Voices for Children Montgomery
1010 Grandin Avenue, Suite B-3
Rockville, MD 20851
Phone: 301.340.7458
Email: mail@casamontgomery.org
IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Events | Volunteer Spotlight | Upcoming Pre-Service Training | Volunteer Anniversaries | Donors Making a Difference | Volunteers Needed
Pre-Service Training For Prospective Volunteers Starts April 10, 2021! 
*Training will be online

March Book Club
March 18, 2021
Voices for Children Montgomery Book Club is meeting March 18 from 6:30-7:30pm. The book will be LGBTQ Youth in Foster Care: Empowering Approaches for an Inclusive System of Care
by Adam McCormick.

Don't forget to RSVP to nking@casamontgomery.org

Hope to see you there!
Volunteer Spotlights Spring 2021
Terry has been working with 19-year-old Jane* for nine months. Jane came into care due to her mental health issues and her father not being able to meet those needs. Jane currently resides in a group home, and continues to work on her mental health. In January, during one of their weekly Zoom calls, Jane expressed to Terry that she was feeling very sad and depressed after returning from a long home-visit over winter break. Jane also expressed having dreams about dying that were scaring her. Terry thanked Jane for sharing her feelings and asked Jane if she had shared these feelings with the group home staff or her therapist. Jane said no, and then shortly after, ended the call. Terry immediately called the group home about the situation and asked them to check on Jane and monitor her. CASA also informed the social worker and Jane’s attorney about the situation, and they both followed up with Jane to check-in and ensure her safety.
Debbie Ambrose is the CASA for 6-year-old Anna* who started Kindergarten this year, during the pandemic. Anna has been participating in virtual learning and, like many children her age who are experiencing school in this format, has faced many challenges. Anna’s mother shared with Debbie some of the concerns she had in regard to her daughter’s progress with school, and Debbie encouraged her to contact the school directly and let them know about her concerns. Following her mother’s phone call, the school held a meeting in order to identify ways that they could provide additional support to both Anna and her mother.
*Names changed and photos are not of CASA children
Next Pre-Service Training Session for Prospective Volunteer
Spring 2021


9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
6:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Volunteer Anniversaries
Special Anniversaries
Kathryn Winsberg - 10 years
Diane Krishnamurti - 14 years

4 Years
Marcia Alleyne
Michelle Citren (Briere)
Patrice Furlow

3 Years
Marlene Beckman
lizabeth Kaplan
Majidah Muhamma
Tara Ryan
2 Years
Cynthia Drucker
Katherine Holmcrans
Danielle Wilcox 

1 Year
Susan Burgess
Jeffrey Capron
Margaret Erickson
Addison Fullmer
Cindy Guijosa
Melissa Hancock
Victoria Howell
Neil (Raymond) Hurley
Thomas Kuczajda
Brandon Martin
Usha Menon
Terry Roder
Andrea Taylor
Ann Toch
Kayla Walrath
Pamela Yerg
Catherine Yong
Donors Making A Difference
*Donations received from 11/29/2020 to 2/11/2021
Be the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer that every child in Montgomery County, Maryland’s foster care system needs.
CASA depends upon donations from people like you to continue its work. Make a donation today to help us reach our goal of serving ALL the children in foster care in Montgomery County by 2026. 
Voices for Children Montgomery is a private, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation and receives partial funding from the Montgomery County Dept. of Health and Human Services and the Administrative Office of the Courts Dept. of Juvenile and Family Services.