At A Glance

AMSA South Region Student Board Member

ACS at the Discovery Center

Digital Marketing Competition Finalists

Entomological Society

2024 TSCRA Convention

Circadian Biology and Medicine Research

Beef Industry Safety Summit

Buffs at Home

Buffs on the Move

Dates to Remember

May 1: Last Class Day

May 2: Dead Day

May 3: Finals Begin

May 11: Donuts with the Dean and Commencement

AMSA South Region Student Board Member

Ryan Heitschmidt, Sr. Animal Science,

was elected by meat industry student peers

as the 2024-2025 South Region

Student Board of Director.

This coming year, Ryan will represent

his meat science student community

at multiple American Meat Science Association

and meat industry events nationally,

as well as work behind the scenes

to prepare meat science content and events.

ACS Demonstrations:

Don Harrington Discovery Center

Every year, the American Chemical Society (ACS) takes a week to celebrate Earth Day

with a specific theme. This year's theme was the

“celebration of batteries and the role that they play in generating a more sustainable world.” 


Members of the WT ACS Student Chapter, along with their adviser,

Dr. Nick Flynn, Professor of Biochemistry, presented 14 different demonstrations

to over 300 elementary students at the Don Harrington Discovery Center on April 19th.

Attending students had the opportunity to ask questions about batteries and see demonstrations

ranging from an energy tube to a solar cricket to a lemon battery.

“Scientists have an obligation to light the fire of curiosity in our younger generation

and inspire them to want to pursue a career in STEM fields.

I am very proud of the student volunteers

who donated their time to participate in this celebration,” shared Dr. Flynn.

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week

Digital Marketing Competition: Top Four Finalists

Kyndall Hill, M.S. Agriculture,

and teammate Mehrdad Samimi, M.B.A.,

were top four finalists

in the Digital Marketing Competition,

a national marketing competition

hosted by Perdue University

Northwest's College of Business.

As part of Dr. Mary Liz Brooks' MKT*5343, Emerging Media in Advertising,

the students had to develop a digital marketing campaign in less than two months

for LuvSeats, an event ticketing platform based in Las Vegas.

The campaign had to incorporate digital marketing tactics, research, target markets, campaign strategy,

a timeline and budget, and methods to measure success of the campaign.

Southwestern Entomological Society Conference

Ms. Joy Newton, Instructor of Biology,

Ms. Erin Jones,

Instructor of Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science,

and two entomology

competitive teams made of six students,

recently attended the 2024 Entomological Society

of America Southwestern Branch Annual Meetings

in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Ms. Newton and Ms. Jones both presented research

and students competed in the Linnaean games

and an entomology quiz bowl tournament.

The student teams are comprised of students studying invertebrates.

Team 1

Jacie Guerrero, Jr. Plant, Soil,

and Environmental Science

Ms. Erin Jones, Ph.D. Agriculture

Tiffany Montana, Jr. Biology

Jesus Elliot Lopez, So. Wildlife Biology

Team 2

Grace Millsap, Sr. Wildlife Biology

Athena Newman, Sr. Plant, Soil,

and Environmental Science

Chambie Elliott, So. Wildlife Biology

Coached by Ms. Joy Newton

Texas & Southwest Cattle Raisers Association Convention

WT AG was well represented

at the Texas & Southwestern

Cattle Raisers Association convention

by interns, employees, vendors

and graduate student poster contest competitors.

Poster Contest

Kenleigh Wells, M.S. Animal Science, 3rd place

Ashby Dauer, M.S. Animal Science

Emily Efird, M.S. Animal Science

George Graybill, Sr. Animal Science, served as a convention intern

and was an integral part in the behind-the-scenes work to makes the convention possible

for association members and industry stakeholders.

Also in attendance were Jacie Pennington, So. Agricultural Media and Communication,

who served as the policy spring intern in Austin, Dr. Lance Kieth, Associate Dean of External Relations and Recruiting and Couch Family Professor of Extension Education,

and Annie Valicek, Sr. Agricultural Business and Economics.

L to R: Koelle Brandenberger, B.S. Agricultural Business and Economics '23,

worked as TSCRA’s spring intern after her graduation from WT in December 2023,

Baily Summers, B.S. Agribusiness ’21 and M.S. Agriculture ’23, attended as a vendor,

Ashby Dauer, M.S. Animal Science, Kenleigh Wells, M.S. Animal Science,

Emily Efird, M.S. Animal Science, Paige Holbrooks, M.S. Agriculture,

George Graybill, Sr. Animal Science, Addie Brown, So. Agricultural Media and Communication.

Texas Society

for Circadian Biology and Medicine Research

The Texas Society for Circadian Biology and Medicine Conference

was recently held at Texas A&M University.

Dr. Stephen Karaganis, Associate Professor of Biology, Joey Zimmerman, M.S. Biology,

and David Hardin, Sr. Psychology.

Joey presented on their behalf:

"Circadian Rhythms in Mice: Entrainment of Peripheral Serotonin and Platelets."

Michael Young, 2017 Nobel winner in Medicine and Physiology, served at the keynote speaker.

Learn about the TSCBM meeting

Beef Industry Safety Summit

Dr. Ty Lawrence, Caviness Davis

Distinguished Chair in Meat Science

and Professor of Animal Science and Director

of the Beef Carcass Research Center (BCRC),

Dr. Loni Lucherk, Dr. Gordon W. Davis

Chair in Meat Judging and Assistant Professor

of Animal Science, Dr. Trent Schwartz,

Assistant Professor of Meat Science,

Zane Platter, M.S. Agriculture,

and Taylor Loeffler, M.S. Agriculture,

attended the 2024 Beef Industry Safety Summit.

The Beef Industry Food Safety Council (BIFSCo) collaborates with the Beef Checkoff Program

and other sponsors to host an annual

Beef Industry Safety Summit.

Taylor was one of four students selected to do an oral presentation on her abstract entitled

"Association of Salmonella prevalence and levels in subiliac lymph nodes of DFD beef carcasses."

Save the Date: Donuts with the Dean

Buffs at Home

Guests who visited the

Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

in April!

4-H Entomology

D1 4-H Competition

Elanco Animal Health

National Ranch

and Stock Horse Alliance Collegiate Championship Show Awards Banquet

Reeder Cattle

Lunch and Learn

Texas Cattle

Feeders Association

Texas Farm Bureau ENGAGE Conference

Buffs on the Move

Students, faculty and staff represented the

Paul Engler College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences

traveling in April!



Ft. Collins




Twin Falls




Bracken Cave


College Station

Ft. Worth

Lake Meredith



San Antonio





Dodge City



New Mexico





A Moment with Mrs. Bachman

Pond's Ponder

Recently I have been going through things that my deceased mother sent to me

 over the years. She lived alone in the home I was raised.

Our daily ritual was for her to send me a thought or quote via email that I would respond to. It kept her mind sharp, allowed me to glean even more of her wisdom

and provided a great way for both of us to know that all was well.

One of the quotes I recently found was:

 “ What lies behind you is not nearly as important as what lies within you.”

She may have modified a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson to fit her thoughts,

but there is no doubt that she truly believed that character is the most important thing

we possess and that we each are responsible for creating and maintaining our character!

Let’s keep that thought as we go through our daily lives.

It will have a positive and lasting effect on everyone and especially on you.

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