"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
~Isaiah 43:19~

Dear Friends:
The girls are here! We welcomed them into the home on Saturday Jan 22 and they had the weekend to settle in a bit. They began school on Monday and have finished their first week strong. It is so wonderful to have life back in the school! To hear their voices and get to know their personalities... It's amazing to watch God work in so many ways through this... in the students, in the staff, through relationships and so much more. Healing is being witnessed and it is so beautiful to see!
One of our past graduates has also reached out. She is living on her own and working full-time which is a huge praise, but she is in need of a reliable car. If you or anyone you know is willing to donate a car or has one that they would sell for a great price, please reach out and let us know. We would love to be able to bless her in this way. Thank you for considering this! Email christen@agapehouseheals.org or call 262-275-6466.

Please join us in praising Him for:
~What the girls have learned already and been able to apply to their lives as they had their first weekend back home.
~Wisdom, discernment and provision in one of our programs that will benefit our donors.
~The healing we are continuing to see throughout our staff, thank you for your prayers!

Please also join us in prayer for:
~Weekends to be safe for the teens as they return home, and the transitions back and forth. For their strength, to stand firm in what they are learning and to lean on the Lord through it all.
~That we remain united as a staff, continue to grow together, and keep Christ at the center of our ministry.
~Our executive director Kym is back to work after a hard battle with covid and pneumonia. Our founder and CEO, Pam, is also returning part-time in February from her battle with breast cancer. God is good!

Group photo of the girls as they arrived and were settling in...

The girls' first day of school...

Some of the boys' artwork...

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