On behalf of the Pet Peeves Board of Directors, I thank you for your generosity and for believing in the Pet Peeves Mission. Your dollars go directly to saving and sustaining the lives of Long Island's orphaned and abused animals.

Sadly, we had to cancel our Unleash the Love! 20th Anniversary Celebration due to COVID-19. Under normal circumstances, our annual fundraiser provides the majority of funding necessary to provide our annual grants. Not only will we miss seeing you, but the animals will miss the support that they depend on to thrive.

This holiday season, perhaps consider a donation to Pet Peeves in lieu of personal or corporate gifts. Let your friends and customers know that you have helped to save innocent lives in their honor.

We are looking forward to our Unleash the Love! 20th Anniversary Celebration in 2021. Meanwhile, we wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season.

With Gratitude,

Janine Dion

Pet Peeves, Inc.
55 Gerard St., PO Box 857
Huntington, NY 11743
Special thanks to these incredible humans who through generous donations and volunteer efforts have helped us to endure this difficult year and continue to save lives.
Meet Brandon Cohen,
a 16-year-old High School Junior, compassionate animal lover, and Author of the children's book The Dream Teams. Brandon was recently featured as
"Hero of the Day" on GoodDay New York
where he announced that he will be donating the proceeds of his book to Pet Peeves!

Click here to purchase your holiday copy of The Dream Teams and support
Pet Peeves!
Thank you TD Bank's
Lisa Holland
(Market President)
Eric Fishon
(VP US Field Marketing)

for presenting
Pet Peeves, Inc. with a generous donation of
giving a continued voice to the needy
pets of Long Island.

We are grateful for TD Bank's past and present unwavering support!
Thank you Jessica Kelly!

Cigna's NY/NJ team sponsored a Global Run Challenge and Jessica not only won but chose Pet Peeves as her charity of choice.

Jessica's $5,000 donation helped to keep pet food pantries stocked, which in turn has helped to keep pets where they belong – in their homes with their families that love them.

Thank you to compassionate companies like Cigna who are partnering with Pet Peeves and saving lives!
In addition to providing Long Island Animal Shelters with much needed relief, your donations made it possible for Pet Peeves, Inc. to partner with Long Island Cares and Island Harvest this past Summer. Pet Peeves provided funding to food banks for both the replenishment and the distribution of pet food to LI families and their beloved pets.
Spread the Love!

PLEASE forward this email to a friend or colleague and invite them to join our email list and follow us on Facebook!
PET PEEVES, INC. | www.petpeeves.org