Vaccination Rates of Vermont Adults with Disabilities
Some individuals with a disability are more likely to get sick and have worse symptoms from diseases that could be prevented by vaccines. Medical conditions and social factors, like not having enough support, can make it harder for them to stay healthy, access care and get vaccines.
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey asks Vermonters questions about their health habits, including vaccination status. The survey also asks about disabilities. Survey data from 2020, 2021 and 2022 were used to see how many Vermont adults with a disability got vaccines for influenza, pneumococcal, tetanus, COVID-19 and shingles.
For many vaccines, people with and without disabilities have similar rates of vaccination. However, some groups did have significantly lower vaccination rates.
Partnering with trusted community leaders is one way to expand vaccine access. For more information about how communities can access tetanus and other vaccines, check out the Vermont Center for Independent Living.