posting by the school, or an email blast, or even a notice taped to the room door, just in case non-members wish to attend.

What about date or time changes that you know well in advance?

These are typically the result of a holiday day, or a school closure, or some other unavoidable situation. The same rules apply as listed above. Here are a few common scenarios, for example:

1) If you know that the next scheduled date will not work far enough in advance (say, in January, for a March meeting), you can announce THEN, at that meeting, that the (regularly scheduled) meeting will be moved to a new date. Follow up that announcement with proper notice, as mentioned above, to ensure that those who are not attending also hear about the date change. This scenario is likely when someone looks at the calendar at a regular meeting and says "oh, dang, our next meeting isn't going to work because..." and then you simply address it in that meeting, with a follow-up notice to the full membership.

2) If you become aware that a date change is necessary after a regular meeting, but still farther away than the 10 and 30 day notice requirement, then just announce the new date, again following notice procedures, to the whole membership. This satisfies both the 10 and 30 day notice requirement.

Now for a tricky one...

3) If the (new) date is now within the 10/30 days notice period, then the only other options are to [a] handle it at the next regular meeting, or [b] call a special meeting. Generally, we advise the special meeting route, as most units have at least a month or two between regular meetings, and it starts to get really late if you just wait until the next one. So our advice is: schedule and announce a special meeting. Special meetings are an excellent way to handle tricky scenarios, but you need to advertise it well (notify all members) so that notice is solid, and that quorum can be obtained. A proper quorum is required for all meetings, of course.

Extra credit!

4) What if you miss the annual election meeting completely?

First, don't panic. No one is going to send the Parliamentary Police to your unit to demand that someone pay for the oversight. Common sense should prevail! If you missed the election meeting, then schedule a special meeting (with that same appropriate notice) and hold it at the first available opportunity. True, this may mean that you miss some important deadline dates for your Council or District, but it's better than not holding the election at all. Breathe, relax, and reschedule. Remember that a missed election does not invalidate the election or require you to immediately schedule one for the next day. In fact, what it does do is require that you give the required notice, and then hold it at the appropriate opportunity.

Of course, if you panic and are not sure of the best approach, you can always contact your Council or District Parliamentarian for advice, but following the guidelines above should enable you to be flexible when needed, or when life throws you a curveball and your regularly scheduled meeting is no longer "regular."

Bruce Bergman, parliamentarian@ninthdistrictpta.org

Financial Secretary

Keep your PTA raffle legal

Everyone loves a raffle. It’s a quick way to raise money for your PTA. But California has strict rules about raffles. If you don’t know the rules, it’s easy for your PTA to break the law without intending to.

First obtain a raffle permit from the California Attorney General in advance of your raffle. A 2024 permit costs $50 and will allow you to conduct raffles from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.

Ninety percent of the raffle proceeds must go to charity. That means PTAs cannot conduct 50/50 raffles.

If you obtain a permit, your PTA must submit a Raffle Report with the results of your raffles at the end of the year. If you have a permit, you must submit a Raffle Report even if you didn't hold a raffle. If you had a permit in 2023, your Raffle Report (CT-NRP-2) is due February 1, 2024. To get your permit history, go to the Registry of Charities and Fundraisers website and put in your PTA’s EIN number.

For more information, go to the Nonprofit Raffle page on the California Attorney General office.

Laura Schumacher, Financial Secretary

Supporting Our Youth

You are invited to attend this webinar series from the San Diego County Office of Education in partnership with Rady Children's Hospital. The first one is January 24th! https://sdcoe.k12oms.org/918-243923


Please visit our Events Page on our website for more information

Stay connected and follow us on social media!

6401 Linda Vista Rd., Annex A

San Diego, CA 92111  •  (858.268.8077)


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