Thank you for participating in AUGIE and your leadership on the Executive Committee

We have an opportunity for you to help us. AUGIE uses Workstorm to continue discussions between meetings. Workstorm is a service similar to Slack, Teams and other solutions and it's very easy to use. It provides a lot of functionality to enhance the work we do.
Are you using Workstorm yet? If not, we'd love for you to get involved. In fact, we have already set up 
an Exec Leaders Team on Workstorm.
Can you update your Notifications on Workstorm? We'll use this to communicate with you between meetings. We're sure you'll find it to be a great resource to find documents and conversations, versus having to search through your emails.

Notifications are the best way to ensure that you are engaged in the conversations on Workstorm.

To enable your notifications, please go to the settings icon at the top right of Workstorm.
  • In account settings, scroll down to “Notifications”.
  • In the upper right corner, turn on “all notifications”. This will enable all of your options, which you may then customize based on your interests.
Desktop Notifications
  • Announcementsyou can decide whether or not you want them
  • Teamsyou can adjust the teams you're on to your specific interests
  • Private MessagesAUGIE members can message you privately

Email Notifications – If you would like an email, please activate these options
Additional Discussions on Workstorm

When you learn of an AUGIE topic you want to be engaged in, email to request that you be added to that Team in Workstorm. 

The topics are always evolving, but the current teams are:
  1. Submission ID and Tracking
  2.  Credentialling and Provisioning
  3. eDocs – encouraging carriers to add more, and resolving the naming issue that is being caused by some of the policy admin systems
  4. Agribusiness – breaking it down to make some momentum in improving how data is shared
  5. Download issues and enhancements – Did you see this email blast or post on LinkedIn -
  6. Claims download is also available, although no active conversations occurring at this time
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