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August 23, 2024


Christ in the Synagogue of Nazareth, ca 1350

Visoki Dečani Monastery,  DeçanKosovo

We are a community of faith that welcomes and values all people.

We commit to follow Christ, serve others, grow in faith and

transform the world by sharing God’s love. 

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Dear ones,

This weird summer has brought us into a liminal space we didn’t expect to find ourselves in. I still don’t qualify as a true “Bainbridge Islander,” having been here for only 40 years, but I can say that I’ve never experienced a summer like this summer in all my time here. I wonder and worry about climate change. Why is this maritime early fall weather happening in mid-August? And while I don’t like any temperature over 70, I wonder where the warm late-August summer weather is? I have never experienced an August like this one and it has given me pause. I thank our God for the stewards of creation in our parish (led by Sue Ellen Case) who are helping us to understand our impact on the planet and offering us ways to mitigate that impact. Together we are finding ways to live more lightly on the earth and that makes me glad!

Ok, LOTS going on in the upcoming weeks at St B! If you’ve been paying attention to the preaching of late, you have been immersed in the bread and the bread of life! This Sunday marks the last of these rich and hard and unspeakably repetitive readings from John’s gospel, and also a turning point in our life as a church community. Don’t miss the back to school blessing for kids and their backpacks, for teachers and school counselors, and all the ones who help to mold our children and grownups! Come on 9/1 and allow us to bless you. 9/15 marks Celebrate St Barnabas, when we’ll do exactly that! Every single group/service/ministry will be celebrated, and you’ll have the opportunity to talk with folks who love what they do, and to find your own place in the life of the church.  Kickoff Sunday happens the 22nd and you won’t want to miss that! More to come in the next few weeks

I am so grateful for you all and also deeply committed to everyone who comes through our doors, hoping to help them find the just-right place for them. Whether it’s sitting in the pews and taking God in, speaking to no one and exiting after communion, or whether it's finding your place in very public ministry, we want you to find your just-right-place at St B. If I can help with that, please be in touch.

I missed you last week. Thanks, Rev. Nancy for caring for us in my absence.  Can't wait to see you in church on Sunday!

Faithfully, Karen†

Monday | August 26

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom


Tuesday | August 27

9 a.m. | Centering Prayer | Sanctuary

Noon | St. B Staff Meeting | Zoom

1 p.m. | Stewards of Creation Sub-Cmt. Meeting | Library


Wednesday | August 28

1:30 p.m. | Senior Ministry | Fieldstone

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom


Thursday | August 29

9 a.m. | Healing Eucharist | Sanctuary

1:45 p.m. | Senior Ministry | The Madison


Friday | August 30

5 p.m. | Super Supper | Eagle Harbor Congregational Church

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom


Sunday | September 1 | Back to School & Backpack Blessing

8 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite I | Sanctuary

Post–Service Coffee Hour | Parlor

10 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II | Sanctuary

Post–Service Coffee Hour | Parish Hall 

Submit Announcements and Events Here

Submission deadline is each Wednesday at 4 p.m.

Sign-Up for Supper Club!

Organizing has begun for Supper Club 2024-5 which starts in September! If you have enjoyed this program in the past, we welcome you back; you know how much fun it is. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure, you’ll be in for a treat. Groups of 6–8 gather for a meal—brunch, lunch or dinner, whatever the group chooses. No rules except to host (or co–host or arrange a venue where the group can meet) at least once, and to show up for the dates agreed. The last date to sign up is Sunday, September 15 , but why wait? Questions? Contact Mo Godman at or 206/317-6169. You can sign up on Sunday—sign up sheets are in the parlor on the bulletin board, at the Welcome Table, and can be downloaded here.

Join Us For A Journey Towards Truth

From Rector’s Warden, Gigi Norwine

Sacred Ground is a film and reading–based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity.

This 11–part series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and reading that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.

Sacred Ground is part of Becoming Beloved Community, The Episcopal Church’s long–term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice in our personal lives, our ministries, and our society. This series is open to all, and especially designed to help white people talk with other white people. Participants are invited to peel away the layers that have contributed to challenges and divides of the present day—all while grounded in our call to faith, hope, and love. More than 50 St. Barnabas parishioners participated in our first round of Sacred Ground, finding the program to be educational and life–changing. If you haven't participated in Sacred Ground in the past, we heartily encourage you to participate in this transformative program. Small groups meet monthly (with a facilitator) over the course of eleven months, for prayer, reflection, conversation and sharing our own stories.

Please contact Gigi Norwine if you are interested in participating in one of our groups. or 206-427-6492.

Safe Church Training

Rev. Karen and Etienna will offer an in–person Safe Church training on Sunday, August 25 after the 10 a.m. service coffee hour. You may do this training on your own online, or on August 25 at St B. Doing this training as a group allows for helpful discussion and answering of questions, if necessary. 

Click here to RSVP for the group training to allow us to prepare enough food for lunch.

Click here for the link to the training modules if you’d like to do this work on your own. 

You must have a Safe Church certification if you are (1) canonically resident and licensed clergy, (2) are non–clergy who have a key or the lockbox code to the church facility (3) are a member of the vestry, (4) are church staff, (5) are a Eucharistic minister or visitor, or (6) you work/volunteer with minors in any capacity. Any other interested parishioners are welcome to attend! 

Unless you’ve arrived at St. Barnabas in the last three years and took the trainings since you’ve arrived, we ask that you establish or renew your certification by September 1. Certifications last three years. We will be re–keying our buildings sometime around the first of September, and only those with current certifications may be given access to our buildings.

Group Training RSVP

Back to School & Backpack Blessing

Mark your calendars for our Blessing of the Backpacks! As we gear up to begin a new school year, we invite all students, teachers, professors, and anyone else on an educational journey to bring your backpack, briefcase, tote bag, etc. to be blessed by Rev. Karen on Sunday, September 1. Everyone will be given a tag to attach to (or discreetly place in a pocket of) whatever type of bag you bring stating that your bag was blessed at St. Barnabas. We look forward to the beginnings of a blessed school year with all of you!

Summer Sunday Storytellers

This week, we will have our second installment of parables from Lost and Found: Parables Jesus Taught Us, written by Mary Hoffman and Illustrated by Jackie Morris. We will read “Lost and Found” (The Parable of the Lost Sheep) and “Neighbors” (The Parable of the Good Samaritan), explore some artwork inspired by these parables, and create our own artistic interpretations of our favorite parable. We look forward more beautiful conversations and explorations with the youngest members of our congregation!

Calling All Ministry Leaders!

Our Celebrate St. Barnabas Sunday will take place on September 15 after the 10 a.m. service. On this day, we will celebrate the riches of our community and provide everyone with information about how to get involved in all those riches!

Every group/ministry is invited to participate and we hope you all will!  Get creative, display your props, and help spread the word about what your group does in the life of the church. We’ll provide signage with your group’s name, and sign-up sheets so people can sign up to join you! Please email Etienna, by Thursday, September 12 to let us know that you’ll participate in this special day!

Contemplative Wisdom 2024

O God unto whom all hearts lie open

unto whom desire is eloquent

and from whom no secret thing is hidden;

Purify the thoughts of my heart

by the outpouring of your Spirit

that I may love you with a perfect love

and praise you as you deserve. Amen

This prayer is very familiar to those who worship regularly on Sundays in the Episcopal Church. A more modern version of it is the very first prayer offered as we begin our worship. It comes from the 14th Century text: The Cloud of Unknowing. The author is anonymous. This text is the centerpiece of the development of contemplative prayer practice.

Since the beginning of this year, The Wisdom Practice Group has been reading The Cloud text, edited by William Johnston. It includes The Book of Privy Counseling which we will study this fall. All are welcome to join even if you did not read the first book by this anonymous author.

Our Fall Wisdom Days in 2024 are designed to reinforce our centering prayer practice as individuals and as a community. They begin on Saturday, October 5 from 9:30 am to noon in the Parish Hall at St. Barnabas. Our individual work will begin in September. To sign up and get the details and schedule of our study, please contact The Rev. Patricia Rome Robertson, All are encouraged and most welcome.

Super Suppers Return!

This team truly is enjoying their work together! Wouldn’t you like to see yourself in this photo?

Community Churches provide supper the last seven days of every month, when paychecks and food stamps are most likely to be running out. Super Suppers started decades ago as a service to people living aboard boats in Eagle Harbor (“Live–aboards”). The practice broadened to serve anyone who would like to enjoy a hearty meal in good company. Like many things, it fell apart during COVID, but it’s back and St. B is a happy participant! Alternating months with Grace Church, the St. Barnabas team prepares and serves dinner on the final Friday of the even months, always at Eagle Harbor Congregational Church. Next chance: August 30.

We develop the menu, each take a dish, and show up to set up, serve, and clean up. Altogether it requires approximately three hours of commitment, plus previous shopping and prep as needed. The fellowship within the team and between the team and the diners provides us all with warmed hearts, and of course full bellies! If feeding people is your ministry, this could be the team for you! Questions? Contact Barbara Bolles at

Women’s Retreat Registration

I’m delighted to invite the women of St. Barnabas to a weekend of renewal… Soul Searching, a Women’s Retreat at beautiful St. Andrew’s House on Hood Canal. We will gather late in the afternoon on Friday, September 27, and stay through Sunday morning Eucharist. The cost for the weekend is $285, which covers scrumptious meals, cozy accommodations, and a bit of lovely indulgence for us all. We’ll have precious time alone, will come to know ourselves and one another in ways we never imagined, and we will return to our homes, our families, and our parish more connected with God, with each other, and with ourselves. 


St Andrew’s House has limited space, so if you’d like to join us, please make your reservation soon! A $50 non–refundable deposit is required with your

reservation, and payment in full is due by September 10. Registration forms can be downloaded here, or pick up a form at the Sunday Welcome Table or in the parlor. Drop off registration forms and checks in the drop box outside the parlor doors, at the office, or in the offering plate on Sunday mornings.

If you have questions, or would like to request a scholarship, kindly email Rev. Karen at

Save the Date: Kick–Off Sunday, September 22

Let’s kick off the new program year with a festive lunch, windows into the upcoming program year, a (happy!) financial update, and introductions to Invite, Welcome, Connect (a program that will help us discover how best to do all those things) and Worship+2. The choir will be joyfully singing again, Adult Formation and Godly Play resume, and the newly formed Youth Group for middle and high school students goes into full swing! We look forward to sharing all of this with you!

Summer Singing Opportunity

Open to All (low voices)!

“ the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.” –Hebrews 2:12

If you are a Parish Choir member who is in withdrawal over the choir season ending, or a singer who would just to sing with an ensemble on a summer Sunday, here is an opportunity: Sunday, September 15: low voices (tenors & basses)—sing at the 10:00 a.m. service (9:15 warm up in the choir room). There is an optional rehearsal on Wednesday, Sept 11 from 4–5 PM. Please email Sheila Bristow at to let her know you’re interested and to get music in advance.

Stewardship Corner

This past weekend, August 18–19, was Chief Seattle Days. This festival honoring the tribal leader of native tribes in this region, and the name sake of our city across the Sound, was held practically right up the street from us, in Suquamish, part of the Port Madison Reservation. Although I was not able to attend, I did end up riding through the area and was delighted to see so many of our indigenous neighbors in attendance, as well as many others from surrounding communities. 

I marvel at the similarities and the differences between the natives and settlers, what we now have and also all that has been lost. As a plant enthusiast, I love learning about how indigenous people used, and still use many of the native plant species here. I long to have more of that knowledge and connection to the land. I am grateful to live so close to the history of this beautiful area. I am blessed to have been to the Suquamish Museum where I learned more than I could have imagined about our beautiful neighbors and how much shifted within me from that simple experience, which I may not have had if I had not signed up to chaperone one of our kid’s field trip.

However, seeing descendants of the original native people of this region always brings the declaration in our weekly service leaflets to the forefront of my mind:


“St. Barnabas Episcopal Church acknowledges that we gather

on the traditional land of the first people of this island,

the Suquamish People, who are still here,

and we honor with gratitude the land itself

and the life of the Suquamish Tribe.”

Although it is not a comfortable fact to acknowledge—and it is hard to imagine how to correct such a calamity all these many years later—I allow myself to sit in the discomfort and remind myself why I have acknowledged my need in our Savior, for my own sins as well as the benefits I have from the sins of others, and hope in the one who promises that He will wipe every tear when the old passes away (Rev. 21). 

Lord, help us to not be desensitized to the pain around us and the justified grievances many peoples have towards other peoples. Put in us a new heart…a heart softened toward building connections among our differences until you can do as you promised and make all things new. Amen!

—AJ Davies

Praying For Each Other:

The St. Barnabas Prayer Chain

Is there someone you would like us to pray for? Would you like to pray for others in our community? The St. Barnabas Prayer Chain consists of a group of volunteers who believe in the power of prayer and who willingly and regularly pray for others. Drucy Burnet Hodge ( or 206/780-2904) coordinates our chain, receiving requests for prayers, and sends those prayers out to the ones who pray. If you would like us to pray for you or someone you love, please contact Drucy. Prayer requests can be as simple as giving a first name and asking for prayers or more detailed, if you’d like. Parishioners remain on the prayer list for a month, non–parishioners for two weeks. The long-term prayer list is periodically reviewed and revised. If you would like to join us in praying for the people on our Prayer Chain, please email Drucy at, and ask to be added to the list.  

Our Prayer List This Week:

 *St. Barnabas parishioners 

We pray for healing, peace, and comfort:

* Peggy V.

* Kathleen




Pat & Family


For those who have died:


Long term prayers:

*Ken & Stephanie




*Marnie and Rob


Mollie & Cyrus

Christopher & Melissa

Barbara & Leon

Vince & Sean

Harry, Marisa & Margaret

Deacon Dan Fowler and other volunteers from St. Barnabas lead devotion services at area senior living centers on Bainbridge Island.

All are welcome to come and join us!


The Madison House

Every Thursday at 1:45 p.m.

Fieldstone—Aug. 28, Sept. 11 & 25

Memory Care 1:30 p.m.

Assisted Living 2 p.m.

What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a–happenin’! Know about a community event? Submit the info in the announcements form so that we can let the St. B community know what's happening on Bainbridge Island and beyond!

Closer to Home: Voices of Hope in a Time of Crisis

We live in a time of multiple crises, from climate chaos, poverty, and war, to skyrocketing costs of living. It can seem overwhelming—until we realize that we have the power to change things. This 35–minute film screening, hosted by BINK Interfaith Climate Circle in collaboration with Grace Episcopal Church, is a united call for a new economy, delivered by those who have committed their lives to working for systemic change.

Closer to Home brings together an extraordinary array of thinkers, writers, and activists from every continent to make a simple but revolutionary argument: by reducing the scale of the economy, we can not only stop the rush towards social and ecological breakdown, but also restore damaged ecosystems and increase our own personal well–being.

Tuesday, August 27 | 6:30 p.m.

Grace Episcopal Church

8595 Day Rd.

Bainbridge Island, WA

Film Trailer

Webinar Opportunity:

The Psychology of Christian Nationalism

Have you wondered how people get drawn to Christian Nationalism or how to engage with someone who supports that view? The Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real’s Social Justice Committee offers answers in an exciting online webinar with the Rev. Pamela Cooper-White. Pamela is the author of the award-winning book The Psychology of Christian Nationalism. An Episcopal priest and psychotherapist, she is the Johnson Professor Emerita of Psychology and Religion at Union Theological Seminary, New York. The ECR is delighted to welcome her virtually, along with any registrants from afar!

This event will be held in two parts, one on Tuesday, September 3, and the other on September 17, both at 5:30.

There is no charge to participate, but please click the button to read more about session details and to register in advance.

Register Here

Women’s Compline on YouTube

Our Director of Music, Sheila Bristow, sang with the Women’s Compline Choir at Saint Mark’s over the past few weeks. Last Sunday, Women’s Compline sang a stunning setting of Psalm 84 which Sheila composed specifically for the group (beginning about 12:20). What a gift our diocese has in the Compline Choir(s), and what a gift Sheila is to St. Barnabas!

Making A Tiny But Significant Difference

Is one–on–one your comfort zone for volunteering? Island Volunteer Caregivers (IVC) offers you the opportunity to make a difference and a friend in one gracious gesture.

Originally named Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, the organization kept the initials but made the mission even more inclusive. In their own words, IVC works within the community to support lifeenriching connections between caring volunteers, seniors, and people with long-term or temporary special needs. We work to enable independence, dignity, health, and wellbeing. We are committed to building compassionate community.

The volunteers set their own hours, choose their own way to help, and have an immediate impact. Examples of services include driving to appointments; running errands; providing companionship; accompanying to a museum, concert, walk, or scenic drive; doing light housekeeping and gardening.

If you find yourself with a little extra time on your hands, this is a lovely way to reach out. Also keep IVC in mind if you are in need of any of the above. They are exquisitely helpful.

206-842-4441 | | IVC Bainbridge

KIAC Announces New Leadership

The Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center (KIAC), has announced Dr. Jessica E. Salvador as their new Executive Director. In this role, Dr. Salvador (she/they) will lead the organization in its efforts to expand KIAC’s capacity to meet the region’s growing needs, and work towards the well–being and empowerment of the immigrant community through education, advocacy and social justice.

St. Barnabas supports the KIAC, and we are very much looking forward to seeing what Dr. Salvador brings to the organization with their decades of experience in advocacy, cultural, educational institutions. KIAC Board President, Elizabeth Mohney, stated, “With a deep commitment to fostering learning and development, promoting organizational effectiveness through a liberatory lens, and collaborating with diverse communities, Dr. Salvador is poised to lead KIAC into a new era of growth.”

Read the Diocesan Newsletter

We are still working with the August 2 diocesan newsletter. So much happening across the diocese, no doubt you will find something new!

Bishop Skelton offers an invitation to join in the momentous work of St. Luke’s, Seattle’s redevelopment of their property to create affordable housing and a new worship space. You, too, can help to Build a Place Where Love Dwells!

Save the Dates: Ordination and Consecration of the

Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia

Please save the dates for the Ordination and Consecration and the Seating of The Rev. Dr. Philip N. LaBelle as the ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia.

Ordination and Consecration:

Saturday, September 14, 2024, Meydenbauer Center, 11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue, WA 98004

Doors open at 9:30 a.m., service and reception 11 a.m.–3p.m.

Seating of the Bishop:

Sunday, September 15, 2024, St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, 1245 10th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98102. Service will be from 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

Click here to read more about our bishop-elect and the election process.

Submit Announcements and Events Here

Submission deadline is Wednesday at 4 p.m.

Normal office hours are from 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Tuesday–Friday. Please be in touch via email or phone 206/842-5601 and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re able!
For general inquiries please email
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