At A Glance

The Paul Engler Scholar Program

Where in the World is Willow Kate?

Couch and Robinson Professorships

Circadian Rhythms in Mice

USDA ARS and Texas A&M AgriLife Field Day

Dates To Remember

October 13: Midterms

The Paul Engler Scholar Program

The Paul Engler Scholar Program, through the Department of Agricultural Sciences,

is a scholarship program in which recipients meet a selection criteria.

This scholarship is renewable for up to four years.

The selected students are required to be full-time students

in the Department of Agriculture Sciences, maintain a GPA of 3.0,

and be involved in at least one department organization a year.

Preference is given to those who display leadership

and have a desire to impact the agricultural industry.

Mr. Paul Engler and Scholars

Where in the World is Willow Kate?

Dr. Sara-Louise Newcomer, Dr. Russell and Natrelle Long Professor

and Director of the Companion Animal Program,

and Willow Kate, AKC Labrador Retriever, are a registered therapy dog team

through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD).

Dr. Newcomer and Willow Kate were regulars at the Canyon Farmers Market,

which was held on the town square every Saturday from June to September.

Dr. Newcomer shared that going to the Farmer’s Market

allowed Willow Kate to experience lots of training and enjoyment. 

She shared that there are many dogs to see and not bark at,

people who want to pet Willow Kate, and many fun booths

with dog items, such as treats and bandannas. 

"One of our favorite booths is Shelby’s Rufftastic Creations by Shelby Hunley. 

Shelby is pictured with Willow Kate and Shelby’s little sister."

-Dr. Sara-Louise Newcomer

Couch and Robinson Professorships Established

Couch Family Professorship of Extension Education

Dr. Lance Kieth, Associate Dean of External Relations and Recruiting,

has been appointed as the Couch Family Professor of Extension Education.

This Professorship is named for John and Lennis Couch

and daughters Annette and Dr. Martha Couch,

who spent 36 years working for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.

This Professorship was established to honor the family legacy of commitment to youth education through enrichment activities such as 4-H, FFA,

and agriculture extension programs.

Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson Professorship in Livestock Judging

Mr. Michael Semler, Livestock Judging Coach and Instructor,

has been appointed as the Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson Professor of Livestock Judging.

This Professorship is named for a legendary extension agent and longtime WT professor

and internship coordinator and his wife, Dr. Bob and Cleo Robinson.

This Professorship was establish to advance the teaching, research,

and service activities by supporting the livestock judging team leadership.

Click Here to Learn More

Circadian Rhythms in Mice

Joey Zimmerman, B.S. Chemistry '23, now M.S. Biology,

and Jeff Jackson, B.S. Biology '23, were collaborators in a chronobiology study

this past summer, alongside Dr. Stephen Karaganis, Associate Professor of Biology.

 In these photos, student researchers are shown sampling over a 24-hour period

as part of an experiment to investigate circadian rhythms in mice. 

Infrared viewers are used when sampling in the dark

in order to avoid disturbing rhythms under controlled environmental conditions.

USDA ARS and Texas A&M AgriLife Field Day

USDA Agriculture Research Service (ARS) and Texas A&M AgriLife hosted a Field Day

in Bushland, which provided an opportunity to showcase their research to growers,

industry representatives, and producer groups. 

Some of the research highlighted included advances in beef cattle nutrition,

development of drought-tolerant corn hybrids, mobile drip and LESA irrigation comparisons, land application of dairy manure, and dry land and limited irrigation of forage crop rotations. 

More than 17 highly relevant and impactful

agricultural research trials were presented throughout the day. 

A Moment with Mrs. Bachman

Dr. Pond's Ponder

On Saturday, we celebrated the Fall Gather at WTAMU.

It was a partnership between WT Athletics,

the agriculture industry of the Texas Panhandle,

and a great group of students who developed and coordinated the event.

All who attended (over 635 were served a delicious meal)

couldn't help but be impressed with the food,

organization, and fellowship that occurred.

This is a perfect example of thinking BIG, sharing a vision,

and gathering like-minded people to plan and orchestrate a tremendous event. There is absolutely no doubt that these students have made their parents proud, and the University is pleased to have such outstanding students and leaders.

Sorry if you missed the inaugural event,

but hopefully you may have another chance to experience the Fall Gather next year.

There will be additional coverage of the Fall Gather in future issues of the Buff Brief!

Have a great week!

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