All Annual Conference March Special Session Information
Issue-2 February 12, 2023
March Special Session of Annual Conference

First Special Session of Annual Conference:
March 25 via Zoom
There will be two virtual special sessions of the Upper New York Annual Conference in 2023. Both special sessions will address disaffiliation requests. They are scheduled for March 25 and October 14 from 9 AM to Noon. Click here for more information.
UNY Annual Conference Special Session Registration
is Now Open
Registration has opened for the 2023 Special Session of Annual Conference to be held on March 25 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. If you are eligible to vote, be sure to pre-register by March 10, 2023. There is a $10.00 fee for this conference for all eligible voters, except for equalization members. Click here to register for the Special Session.
Those who are not eligible to vote, do not need to register and can watch the Special Session via livestream by clicking here on March 25.
Annual Conference petitions, resolutions,
and reports deadlines
The Committee on Petitions and Resolutions is charged with overseeing the submission, review, and presentation of petitions and resolutions to the Annual Conference.
All resolutions and petitions for the June 2023 Upper New York Annual Conference session must be submitted to the Committee no later than March 15, 2023. Submissions should be emailed to the Petitions and Resolutions Committee at
Click here for writing and submission guidelines as well as a petition and resolution template and a sample petition and resolution submission form. 
All reports and materials to be published in the Journal Vol. I are due on March 15, 2023. These items should be submitted to
NEW Get Connected or Stay Connected
If you are not getting any of the following....please consider signing up for them now. Just click on the link that you would like to start receiving.This way you be in the know of what is going on in the Conference.
Clergy Needing to be Excused
Below is the link for Clergy that need to request to be excused from this session of Annual Conference.
Click here and complete this form.
Equalization Members to Annual Conference 2022
Would you like to serve as an Equalization Member to Annual Conference?
Please check with your District Office to see if there are openings.