#126 Stated Meeting of
Foothills Presbytery
Saturday, May 18
Over one hundred of us gathered at Limestone Presbyterian Church last Saturday, May 18. The morning began with a Land Acknowledgement followed by an inspirational Worship Service. After a brief break, we welcomed new pastors and celebrated a retiring pastor. We accomplished important business of the Presbytery including the commissioning of our General Assembly Commissioners and Delegate and the 2024-2025 Presbytery Youth Council. We ended our time together with an amazing lunch of shrimp boil!
Huge thank you to the Limestone and Bethesda Churches and their gracious volunteers for hosting us.
If you were unable to attend, click here to read some of the major highlights.
The November Presbytery Gathering is Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at the John Knox Church in Greenville with part II of Mental Health Awareness.
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A powerful worship service centered on Mental Health Awareness. The scripture for the service was from Psalm 139 and Romans 8:31-32, 35, 37-39. May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions.
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Congratulations to Will DeLaney, who has been called as Pastor at Belton Church. | |
Congratulations to the Rev. Dr. Joseph Gaston, whose ministry we celebrated upon his retirement. | |
Thank you to our General Assembly Commissioners & Delegate who will represent Foothills this summer:
Rev Pressley Cox (Foothills Presbytery),
Rev. Colin Pettigrew (Fort Hill), Elder Kathy Lyles (Easley), Elder Anthony Dawson (Mattoon), and our Youth Advisory Delegate, Eva Grow (Fourth)
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We Commissioned our 2024-2025 Presbytery Youth Council.
The PYC has twenty-three members of council, representing eleven of our churches.
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Music Ministry
will gather for lunch at 12 noon on Wednesday, June 12
at Tipsy Taco
1133 Woodruff Rd, Greenville
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Youth Leaders Roundtable
Our next meeting is
Thursday, August 1 at noon.
Location TBD
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Christian Educators Gathering
Our next gathering is Monday, August 19. Location TBD
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The Executive Certificate in Religious Fundraising (ECRF) is designed for religious leaders in faith-based organizations and institutions who wish
to learn more about the spirituality of fundraising and gain a core foundation in fundraising principles. The ECRF cover four key topics and includes select required reading to be completed in advance and the completion of a final project.
The ECRF provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the growing needs of leaders in religious communities and fundraisers for
faith-based organizations. The focus of the ECRF is on the cultural, organizational, and philanthropic
practices unique to religious institutions. These practices in turn enable donors motivated by spiritual and religious values to experience the joy of generous giving.
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The ECRF utilizes faculty presentations, interactive discussion, selected readings, and a context-specific final project to address:
• Nurturing Generous Congregations
and Organizations
• Nurturing Generous Donors
• The Practice of Religious Fundraising
• Integrating Religious Leadership
and Fundraising
This hybrid, in-person and online, program allows students the opportunity to earn a certificate in fundraising as they explore motivations for giving in the nonprofit sector. The class begins with a required two and half days in-person teaching
sessions in Greenville, South Carolina, hosted by Presbyterian College, three additional online teaching hours, and ends with a practical application project.
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For more information about the in-person teaching sessions in Greenville, please email Perrin Tribble at For information regarding the certificate program and final project requirements, please visit | |
Led by:
This training is ideal for people
who work on or with the
church building including
ushers, greeters, church staff,
elders, deacons, custodians,
and committee members.
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Register and Join Our Upcoming Webinars to Shape These Considerations:
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DONATION! Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church is donating the following items:
- Solid wood 40 pocket rotating display. 50" high x 18" square.
Please contact Lisa D'Horre with any questions or if you are interested, 864-288-3951.
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Summer Study at Yale Divinity School
June 3-7, 2024 -- online
At YDS Summer Study, distinguished faculty teach laypersons and clergy. The program is open to anyone interested in theological questions, regardless of background, profession, and age; there are no prior educational requirements.
Classes are small in size (19 people or fewer), run Monday-Friday, and include various topics designed to enlighten and enrich.
Participants receive a YDS Certificate of Completion at the end of the course week. Courses can count towards continuing education requirements for some clergy.
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The Art of Transitional Ministry August 11–16, 2024
Whether you consider intentional transitional/interim ministry or not, the knowledge you gain at the Art of Transitional ministry will truly benefit your ministry! Training at Montreat is unique from all the other sites where training is offered, in that it is close by, training is offered both in person and on-line, and a tract for spouses of transitional pastors is offered.
Click here to find out more - The Art of Transitional Ministry | Montreat Conference Center
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Saturday, August 24
For the last 16 years Charleston Atlantic Presbytery has provided inspiring
and thoughtful worship and workshops at its STEPS events. So, you can count on #17 being more of the same. STEPS will take place Saturday, August 24 at Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church.
This year’s theme is One Vine, Many Branches: Are Your Branches Connected to the True Vine? The Rev. Jenny McDevitt, Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at Shandon Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC will be our preacher.
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Young Adult Volunteers
Applications are now open for the Presbyterian Mission Agency's Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program. The program is an ecumenical, faith-based year of service for young people (ages 19–30) in sites across the United States and around the world. YAVs accompany local agencies working to address root causes of poverty and reconciliation. For additional information and to apply, click here.
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In Concert - June 30th at 3 pm
Tickets: $20 adults, $15 students
Purchase Tickets online at : or in advance Monday-Thursday from 9 - 3 pm at Seneca Presbyterian Church, 115 W South 1st Street
For more information: 864-882-2505 or
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For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided Presbyterians a way to share God's love with our neighbors in need around the world.
Millions of people lack access to sustainable food sources, clean water, sanitation, education, and opportunity.
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‘Along the Road’ podcasts: recent and upcoming episodes
Five new “Along the Road” podcast episodes have been made available since November, three from the “Encounter” series for mid council and church leaders and two “Nourish” episodes for deacons and ruling elders.
Listen to all Along the Road episodes directly from the Mid Council Ministries section of or from popular streaming services.
Click here for more information
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Opportunity for High School Youth
JULY 22-27, 2024
Join us for an enriching five-day gathering at Presbyterian College, Clinton, S.C., where rising high school juniors and seniors will come together to explore their callings and gifts for leadership in the church.
Co-hosted by the Miller Summer Youth Institute at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and the Office of Spiritual Life at Presbyterian College, this unique event offers students the chance to learn from experienced faculty and staff from both institutions, to delve into vocational discernment activities, and to engage in guided theological reflection. This gathering promises to be a transformative experience for those seeking to explore their callings and who want to learn more about what the path to leadership in the church might look like!
Students can expect to engage in group discernment activities, enjoy downtime on the Presbyterian College campus and in the City of Greenville, and participate in worship. Room and board will be provided on the PC campus.
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Emmanuel Living!
October 21–23, 2024
A Montreat Conference Center event
The Wee Kirk conference aspires to provide Christ-centered opportunities for inspiration, encouragement, and community among leaders of small membership churches so they can do the same in their congregations and regions.
Rev. Audrey Hartness Reese – Conference Preacher
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Walk to Fight Suicide with Your Place of Worship
Greenville Out of the Darkness Walk
November 9, 2024, Conestee Park, Greenville
Why Start a Team? Members from communities of all types can make a difference by walking in the Out of the Darkness Community Walk, on Community Walks are a great team-building event, and a way to promote health and wellness by encouraging you to get out and walk together for a common cause. It’s an excellent way to give back to your local community, and to show your support for those affected by suicide.
Registration is open for Women's Connection 2024, August 9-11th at Montreat.
Women’s Connection 2024 will be a time for women to connect with old and new friends, a time to care for yourself; a time for space and Sabbath. As in years past, we will do this together through powerful and authentic worship led by women, space for honest and faithful conversation, and allowing time for discernment and renewing rest.
Workshop registration is also now open. Click here for more details on this conference.
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The Art of Transitional Ministry August 11–16, 2024
Whether you consider intentional transitional/interim ministry or not, the knowledge you gain at the Art of Transitional ministry will truly benefit your ministry! Training at Montreat is unique from all the other sites where training is offered, in that it is close by, training is offered both in person and on-line, and a tract for spouses of transitional pastors is offered.
Click here to find out more - The Art of Transitional Ministry | Montreat Conference Center
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Volunteer opportunities open overseas for young adults
Spend 10 months in Germany or Poland working with children and youth
by Scott O’Neill | Presbyterian News Service
LOUISVILLE —The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s World Mission ministry is collaborating with ecumenical partners in Germany and Poland to offer multiple volunteer opportunities for young adults between the ages of 19-30. Although this program targets the same demographic as PC(USA)’s Young Adult Volunteer program and is supported by YAV, the selected participants will not be part of the YAV program. Both opportunities begin in September 2024 and conclude in June 2025. Read More
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Save the Date for the 2024 Evangelism Conference!
Come join us for a journey into a more expansive and authentic understanding and practice of evangelism. For too long, evangelism has been used to grow our churches or convert people to a certain way of believing in God. This expression of evangelism has hurt many people and promoted injustice. During our gathering, we will explore how we are called to embody the good news of God’s healing and compassion — through A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice! More info to come:
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Join the Jesus & Justice Advocacy Conference, hosted by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), this fall in Charlotte, North Carolina! This conference benefits college students and seminarians who want to learn effective ways to stand up for causes they believe in, build networks and engage with advocacy topics in meaningful ways. Taking place from October 18-20 at the Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte Campus, this free event will be held annually across the country in the coming years.
College students, seminarians, and young adults in or near Charlotte are invited to attend in person.
Learn more here.
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November 9, 2024
9 am - 3 pm
Why does the Church matter in 2024 and beyond?
What makes the Church unique?
Join Educators, Youth Leaders, Volunteers, and Pastors in your area to explore these questions and more. Participants will gather in satellite locations throughout the Synod of the South Atlantic to enjoy discussions, games, fun, and meaningful conversations.
Registration is $35, lunch will be coordinated at host sites.
Session One: The Church is one of the only places in society where all six living generations gather and commune.
How is that challenging? How is that a miracle?
Session Two: What does society need right now that the Church can uniquely offer?
Keynote Presenter: Brittany Porch
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The 2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium will take place on July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY, at the Kentucky International Convention Center and surrounding hotels – all located very close to the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville.
More info coming in 2024!
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Click here to see additional
Available Jobs
on our website.
Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events |
23 Committee on Preparation for Ministry meeting
29 Courageous Conversations Writing Grp - Zoom meeting, Mid-Sized Church Pastor Gathering at Eastminster
6 Committee on Ministry meeting and Youth Roundtable
11 FP Staff Development Day
12 Music Ministry Leaders lunch
13 Committee on Shared Ministry meeting and Antiracism Policy writing team meeting
Foothills Presbytery Featured Events
Foothills Presbytery Calendar
2024 Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings
- August 3, 2024 (Virtual, if needed)
- November 12, 2024, at John Knox
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