Hennepin Happenings

March 28, 2024 | Weekly Newsletter

Grounding in Faith with Pastor Elizabeth

Recyclers Rich Bartel Bruce Arones and Barry Fox with Elizabeth and sandbox

Rich Bartel, Elizabeth Macaulay, Bruce

Arones, and Barry Fox pictured above.

When Cooper retired we celebrated his forty-three years of ordained ministry with a trip to Norway. We visited Wiggen, Cooper's ancestral village.

We also went to Trondheim and experienced worship at St Olaf cathedral. One of the powerful gifts of that worship was a sand table designed for slender tapers. Those in worship were invited to light a taper as a way to indicate their prayer.

I went home and asked some fabulous craftsmen at Rochester Christ UMC if they could design sand tables for our two worship centers. They did.

After I was a week or so into ministry at Hennepin I learned about the ministry of the Recyclers. Every week the Recyclers meet to do things like make sure the sanctuary doors close and other important issues that arise in a ministry plant as complex as Hennepin's.

I told the Recyclers about the sand tables and wondered if such a thing - or two - could be created for Hennepin.

They agreed that it could be done.

Little did I understand the power of artistry and heart poured into this gift.

You can see by the pictures that the design is meant to be coherent with the beauty of our worship space. The pieces that will adorn the sides of the sand table are carved. By hand.  

Each whorl and detail is love made visible.

As we enter into Holy Week we are invited to attend to the ways that love is made visible.

Jesus knelt at the feet of his friends. Jesus poured his life into teaching the power of beauty and the soul-kindle of shared life, hope, and compassion.

The light of the gospel shines. Those who magnify that light are powerfully in our midst.

Thanks be to God.

Pastor Elizabeth

Maundy Thursday

March 28 at 7pm

The Art Gallery - a recording will be posted after worship

Maundy Thursday commemorates the new commandment taught by Jesus at the Last Supper: Love one another. Grounded in the Jesus story of service and embodied love, Maundy Thursday moves us into the pain and complexity of Good Friday. Join us for worship in the Art Gallery. There will be opportunity to participate in a variety of prayer forms and practices.

Good Friday

March 29 at 7pm

The Sanctuary and Live Online

One must first move through the dark to reach the light. Good Friday is one of the most meaningful services for understanding the power of the Jesus story. On this day, the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary is remembered. Join us in the Sanctuary for worship where we do not look away from the crucifixion as experienced by Jesus. Choral meditations and solo music will weave us together before the Cross. 


March 31 | 9am and 11am | The Sanctuary and Online

Love wins! Rejoice at the overcoming of death and despair as we celebrate Easter Festival worship, featuring the Copper Street Brass, bells, and Sanctuary Choir. Join in the congregational sing-along of Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus," from Messiah( interts provided) a children’s lesson at 11 am, and the baptism of Kwai and Lorraine into the family of Christ at 9 am worship. And at both services the contagious goodness of joy! Childcare will be provided. Come 10 minutes early to hear an extended Easter prelude at each worship.

Remember there is FREE Parking for Easter Worship in the covered lot next to the Walker Art Center. Just pick up a voucher from reception or any of the ushers.

Upcoming Events

Click the event title to learn more!

March 14 - May 26

Hope for Creation in a Climate Changed World Spring Session

March 28 | 7-8pm

Maundy Thursday Worship

March 29 | 7-8pm

Good Friday Worship

March 31 | 9 & 11am

Easter Worship

April 6 | 10am-2pm

April 7 | 1-5pm

Sacred Sites Healing Tours

April 11 | 12pm

UWF Monthly Gathering

April 13 | 11:30am

Minnesota Reconciling Congregations Spring Gathering at Hennepin

April 16 | 5pm

2024 Mahle Lecture Series

April 18 | 7pm

Monthly Virtual Book Club - Year of Banned Books

April 21 | 12:30pm

Wilson Yates Lecture Series: Art and Spirituality

President Molly T. Marshall  Preaching

Visit our events page to view all upcoming and re-occuring events

This Sunday's Message: Go!

by Elizabeth Macaulay, Lead Pastor

Scripture: Mark 16:1-8

The 9am service will feature two baptisms and the 11am service will be filled with Joyful Noise!

Come 10 minutes early to hear an extended Easter prelude at each worship.

It is Holy Week!

Remember to join us Maundy Thursday (in person) and Good Friday online or in person at 7pm.

Easter Webpage.

Volunteer Spotlight

Easter Ushers needed! Help us offer a warm Hennepin welcome to all who join us this Sunday.

Usher Sign Up

Giving and Service Spotlight

Easter offering will be going to the Dignity Center and their vital work.

Link to Additional Resources and ways to sign up to volunteer.

Cooper Wiggen's Tuesday Bible Study

Continues Through April

Join him to explore in-depth aspects of scripture in innovative and inspiring ways.

You can gather with him on Tuesdays at 10am in the Harrison Room. All are welcome to join in!

Church News of the Week:

The stories that keep us connected

Ann Carlson and Joan Jemison Return from Biawalla

Ann Carlson and Joan Jemison just returned from their sojourn to Baiwalla, one of the many outreach programs that HAUMC supports and one of our long-standing commitments to make real change in the world!

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Minnesota Reconciling Ministries Spring Gathering at Hennepin!

April 13, 2024

MN Reconciling Ministries Spring Social is at Hennepin Ave UMC to hear about the 2024 MN Annual Conference directly from delegates. 2024 is a momentous General Conference; this is a good way to learn more about it and what it will mean for our congregation and the greater UMC.

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We all want peace. Why not try reasoning? Mahle Lecture 2024

April 16, 2024

Interreligious Peacebuilding Through Study - The Stephen and Kathi Austin Mahle Endowed Fund for Progressive Christian Thought established this annual lecture series to advance and articulate contemporary forms of Christian theology aimed at inspiring moral imagination and civil courage to take the lead in building a more just world.

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Sacred Site Tours with Hope for Creation and Hamline UMC

Hennepin Avenue UMC's Hope for Creation, in partnership with Hamline UMC, is pleased to offer two opportunities to participate in healing through the Sacred Sites Tours. Only 5 more slots left on Sunday April 7!

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To submit event announcements to be published on the public events calendar, please send all the details to

To plan your event, including reserving rooms, email

For story ideas or editorial content, you can email All content is subject to the discretion of the editorial team.

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church

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