Volume 24 | March 2022
March 2022 Newsletter
The Water-Energy-Food in Africa Initiative is excited to share with you updates on the current news and events, ways to get involved, and upcoming items to be on the lookout for.
Member Registration and Collaborative Platform

If you have not yet done so, we highly encourage interested participants to join the WEF Nexus in Africa Initiative as a member of our website and the Collaborative Platform.
Featured News
Country profile: Water- Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus and Foreign-based Universal Basic Income (FABI) in Namibia

A team from Penn State and the University of Freiburg visited Namibia in early March to being work with colleagues at Namibia university of Science and Technology and University of Namibia to address WEF security issues using a "Nexus" approach and to explore Universal Basic Income (UBI) as an optional way to meet the WEF securities program. Namibia was one of the first countries to pilot "foreign-based" Basic Income Grant. In addition to this, there are endless opportunities for engagement in collaboration.

World Water Day 2022: Groundwater, invisible but vital to health

This year's World Water Day aims to make groundwater more visible. Ground water provides half of all water used by households worldwide; however there has been very low concern provided on groundwater resource and management. Many studies reported severe threats to groundwater and is expected to exacerbate by climate change and increasing demand. Improving sanitation management can have huge impact on drinking water quality from both surface and vulnerable groundwater sources.

UN warns world faces potential food crisis from Ukraine war

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has warned that food, fuel, and fertilizer prices are skyrocketing, and the world is facing food crisis as the war in Ukraine impacts supplies of key staple crops. The impacts are already observed in some countries. For example, In Sudan, the main food staple rose by more than 40 percent due to which thousands of Sudanese protested in the capital and several other cities.

Featured Events
International conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS)

The International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability is taking place in Portalegre, Portugal from May 10 to 12, 2022. This conference aims to foster innovation and exchange knowledge in water energy food nexus, embracing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, bringing together leading academics, researchers, and industrial experts. Registration is required.

Access to end-user financing to drive groundbreaking water-energy-food (WEF) nexus innovation scaling in Africa for climate adaptation

This online webinar series aims to engage in a policy and investment dialogue on end user financing to enhance climate adaptation in Africa. This session brings together the combined force, learnings, and opportunities for scaling WEF innovations to improve water and food security for millions of Africans, increase income for the base of pyramid women and men in both rural and urban areas, support innovators WEF nexus solutions to scale and promote climate and environmental resilience. Registration is required.

German Pavilion at World Water Forum 2022- Dakar (Senegal): A Water Secure Future for All

The 9th World Water Forum has started in Dakar, Senegal from March 21 and will end on March 25, 2022. This forum will focus on water four areas; (a) security and sanitation, (b) cooperation, (c) water for rural development and (d) means and tools for implementation of reforms in water and sanitation.

Featured Publication
Quantifying the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Current Status and Trends
By: Yuan Chang, Guijun Li, Yuan Yao, Lixiao Zhang and Chang Yu
This study states that current WEF interconnection calculations face several methodological issues and existing calculations results are scattered across multiple disciplines. Thus, this research summarizes the estimate results to date on WEF interconnections, analyses methodological and practical challenges associated with WEF interconnection calculations and points out opportunities for enabling robust WEF nexus quantifications in the future.

Jobs and Internship Opportunities
Vacancy // Research Fellow In Water Sciences at the University of Birmingham, London

The School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK is looking for highly motivated individual to collaborate research in the fields of hydrology-climate-land- people interactions, river and stream temperature and high frequency water quality sensing as well as wider hydrology, hydro climatology and ecohydrology. The successful candidate will develop technical skills to deliver innovative science by using state of the art methods. Application closes on April 3, 2022.

Vacancy // Communications Director at the International Water Resources Association (IWRA)

The International Water Resources Association (IWRA) invites application for an experienced communications consultant to support executive office in navigating the challenges and opportunities that associations face with the on-going changes to the worlds of publishing, events and communications. The successful candidate will lead all the communications and outreach of the executive office. Application closes on March 31, 2022.

Vacancy // Governance for Resilience (G4R) – Internship Program

The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is seeking applications from an enthusiastic students to tackle Africa's food, water and climate change challenges through research and development under the Institute's internship program. The successful candidate will develop bottom-up polycentric governance processes that provide opportunities for self organization and learning across systems, and independent decision making for adaptation planning and implementation at the local level. Application closes on March 31, 2022.

For more job, internships, or partnership opportunities visit the
General Notice

Please send relevant news, events, or activities to Michael Jacobson to be published to site or featured in newsletter.
Featured Opportunities
Mentorship: African Women in Agricultural Research and Development

The International Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics (ICWAE) together with the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) is accepting applications for a mentorship program for women agricultural economists from the global South. 

The program will provide training and support for mentors and invites expressions of interest from those who would like to serve in this role.