published on February 23, 2024


All Church School Age Groups will meet this Sunday

See Program Information Below for details

Music with Miss Robin

Church School is blessed once again by the presence of Robin Sellati, who is teaching the Children (PreK-5th Grade), a song for Palm Sunday.

The song is a simple and joyful hymn titled "Hallelu, Hallelujah!"

Click HERE for a copy of the Sheet Music.

Blessing Bag Collection

During Lent we are collecting items to create Blessing Bags for people facing hardship. We chose this activity, in part, because even young children can understand how helping people who are homeless is something Jesus would want us to do, and, even young children can help put together a Blessing Bag.

We hope that you will engage your children in selecting items for this drive. This week we are collecting individual toothbrushes and toothpaste. And we hope that you will come on Sunday, March 17, from 5:00PM to 7:00PM to help put the Blessing Bags together, and enjoy dinner with Church friends.


Lent invites us to make room for God.

Laura Alary in her lovely book titled: Make Room, A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter, offers ideas for how we can grow closer to God during Lent. I invite you to discuss with your children how these activities create more space for God in our heart.

This is how to make space:

If you have done wrong, tell God you are sorry.

Sweep your heart clean and start fresh.

Be kind to all people, not just the ones who like you.

Open your heart wide.

If someone hurts you ask God to help you forgive.

Do not store up angry thoughts. Let them go.

Make space inside for better things.

Share so that everyone has enough.

If you have lots of toys, give some to someone who only has a few.

Why clutter up your life with more than you can use?

Make space for what really matters.


Sunday Morning Programs

for Children PreK - 8th Grade

Children will begin in Worship with their families.

Visiting children should be escorted to

Church School by an adult family member.

Information for February 25

PreK-K Group: Story and Play in Room 11:

Session Theme: Jesus Heals Bartimaeus

Scripture Reference: Mark 10:46-52

Dismissal: After worship, please pick up your children from room 11.

1st-5th Graders: Church School in Room 9

Session Theme: Jesus Heals Bartimaeus

Scripture Reference: Mark 10:46-52

Dismissal: After worship, please pick up your children from room 9.

6th - 8th Graders: Youth Connections in Whiting House

Session Theme: Spiritual Disciplines: Listen to God

Scripture Reference: 1 Kings 19: 7-13A

This class will go as a group to Fellowship in Parish Hall.


Church School Offering

At the beginning of church school we collect an Offering. Money

collected is added to the offering collected during Worship.


Youth Group

for 5th & 6th Graders

This youth group typically meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month during the school year, in the evening. Detailed Information is provided to participants via email.

This group is facilitated by Dawn Marchand & Christine Fitzmaurice. If you have questions, please contact Dawn Marchand, Director of Christian Education, via this LINK.


For information about our Middle & High School Youth Group please contact Skrzyniarz, Director of Youth Ministry, via this LINK.

The Faith Formation Ministry Group is working to offer a staffed childcare room later in the fall. More details coming soon. In the meantime, the Pop-up Nursery will continue to be available in the Parlor.

Pop-up Nursery: Located in the Parlor, this space welcomes families with infants and young children who need an alternative setting for part or all of the service. Our Pop-up Nursery offers

a floor mat for little ones, a comfortable chair or rocker for caregivers, and live-stream access to the service.

When Acolytes carry the flame into the worship service,

it symbolizes the light of God's presence among us.

Children in grades 4 through 8 are invited to serve as Acolytes.

No prior experience needed!

For more information please contact Dawn Marchand by clicking here.


Please do not hesitate to email Dawn Marchand with any questions about the information included in this E-blast, or any of our Children's Faith Formation Programs.